Hi from Jasper, remember me?

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TCS Member
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Jan 28, 2004
Northern California
Wow, yeah, those bags IS skary, I think it bettr for us kats to leave them alone.....


TCS Member
Apr 26, 2001
Ingersoll, ON
Originally Posted by carolcat

Thank you very much. We appreciates it and me and Tia sending hugs and kisses to YUR meowmy too, specially Tia. Her is getting lots bigger now, well not big compaired to ME of course, but meomwy sez she still members how tiny lil Tia wuz when she first camed here. Meomwy is silly, her gets teary eyed when she talk about tiny kitten Tia
, but I remembers she WUZ small. She was so little than when she first came meomwy could hold her in ONE hand, but she sure can't NOW
! Meomwy can hold her in one ARM tho, but she usually uses both so she can cuddle her and pet and kiss her too, Hiiiiisssss, uh, er, I meen YUK, ahem, who likes THAT mushy stuff anyways?
I knows a secret but I can't tell.
I wood tell YOU Bijou, but yur meomwy mite read this so I can't, yur "bro" jasper

hi there big brother and sister and of course meowmy linda, kiss kiss...puuuurrrrrr. thanks for praying for the lil puppy, i feels sorry for him, he gots to go to the bad place alla time and get hurted by the doctors
. i hopes you all doing good and i sending lovies to my canada meowmy linda, luv tia
My meowmy still remembers tiny Tia too and she gets all mushy when she thinks about her flying all the way to California by herself. Meowmy said it was the hardest thing she ever had to do to put little Tia on that airplaine all by herself.

Jasper, you can tell me the secret, I won't tell meowmy.

But I bet she is really curious now!

Meowmy says to tell Tia thanks for the love, it makes her all warm and fuzzy she says. (She's not all that fuzzy if you ask me though!)


Staff Member
Jun 25, 2005
Boy we not visit our frens for awhile and so much happens. Furst, we sez a lil prayer for Chili. We hope he gets better.

Pixel really had a scary time. Meomy trys to be good and not let us get into bags.

We are reely curyous abowt tis secret tat Jasper and Tia have. Can hardly wayt.

Not a hole lot happening here. We just wayting fer the weekend wen meomy and pawpa are staying home. It is reely windy so it is a good thing we dont go outside - we'd just blow away. I'm reely glad tat Elsa fownd a ferever home with Meowmy Kim. Otterwise, she mite blow away.

I'm thinking it is time to go wak Karlee and restle wit Much.

Later, Luze


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 5, 2005
Golden, Colorado
I reely glad I found a home too. It was cold under the trayler, even tho Meowmy tryed to make me a box wif blankets to keep me warm. I tries to be a really good kitty to let her no I'm glad. Now dat all my health problems are over, I ack really good at home!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 20, 2005
Orig. from Texas.. Currently in Minnesota (again)
mornin efurbody have you heard that we are moving? meowmy is going round the hose like a mad woman throwing stuff here and there its crwazy!!!. she even closed a box on ailey yesterday she didn't know ailey was in there and just put the lid on but ailey meowed before meowmy goted it taped.
well at least i know that she didn't mean to caus she gave me lots of scritches and a snack cause she felt so bad.
the new puppy nahima is gross! meowmy has to block off the LB cause she likes to eat our poopies so meowmy blocks them off and when she sees us head that way she follows us so she can get it out before the puppy does.
meowmy said that shes wishes nahima came with a crate so she could house break her easier. she said she is going to get one when we get to gammies
we have never seen gammie an pawpaw we hears they has a kitty his name is Oakley and they has a beagle named buddie
HEY! we has a pup named buddy wow this is gonna get confusin.
im kinda scared of moving last time we moved was when that mean person took us away from our real meowmy and left us in that box at the bad place.
oh isis its ok i think it will be fun to move besides if that mean man hadn't of dropped us off we wouldn't have found meowmy.
hes right isis (for a change

HEY!!! I heard that!!!
oops gotta run efurrbody we hopes you all has a nice day. pssst i heard someone had kittens lastnight did you guyses read that!!!?



TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2004
SW Indiana
Hello, Tia, my love!
I'm heading to Smudge's. Can't wait to see you there!

Pixel, sorry to hear about the bag. I've gotten bags on me, but they don't scare me.

Hope the move goes smoothly Isis, Salem, and Ailey! Just stay out of those packing boxes. No treats in there!


Darksome Duo!
Top Cat
Sep 3, 2003
Denton TX
Originally Posted by gemlady

Hello, Tia, my love!
I'm heading to Smudge's. Can't wait to see you there!

Pixel, sorry to hear about the bag. I've gotten bags on me, but they don't scare me.

