Feral Momma Trouble Adjusting


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Adult Cat
Oct 21, 2016
Somewhere upstate
Momma 2 years old was part of colony well fed by an acquaintance. She is daughter of feral. She's had two litters I know of. The second litter of 5 kittens is when I became involved.

Took 2 at 2 months spayed at 4 months integrated well with my pet store 2 that are 2 yrs old.
A third kitten was taken at 4 months spayed and my FIL finally integrated her.
She had rough time.
Fourth taken at 5 months is still adjusting with my FIL still hiding -not good.

Brings me to present. Took momma. Never been socialized save for colony feedings because of which she now waits for me to feed her and tap her bowl in her cage. She responds to pats on the head however it is very difficult for her to be calm enough to pet her. She has begun to lie down comfortably in her bed at intervals. She has begun to use the litter box. She will eat about a quarter cup of food and a quarter of wet food. At times she will be agitated with stimulation and will reach out And Hiss and bat at me as a warning. I am concerned because although I was able to reach in and treat her fleas when she was very scared I cannot brush her out obviously cannot clip her nails and it does not appear at this time that I can take her out of her cage situation and put her into the bathroom. I usually put the kittens in the bathroom to roam around and have some space before giving them a large room to roam around in. She does show signs of wanting to come out of the cage. I did have two cages together to give her a larger space. I try and play with her with toys but I she is not familiar and she does not use the toys. She has stopped giving me the hooded eyes and at times she will groom herself and show her belly and blink. I am curious as to whether showing her belly and kneading are signs that she wants to kill me or signs that she actually has a relationship with me.

She is to be spayed on Thursday which is a week from now and she will have to be in a cage before and after this. I hope she will calm down with the spay but there are no guarantees. I've been told that ferals work well with other cats and that it is us humans that she is more afraid of and less interactive with. Is this true? I introduced her to her two babies via cage but I think both were too scared to have any real interaction. I do not want them to have any real interaction until after she is spayed. I want to at least be able to get her into a small room or bathroom if possible. Do you think she will ever be rehabbed?

The person who feeds the colony I got her from does not believe in TNR. She believes in finding the cats homes. I know it is a long difficult road that I have gone down on with her. And I am willing to do so. However I want her to have a happiest fear free life she can. I don't want her in the cold winters we have here. I do understand that she may not be an interactive cat that she may end up being "the cat that we have in our basement." I just don't want this for her. I want her to have joyful interaction like my other cats. I am just that kind of cat mother. I feel that I nurture my cats. I do some degree of forced-interaction with them to socialize them. With the kittens I would hold them and hold their food and pet them as I fed them. I never want them to be standoffish cats. I visit other peoples houses who have standoffish cats and I think it's very sad. I hope you understand what I'm trying to say. Please help!


TCS Member
Nov 20, 2008
Burlington, North Carolina
She will definitely calm down after the spay.  As she has spent her life as a feral cat, though, the chances are lower that she will ever be a lap cat.  She can learn to live with the other cats but I would be surprised if she ever becomes comfortable with lots of people.

She has never understood that people can be good.  You, maybe - but other people?  It may be something she can't grasp after having lived without people all her life.

We have several former ferals who now enjoy an inside only life.  They are content and happy.  Yet, when the doorbell rings, three of them run under the bed and stay there until the coast is clear.

I do not consider them sad at all.  Compared to the life they had been living, I consider that they have it good.  I accept the facts of their lives and go from there.

If you worry about what she "should" be like, you might miss the reality that she's landed in a pretty good place.  You are doing an amazing thing helping her.
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Adult Cat
Oct 21, 2016
Somewhere upstate
Thank you. My big girl used to run and hide with strangers which I don't mind, but miraculously she has changed with the addition of my kittens. She now will stay and even be pet by strangers!! So that does give me hope.

