Facial Scabs, Ringworm Problem


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 17, 2018
I have been having just the worst time trying to get a kitten (Sheena 9 weeks) healthy and during one of her stays at the vet she contracted a rash. Initially I thought it was allergies and thought nothing of it, but when she went in for another issue the vet became concerned about it and took a culture of it. This was Monday so I won't know what it is exactly for awhile but the vet went ahead and prescribed miconazole lotion for it. That vet thinks it's ringworm.

Also I've seen the threads here on how to clean for ringworm and I bought a handheld steamer to clean the cat tree as I don't know how else to clean the padded perches because they don't come off the post. I hope that works.

Anyway, about 2 days later, one of my other cats (Silas 1 year old) suddenly started to develop these large lumps and scabs on his face that feel like they might be filled with liquid and a rash just above his eye. I took him to a different vet with Sheena (she was referred to this vet to deal with her ongoing prolapse issue) on Thursday and this vet thinks she has ringworm also. If it is ringworm then she caught it while at the vets office when she had to stay to get a stitch put in as I don't have it and neither did my other cats as we're all indoor creatures. Even me really, I stay in a lot during this season as I have terrible terrible allergies.

This vet gave Silas a shot of depo medrol, I think he said he thought it could be allergic dermatitis. Silas also has a weird scab on the top of his ear in a perfect circle, which I only noticed after I got home of course, so I'm thinking the poor guy's face might be covered in ringworm. Nothing in his environment has changed nor has his food. Well, we had to switch cat litter to "world's best" because of Sheena's allergy but the lumps happened before the switch was made.

The 2nd vet mentioned that I could use the miconazole lotion on myself or my other cats if I saw it the rash pop up other places but I can't use it on Silas because the rashes are so near his eyes. I know they don't prescribe the oral ringworm medication easily and I'll probably have to wait for the culture to get it. I also know that it hasn't been long since he got his shot but I think it might have gotten a little worse.

Is there anything at all I can do for him??
I looked into Banixx but I'm not certain about it for ringworm.

Honestly I'm at my wits end. Sheena already has to be medicated 4 times a day with a whole host of medications. She's on: Terramycin, miconazole lotion, and Tritop 3 times a day and a stool softener and lysine twice a day, and Albon suspension once a day. She also has one more dose of Panacur to be given that was prescribed just in case of any hard to detect parasites even though she has already had 3 doses of Strongid. She has to be given lysine through a syringe because she has absolutely refused to be given it any other way which means that her 8 pm treatment has me sticking 3 different syringes in her mouth.

I have attached some pictures of Silas' face even though it's kind of hard to see maybe it will help.



Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
OH, that post does have excellent suggestions! I'd also look at #4 in the same thread, for a topical spray for household items, as well!