Giving my cat Metronidazole


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 1, 2015
My cat was tested positive for Giardia. Her vet prescribed liquid Metronidazole. Trying to give my cat this medicine is going as bad as it possibly could. I've tried putting her between my legs and hold her body while someone else puts the syringe into the side of her mouth, but she just flails her body and head and bits at the syringe. I've also tried grabbing her scruff. Nothing has been working and most of the medicine ends up on me. She also spits up and drools a lot, which I've read is a side-effect. 

I called her vet and they said there aren't any alternatives. They said the pill would most likely not work because the second she tastes it, she will just spit it out, even if I put it in a pocket. They recommended that I grab as much scruff as I possibly can and turn her head upwards. I plan to try this tonight, but I don't have a good feeling that this will work at all.

Anyone have any suggestions? Thanks!


TCS Member
Jun 19, 2003
East Coast, USA
My cat was tested positive for Giardia. Her vet prescribed liquid Metronidazole. Trying to give my cat this medicine is going as bad as it possibly could. I've tried putting her between my legs and hold her body while someone else puts the syringe into the side of her mouth, but she just flails her body and head and bits at the syringe. I've also tried grabbing her scruff. Nothing has been working and most of the medicine ends up on me. She also spits up and drools a lot, which I've read is a side-effect. 

I called her vet and they said there aren't any alternatives. They said the pill would most likely not work because the second she tastes it, she will just spit it out, even if I put it in a pocket. They recommended that I grab as much scruff as I possibly can and turn her head upwards. I plan to try this tonight, but I don't have a good feeling that this will work at all.

Anyone have any suggestions? Thanks!
If you can dose appropriately with a pill, and you put it in a pill pocket, you could then basically shoot it down her throat with a pill gun.  Is the liquid  compounded with a flavor like chicken or fish, if not that may help explain the issue, but to be fair, even compounded it tastes awful and cats hate it.

There is another possibility though and that's Panacur (Fenbendazole), at least worth discussing with your vet although Metro is the usual way to go.  You can also burrito wrap your cat to administer... see link.


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
You can also buy empty gel caps and put a foul tasting pill into a gel cap and give it that way..  The cat cannot taste anything going down.  Local pharmacies may sell the empty gel caps.  I k now you can get them on Amazon, although I understand you need them NOW.  Perhaps you could even put the liquid inside the gelcaps, since that's that ou already have. 

OR, I wonder if it would help, if you did the burrito wrap to give the liquid, if you chased it with a little tuna juice in another syringe.  Or at least chase it with some water to try to help wash away the taste. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 22, 2015
I'd recommend trying the pill, if the liquid is causing this much trouble. You are wasting the med, and also setting up a bad, repetitive experience your cat won't forget, by still trying the liquid form, in my opinion.

I'd still put the pill dose inside a pill pocket, and I would smoosh a small amount of some fresh parmesan cheese into the surface of the pill pocket just before you try to give it to her (most cats like the smell and taste of fresh grated parmesan cheese). What you want to try to aim for is a taste, or a treat, that your cat normally "inhales", or wolfs down in a quick gobble, to try to get her to avoid chewing on the pill pocket itself (and hence, spitting out the awful-tasting metronidazole once she "finds" it hidden in there). Do you know of any treats or tastes your cat just adores, to give concurrently with the pill pocket? You could also give the pill pocket and then follow it up immediately with one of her favorite tastes or treats... almost like "chasing down" the pill with a yummy goodie.
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cat pal

TCS Member
Adult Cat
Oct 19, 2014
My vet got metronidazole compounded into a gelcap for me at a compounding pharmacy, gave it my skittish cat for over a month and she didn't taste a thing, it may have been more costly - not sure. Ask your vet about getting metro compounded into a gelcap. It's the way to go! 


