Formal Feral First Vet Visit


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 11, 2012
I’ll try to make this a short as possible (apologies in advance for the length), but I need some advice. I have a formal feral who’s taken us almost 5 years to finally bring into the house. He’s been indoors for over a year and has adjusted wonderfully. We trapped and neutered him 4 years ago with no problems. We tried to keep him indoors then, but he wanted no part of that. We were patient and he finally decided on his own that he wanted to stay in the house. Just walked over to a chair one day, fell asleep and never left.

He’s always been skittish and we’ve taken things very slowly Very slowly. We’re now at the point where he lets us touch him and give smooches, even sleeps with us. But, never sits on our lap and doesn’t like to be picked up. I’ve been trying to get him used to it by picking up his front legs (hind legs on touching the floor), giving him a quick kiss and putting him back down quickly. He’s been good with that so far.

Other than the neutering, he’s never been to a vet and so far he seems to be healthy with no obvious problems. I tried one time to get him to a doctor’s office, but couldn’t get him into the carrier. We were both so upset, that I just let it go. He has shown no signs of any problems.

However, lately in the past few weeks, I’ve noticed that he’s been wheezing a little. Not all of the time, only sometimes, and not like he’s struggling to breathe, just like we sometimes sound if we have something stuck in our nose and need to blow it (sorry, it’s the best way I can describe it). Sometimes, it sounds like he’s snoring when he’s sleeping. No distress, though. I’ve also noticed that one of his eyes looks like it’s glazed over (sort of like our eyes if you have cataracts). First it was one eye, then that cleared up and now the other one. Again, no sign of distress or discomfort, but it’s there.

We have an appointment for the vet on Saturday. One of my friends suggested that he could have allergies, but I’ll feel better taking him to the vet. I’ve been trying to use all sorts of methods to get him used to the carrier (that’s another story), so we’ll see how it goes. But, my husband isn't able to be home and I'll most likely need help getting into the carrier.

My questions: 1) since he doesn’t seem to be in distress and is as loving and playful as ever, assuming that I can’t get him in a carrier on Saturday, is this something that would be considered critical or could this wait a few more weeks while I try more to get him used to the carrier and getting picked up? 2) in addition to the issues above and a general wellness look over, is there something in particular I should make sure they do or something I should make sure they don’t do… particularly in regards to vaccines?

Our first cat and he’s become the most important member of the family. I just want to do right by him, so any advice would be appreciated.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 7, 2017
You can check on the rules of your office he's going to go to, but you can put him in a harness and take a leash with you to many practices instead of the carrier.
Tom flipped out last time we put him in the carrier for his last check with the surgeon so we just put the harness on him and took the leash. The carrier was in the back seat as a back up plan if there were to end up being an issue. No problems. Nurse carried him to the room for the exam and brought him back out, and he stayed in our lap while the doctor went over everything with us.


Happiness is being owned by a cat
Staff Member
May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
Hi hummys hummys , try leaving the carrier out and opened for him to sniff and get use to it. Once he get the hang of it and kinda play around it, it's easier to get him in it.

My boy dislike the carrier too. So I don't keep his carrier but I leave it out all the time and opened for him to play and he gets in it to play by himself. After this, it was easier for me to put him in now than before.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 11, 2012
Thank you both. Trying with the carrier. Will look into a leash if that doesn't work. Any suggestions for when we're at the vet? Thanks again.


Happiness is being owned by a cat
Staff Member
May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
Thank you both. Trying with the carrier. Will look into a leash if that doesn't work. Any suggestions for when we're at the vet? Thanks again.
Stuff more towels into the side of carrier so that when he struggles, he is more snugged. At the vet, they know how to handle her.

After vet's visit, give her lots of love and attention.
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  • #6


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 11, 2012
Thanks so much. Can you tell me if there's anything I shouldn't let the vet do? Like should he have vaccines or not?


Happiness is being owned by a cat
Staff Member
May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
I can't really tell you what not to let the vet do. As long as while you are there, ask as many questions as you can and if in doubt, hang on and tell the vet your decision later if it's not a life threatening case.

But I guess it should be just a routine check if it's not a complicated case.

Is your kitty's vaccinations up to date? Is this her regular vet? If yes, then she should have records and theybshould advise you accordingly.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 11, 2012
This is his first visit to a vet. Never been before except for his neutering years ago. At the time, they checked for worms and basic stuff, but other than one rabies shot, he's never had any vaccinations. I just don't want them doing any anything unnecessary. Not because of cost, I want him picked at as little as possible. It's difficult cause of course I want them to do what he needs done, but only what needs to be done.