Momma was a bit nippy today. I just brought her bowl close and fed her and she Drank! I was getting worried because she goes long periods not drinking or toileting. I'm pretty sure she didn't poop for a couple days and pee for over 24 hrs since getting her. She's done both for me but none so far today. :wait:
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Oct 21, 2016
Somewhere upstate
Success means peeing and petting session with a sock. She also ate her wet food. She peed under my direction :rolleyes2 she loved the sock. Maybe she thinks fingers are play things.


TCS Member
Nov 20, 2008
Burlington, North Carolina
Without knowing her background, you can only guess.  Paying close attention to her signals is important and soon you will each learn one another's wants and needs.

We have a scaredy cat who loves to play with fingers - she was taught as a kitten that it was acceptable.  It took us a long time to get her to understand we didn't do that.  Our first attempts at "no!" were all met with her running and hiding.  She knows now but it took us a long time.

red top rescue

TCS Member
Dec 27, 2012
Acworth GA, USA
I have had Grey Boy for a total of 7 years now and still can't hold him or pet him.  I could pet him if his buddy Bigfoot was with him, but since Bigfoot was killed by dogs who dug under the fence, Grey Boy has reverted to much more feral.  He will talk back to me if I talk to him, and he comes for food, but I have to trick him to get his flea medicine on him now that Bigfoot is gone.  I think some cats just have more wild genes that others.  I know another rescuer did return one she had trapped and spayed and held prisoner for awhile because the cat was miserable, and was much happier to go join a managed feral colony.  With the 4 kittens I have now, one is tame enough to adopt out (after I get her spayed), one is ALMOST there -- at least she won't bite any more when I do catch her -- and the two boys, one has hope, but the little black one with the kinked tail shows little hope of being domesticated and I think he will become an indoor Barn cat in the future.  He is VERY fixated on other cats but he is finally at least looking me in the eye and daring to come as close as the other side of the food bowl.  Mama was trapped, spayed, and released back to where she was living and being fed.
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Oct 21, 2016
Somewhere upstate
I have had Grey Boy for a total of 7 years now and still can't hold him or pet him.  I could pet him if his buddy Bigfoot was with him, but since Bigfoot was killed by dogs who dug under the fence, Grey Boy has reverted to much more feral.  He will talk back to me if I talk to him, and he comes for food, but I have to trick him to get his flea medicine on him now that Bigfoot is gone.  I think some cats just have more wild genes that others.  I know another rescuer did return one she had trapped and spayed and held prisoner for awhile because the cat was miserable, and was much happier to go join a managed feral colony.  With the 4 kittens I have now, one is tame enough to adopt out (after I get her spayed), one is ALMOST there -- at least she won't bite any more when I do catch her -- and the two boys, one has hope, but the little black one with the kinked tail shows little hope of being domesticated and I think he will become an indoor Barn cat in the future.  He is VERY fixated on other cats but he is finally at least looking me in the eye and daring to come as close as the other side of the food bowl.  Mama was trapped, spayed, and released back to where she was living and being fed.
Sounds very similar to what I have been going through thank you. I really wanted to get to the point of being adoptable. I fear if I do get her to the point of being able to adopt out she will regress with her new home and then I fear the worst will happen at others hands.

red top rescue

TCS Member
Dec 27, 2012
Acworth GA, USA
In a case like this, you would just have to list her as a Special Needs cat and make sure she goes to a quiet home that will not be changing, i.e. someone or an older couple who are settled and quiet.  I did adopt a cat to such a situation and she did really well.  She still hides when they have company, but she is fine with them.  It did take some time but they were patient.  I think your mama would do well in that kind of situation. 
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Oct 21, 2016
Somewhere upstate
momma is now in a crate out in the open with roaming privalages when I'm around to supervise. she is still swatty with everyone but they are acting better toward her. taking a lot of time and patience. I don't let my cats roam until they are socialized bc of hiding. my father in law takes the opposite approach and reports that today his feral from this clan finally approached him and cuddled.


TCS Member
Nov 20, 2008
Burlington, North Carolina
Cats are like people- they're all different, so different approaches need to be tried to see what fits.  Sounds like things are working well so far.