Hope the move goes smoothly Isis, Salem, and Ailey! Just stay out of those packing boxes. No treats in there!
Well, I have to admit, she told me to leave it alone, but I just couldn't resist it...I'm okay, though - no bruises or anything. Thanks for all the sympathy, all of you! ~ Pixel


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2004
Statesboro, GA
hey frens! that movin is xcitin! we bet you got lotsa boxes to play wif? wen is the big movin day?
Originally Posted by Mom2SalemIsis

mornin efurbody have you heard that we are moving? meowmy is going round the hose like a mad woman throwing stuff here and there its crwazy!!!. she even closed a box on ailey yesterday she didn't know ailey was in there and just put the lid on but ailey meowed before meowmy goted it taped.
well at least i know that she didn't mean to caus she gave me lots of scritches and a snack cause she felt so bad.
the new puppy nahima is gross! meowmy has to block off the LB cause she likes to eat our poopies so meowmy blocks them off and when she sees us head that way she follows us so she can get it out before the puppy does.
meowmy said that shes wishes nahima came with a crate so she could house break her easier. she said she is going to get one when we get to gammies
we have never seen gammie an pawpaw we hears they has a kitty his name is Oakley and they has a beagle named buddie
HEY! we has a pup named buddy wow this is gonna get confusin.
im kinda scared of moving last time we moved was when that mean person took us away from our real meowmy and left us in that box at the bad place.
oh isis its ok i think it will be fun to move besides if that mean man hadn't of dropped us off we wouldn't have found meowmy.
hes right isis (for a change

HEY!!! I heard that!!!
oops gotta run efurrbody we hopes you all has a nice day. pssst i heard someone had kittens lastnight did you guyses read that!!!?



Staff Member
Jun 25, 2005
Originally Posted by gemlady

Hope the move goes smoothly Isis, Salem, and Ailey! Just stay out of those packing boxes. No treats in there!
Ari, you silly lil one. Boxes don't need treets to be fun. We luv boxes. No matter how small or bit, boxes are the best.


TCS Member
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Jan 28, 2004
Northern California
Originally Posted by katachtig

Boy we not visit our frens for awhile and so much happens. Furst, we sez a lil prayer for Chili. We hope he gets better.

Pixel really had a scary time. Meomy trys to be good and not let us get into bags.

We are reely curyous abowt tis secret tat Jasper and Tia have. Can hardly wayt.

Not a hole lot happening here. We just wayting fer the weekend wen meomy and pawpa are staying home. It is reely windy so it is a good thing we dont go outside - we'd just blow away. I'm reely glad tat Elsa fownd a ferever home with Meowmy Kim. Otterwise, she mite blow away.

I'm thinking it is time to go wak Karlee and restle wit Much.

Later, Luze
Dere Luzee, thanks for ritin to us first of all. Second thanks for praying for Chili, he a sweet puppy an don deserve alla this troble. We prayin that he gets all well this time an don have to have another surgee

I is sure yur meomwy not let you have bags on purpose. Meowmy have to watch Tia like crazy, she goes after any bag she see but specially the plastic ones
. Meomwy tell her "no no" but she pretends she deaf when she gots a bag and tryin to run off with it! She NO'S meomwy don't want her to mess wif them but she try to steel them anyway. She has gotted her head in the handle on the bags before too, but she so little her whole body just fit right through so she not get her head caught, she just walk rite thro the hole!

Meowmy sez I can't tell nokitty the secret cuz meomwy Linda might find out! Meomwy sez moemwys read our mails somtimes and then it woodnt be a secret anymore.....sides efurryone will know in 14 dayz or less anyways.....NO meomwy I am NOT giving hints!! sheesh!

alrite, my turn! hi luzee, carlee and much. i hope that you is going to have a good weekend wif your meomwy and daddy. we is, an i hopin it won't rain but i think it will. well that's all i have to say, just wanted to say hi to you, luv tia


TCS Member
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Jan 28, 2004
Northern California
Originally Posted by Mom2SalemIsis

mornin efurbody have you heard that we are moving? meowmy is going round the hose like a mad woman throwing stuff here and there its crwazy!!!. she even closed a box on ailey yesterday she didn't know ailey was in there and just put the lid on but ailey meowed before meowmy goted it taped.
well at least i know that she didn't mean to caus she gave me lots of scritches and a snack cause she felt so bad.
the new puppy nahima is gross! meowmy has to block off the LB cause she likes to eat our poopies so meowmy blocks them off and when she sees us head that way she follows us so she can get it out before the puppy does.
meowmy said that shes wishes nahima came with a crate so she could house break her easier. she said she is going to get one when we get to gammies
we have never seen gammie an pawpaw we hears they has a kitty his name is Oakley and they has a beagle named buddie
HEY! we has a pup named buddy wow this is gonna get confusin.
im kinda scared of moving last time we moved was when that mean person took us away from our real meowmy and left us in that box at the bad place.
oh isis its ok i think it will be fun to move besides if that mean man hadn't of dropped us off we wouldn't have found meowmy.
hes right isis (for a change

HEY!!! I heard that!!!
oops gotta run efurrbody we hopes you all has a nice day. pssst i heard someone had kittens lastnight did you guyses read that!!!?