TCS Member
Jun 25, 2015
Esanders323 I had to give Dali Metronidazole the other week - along with clamoxyl and a probiotic paste that the vet gave me as he had some sort of infection which was giving him the runs etc, I only managed to pill him once with the Metro, it is so bitter tasting poor kitties - what I found I could do is crush the tablet with a couple of spoons and mix it with some of the probiotic paste (which smelled like cooked spaghetti) or with some malt lick paste and he would take it then, if you don't have the probiotic I would ask your vet if they could give you some as its obviously important your kitty gets the antibiotic.

I was so stressed out when he was ill and giving him all these tablets and things and was trying everything I could to hide the taste - it won't even be hidden in tinned tuna!

I hope she's better soon!

cat pal

TCS Member
Adult Cat
Oct 19, 2014

This isn't the pharmacy I used, but just to show you your options: I used tasteless capsules recently with my cat Vivian.

I have learned a lot about pets and medicine in 10 years - the same two cats I have now plus a third got Giardia, when they were a year old.

The vet just said - here give them this and good luck - and handed me that horrid liquid and some powder that I was somehow supposed to get into them. It was a horror show that lasted for weeks, as Giardia was persistent and took a very long time to resolve in one of my cats. This time around, when treating IBD, I was a little wiser and asked how can this med be rendered tasteless - it can be done through your "local" compounding pharmacy. This way you know the animal is getting full dose and not spitting it out all over, salivating excessively, struggling mightily - I think all this contributed to my cat Willis being sick for too long - he lost nearly 1/3 of his body weight. It was awful. good luck~
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 1, 2015
I talked to the vet today and they told me the current medication is compounded with pet tinic. They said that they can go compound it into a flavor, but they didn't think that it would make much of a difference as it is so bitter.

I did get some of the tablets today. I'm trying to find where I can get some small gel caps, but so far no luck.


handsome kitty

TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2014
Newark CA
When I had to give this to my cat I mixed it with a little bit of gerber baby food and put fresh smelly treats on top.  I also fed it before meals so she was hungry.  I was so glad when I was done with that stuff.  I had a 2nd awful medicine to give a the same time.  wound up giving that one w/tuna juice after meals.
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  • #11


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 1, 2015
I found some empty gel caps (size 5) on amazon and was able to order it for same day delivery (for free!) so I should be able to try the pills tonight. 

My plan is to wrap the gel cap in a pill pocket. Hopefully she swallows the pill!


TCS Member
Jun 19, 2003
East Coast, USA
I found some empty gel caps (size 5) on amazon and was able to order it for same day delivery (for free!) so I should be able to try the pills tonight. 

My plan is to wrap the gel cap in a pill pocket. Hopefully she swallows the pill!
Congrats and how did you score free same day delivery!? I could use me some of that :-)
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 1, 2015
I got the empty gelatin caps last night. I can't believe how quick they delivered it. I ordered them around 10:00 am and they were delivered at 7:00 pm that day. They were shipped from Lexington, Kentucky with is about 3.5 hours away from me. They were a bit expensive, and I'm going to have 988 left over, but it was well worth it. I put the empty gel cap in a pill pocket and my cat ate it right up! 

Here is what I bought: 


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
I got the empty gelatin caps last night. I can't believe how quick they delivered it. I ordered them around 10:00 am and they were delivered at 7:00 pm that day. They were shipped from Lexington, Kentucky with is about 3.5 hours away from me. They were a bit expensive, and I'm going to have 988 left over, but it was well worth it. I put the empty gel cap in a pill pocket and my cat ate it right up! 

Here is what I bought: 
Well, you never know when you might need those extra 998

SO glad it's easier now


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 17, 2014
We're having the same trouble with this liquid med. :( I tried putting it her food, only once did she eat it up. I think it's a mistake though b/c the second and third time I tried, even just adding a tiny bit of the .75 ml our Molly is  supposed to get, she wouldn't eat the food. I don't want to risk her rejecting the food altogether w/o the med.

I guess we could try it in tuna juice but if that fails the only option will be to wrap her in a towel and syringe it in, she's going to hate us. :(


TCS Member
Jun 19, 2003
East Coast, USA
We're having the same trouble with this liquid med. :( I tried putting it her food, only once did she eat it up. I think it's a mistake though b/c the second and third time I tried, even just adding a tiny bit of the .75 ml our Molly is  supposed to get, she wouldn't eat the food. I don't want to risk her rejecting the food altogether w/o the med.