Thanks for the update.  It is so nice to hear when things are going well, even if a little slowly.
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  • #12


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Oct 21, 2016
Somewhere upstate
I may have a home for momma. i have mixed feelings and haven't made the decision to give her up yet. as i speak she popped up to say hello to me something she has never done. she started saying good bye to me when i leave the house for work.
she does not mingle with the others which was my thinking for finding a single cat home for her. she still acts like she is in a war zone and may well do this forever.
she is not well bonded to one of her kittens and that would be a reason to keep her. she acts like her kittens are just other annoying cats and they act the same way to her.
my little black cat i got at the same time mingles and only one of his siblings growls at him. he sleeps on my bed with the other two. i'm pretty sure momma sleeps under the bed as she has started coming up at night with the clan.
on the flip side the cat recipient is thrilled can't wait and absolutely loves cats and would treat her like his baby and the only cat he's ever need. he had a stroke and was cat sitting for someone who took the cat back and he's very sad and just needs someone to love on. he'd be patient with her and as he said let her come to him. i can't make these decisions. how can i send her away after rescuing her. i wonder a lot if she was happier "out there" even though it's terrible for her livelihood. ugh that's a horrible thing to think but maybe she thinks it? :(


TCS Member
Nov 20, 2008
Burlington, North Carolina
If she's thinking anything, it is "hope this good life doesn't disappear."

If this gentleman is offering her a permanent, one cat household, I'd go for it.  You've done your job admirably; now it is time to let her go onto her new life.

We all have fosters we find hard to part with - and yes, we all fail at fostering.  But it seems to me you've got it best here.  Your fostering has been a success and she is going to a wonderful home!
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Oct 21, 2016
Somewhere upstate
Thank you everyone. Momma went to her new home today. She seemed to do ok when she came out of her carrier. She hid but out in the open. She will be the only cat and he plans on doting on her. He has lots of new beds for her and was very excited, and she will be therapeutic for him. I am still sad and I did tell him any issues to give me a call. His birthday was yesterday and he was very happy to see her and thought she was beautiful.
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  • #16


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Oct 21, 2016
Somewhere upstate
Momma climbed his curtains once this week i assume she was looking for a way out she had done this once when i first got her. i felt bad cause she freaked him out and i came over and gave him some of the calming drops i used with her. i managed to call her by name and bring her out from under the couch and got to pet her some and told he she was pretty and we loved her. i know she will be a good fit but the waiting is hard.
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Oct 21, 2016
Somewhere upstate
he called today he got her some canned food, she is under the recliner. i am resisting the urge to come get her. myhousehold has settled down. but she is always on my mind. she is not lovey dovey, no, but she was my kind of lovey. i socialized her. and i don't know if she's taken a step backwards because of me. i feared she wasn't happy because of the other cats but is she more unhappy now? will she adjust? any adopters notice this when you find homes?


TCS Member
Nov 20, 2008
Burlington, North Carolina
Give her time.  He needs to understand that she will need patience during her adjustment period.

We fostered a cat who hid in his new home for almost a month before he decided the new digs were up to his standards.  The new owners were worried but patient.  He is now a love bug.  He sleeps with them and any time either of them sits down, he is in their lap
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Oct 21, 2016
Somewhere upstate
thank you. i did tell him my guess was roughly a month. i tried to send him my pictures so he can see that eventually she can be a cuddle bug of sorts. crossing fingers he hangs in there.
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Adult Cat
Oct 21, 2016
Somewhere upstate
Haven't heard an SOS from owner so I called. A while back he SOSd for us to come put her in a crate to encourage bonding. So we did although it was difficult to coax her out to. well he let her out again and no progress has been made she hides hisses hooded eyes. i explained to him again my process and i did offer to come out her back in. but my gut tells me if i come over there i'm just going to come over and get her. my SO thinks she's no better off/worse off over there than with me and will eventually come around. thoughts??? i'm nervous about either situation for her.
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