Dere Salem, Ailey and Isis, thankz for ritin to me and Tia. Wow, sounds reel excitin at YUR house alrite!! Me an TT love boxes, I can understand how yur meomwy mite not notice that Ailey had jumped in the box reel quik and started to close it! A couple of times me or TT has been shut in the closet! Not quite the same but similar! That yukky that the puppy likes to eat poo poo from the litterbox
!! I don no what else to say sides ICK!!
Me and Tia wishes you and yur meomwy a safe move and lots of fun at yur new house. We be waiting to hear bout yur new place, yur friends jasper and tia


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 20, 2005
Orig. from Texas.. Currently in Minnesota (again)
Originally Posted by batgirl2good

hey frens! that movin is xcitin! we bet you got lotsa boxes to play wif? wen is the big movin day?
meowmy sas we leavin at "o dark thirty" on the 1st of feb. i don't think its gonna be much fun cause meowmy says that its gonna take almost 3 days to get to grammies!! she said she would drive straight through cept that shes gonna have us kitties and the hooman kids and shes gonna have to stop about every 2-3 hours so we can stretch and go potty and the little ones can walk around and meowmy can stretch her back. we has to ride in the carrier (yuk!). we got LOTS of boxes lol they all over the place!!! meowmy sas she is gonna miss takling to alla her frens here but that she will get to grammies and set up the puter right away and let efur one know we made it ok. gotta go meowmy need us to help pack r toys.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2004
Statesboro, GA
wow, thats a long way! we sawry you gots to stay in de carrier, but you get to go to a motell, rite?
We be tinking of you wen you go. do you gotta miss bean on the pooter wen you're gettin dere?
Originally Posted by Mom2SalemIsis

meowmy sas we leavin at "o dark thirty" on the 1st of feb. i don't think its gonna be much fun cause meowmy says that its gonna take almost 3 days to get to grammies!! she said she would drive straight through cept that shes gonna have us kitties and the hooman kids and shes gonna have to stop about every 2-3 hours so we can stretch and go potty and the little ones can walk around and meowmy can stretch her back. we has to ride in the carrier (yuk!). we got LOTS of boxes lol they all over the place!!! meowmy sas she is gonna miss takling to alla her frens here but that she will get to grammies and set up the puter right away and let efur one know we made it ok. gotta go meowmy need us to help pack r toys.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2004
Statesboro, GA
jasper. we cited, but we can wayte dat meny daze, we think, speshully if you give us more hints, er, we meen, jes tawk to us some so we dont miss you.


TCS Member
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Jan 28, 2004
Northern California
Originally Posted by Mom2SalemIsis

meowmy sas we leavin at "o dark thirty" on the 1st of feb. i don't think its gonna be much fun cause meowmy says that its gonna take almost 3 days to get to grammies!! she said she would drive straight through cept that shes gonna have us kitties and the hooman kids and shes gonna have to stop about every 2-3 hours so we can stretch and go potty and the little ones can walk around and meowmy can stretch her back. we has to ride in the carrier (yuk!). we got LOTS of boxes lol they all over the place!!! meowmy sas she is gonna miss takling to alla her frens here but that she will get to grammies and set up the puter right away and let efur one know we made it ok. gotta go meowmy need us to help pack r toys.
That IS a long way, meomwy sez she will mark it on her calander so we will remember to pray for you all to have a safe and smooth trip. We is also glad to hear that you are being so good to help yur meowmy wif the packin....what good helper kittys you are. We likes to help our meomwy too, but sometimes she doesn't seem to appreciate our efforts, yur friends jasper and tia


TCS Member
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Jan 28, 2004
Northern California
Originally Posted by batgirl2good

jasper. we cited, but we can wayte dat meny daze, we think, speshully if you give us more hints, er, we meen, jes tawk to us some so we dont miss you.
Dere S + H, I can't say any more, I already gots in troble for telling, er SAYING what I did! Meowmy sez she going to watch close and if I try to give any hints I will be on restriction till the surprize isn't a surprize anymore
. Sides even if she DINT notice, tia wood probably tell on me

hi s + h, this is tia, it won't be long till efurrybody kno's so jus try to be patient, k? i don want my canada meowmy linda to find out what it is ! it can't be a surprize if you nos what it is, rite? thanks and pleze help jasper to be good and not tell, luv tia


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2004
Statesboro, GA
yah, jasper, we no gurls can't keep there moufs shut.

Originally Posted by carolcat

Dere S + H, I can't say any more, I already gots in troble for telling, er SAYING what I did! Meowmy sez she going to watch close and if I try to give any hints I will be on restriction till the surprize isn't a surprize anymore
. Sides even if she DINT notice, tia wood probably tell on me

hi s + h, this is tia, it won't be long till efurrybody kno's so jus try to be patient, k? i don want my canada meowmy linda to find out what it is ! it can't be a surprize if you nos what it is, rite? thanks and pleze help jasper to be good and not tell, luv tia
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