I guess we could try it in tuna juice but if that fails the only option will be to wrap her in a towel and syringe it in, she's going to hate us. :(
You can also get it compounded into a chew able pill that tastes fine.  Liquid Metro tastes awful beyond measure.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 17, 2014
You can also get it compounded into a chew able pill that tastes fine.  Liquid Metro tastes awful beyond measure.
Thanks. Between the medication, the Rx probiotic and the vet visit, CBC, culture, etc., we've already spent $600 - I just can't afford to get the med compounded.

I tasted the med, to me it is tasteless but I guess kitty's refined and sensitive palate, it has a taste.

I don't know why the liquid form isn't just made to disguise the flavor without people having to go have it compounded or whatever.  Maybe use the dreaded animal digest that's used in kibble and Forti Flora - and just prescribe it that way, it would save people a lot of hassle.

Thanks again.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jul 13, 2015
Washington State USA
Thanks. Between the medication, the Rx probiotic and the vet visit, CBC, culture, etc., we've already spent $600 - I just can't afford to get the med compounded.

I tasted the med, to me it is tasteless but I guess kitty's refined and sensitive palate, it has a taste.

I don't know why the liquid form isn't just made to disguise the flavor without people having to go have it compounded or whatever.  Maybe use the dreaded animal digest that's used in kibble and Forti Flora - and just prescribe it that way, it would save people a lot of hassle.

Thanks again.
LisaMarie12, I feel for you, i really do!  My beloved Tiger had to take Metronodiazole and Clavamox when she had pancreatitis- it was horrible tasting and I felt horrible for having to give them to her even though the metronodiazole was compounded that chicken flavor did not mask the bitterness one bit.  Once your kitty tastes how horrible it is, she will fight you tooth and nail and resist for all she is worth. I urge you go get gel caps from Amazon or see if your local pharmacy has them.  Dip the gelcap in butter and it will go down smoothly, but then I would give Tiger a spoonful of baby food or other tasty treat that she liked to help chase the gelcap down. That might be a good time to give your kitty a spoonful of tuna juice if she likes that better.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Apr 22, 2015
pills are much easier if you get a pill syringe that you can also add water too. i don't add water though. the trick is getting the pill over the back of their tongue. if you get it in the right spot (takes a few tries) it's a breeze and the cat swallows it before it even realizes what has happened, lol. we had a terrible time with liquids. our cats looked like they needed an exorcist when we tried to give them liquid meds. heads spinning, screeching, meds flying, cat foaming at the mouth, claws swiping etc... and my husband who was always the holder always ended up with bloody scratches even tho he used a towel. i got the syringe off amazon for $5..
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 17, 2014
pills are much easier if you get a pill syringe that you can also add water too. i don't add water though. the trick is getting the pill over the back of their tongue. if you get it in the right spot (takes a few tries) it's a breeze and the cat swallows it before it even realizes what has happened, lol. we had a terrible time with liquids. our cats looked like they needed an exorcist when we tried to give them liquid meds. heads spinning, screeching, meds flying, cat foaming at the mouth, claws swiping etc... and my husband who was always the holder always ended up with bloody scratches even tho he used a towel. i got the syringe off amazon for $5..
Oh my, what an ordeal! Sorry you went through that.

We both actually tasted the med and strangely it doesn't taste bitter at all, it doesn't taste like anything really. Maybe it's been changed somehow since this thread was first started?

Amazingly she ate her food with the med both times today, she gets .75 ml and I did just a little at a time, didn't have a problem. That doesn't mean tomorrow will go smoothly though so we are prepared ... next time (or I'd like to hope there won't be a next time, ideally), but if we have to do this I'll see about either a pill or compounding. Plus this stuff has to be refrigerated so that's an added negative. :(

Anyway, thank you for the suggestion, much appreciated. :)
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