EMERGENCY!!! Need Food for Homeless Cats and Rescued Kittens!!!


TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 6, 2013
I desperately need help!!! I rescue kittens from feral cat colonies and from shelters and then find them loving homes. I also take care of the homeless cats that have been dumped and abandoned in my neighborhood. There is a large feral cat colony behind where I live and people will dump their cats there quite often.  I have found cats that still have their collars on and wait for their owners to come back day in and day out.  So sad!  I cannot afford to keep feeding them without help!

I set up an Amazon Wish List; please buy some cat food and send it to me! If you guys do not help me, I won't be able to rescue any kittens or feed the cats in my neighborhood that people have abandoned. I also try to help a friend of mine who feeds homeless and abandoned cats in her neighborhood. She is on a fixed income and about to lose her home so she cannot afford to feed them and I said I would do whatever I could to help her so I need your help!  I do not have any money at all to continue doing this, I don't know how I am going to feed the kittens I have right now or how I am going to feed the cats in the neighborhood that depend on me.  I am so upset about this!  I love these cats with all my heart and  want to help them, but I can't unless you help.

My number one priority is CAT FOOD! I need dry kitten, dry adult, dry senior, dry outdoor, dry indoor, wet kitten, wet adult , wet senior, and any other kind.  Any kind of food will be greatly appreciated.  A new cat, that I have named Chuck, has been dumped in my neighborhood.  He is long haired and very old.  His teeth are terrible!  I need some senior food for him to help with his arthritis in his last years.  I also get all of these cats spayed, neutered, and vaccinated.  That is VERY expensive.  I have found a local rescue that will help me with the veterinarian bills, but they CANNOT help me with the food or litter or anything else.  Don't get me wrong, I am very grateful for the rescue because it is really helping me, but I do need MORE help.


These are some of the supplies I need:
1. Kitten Dry Food-Any brand
2. Kitten Wet Food - Any brand
3. Cat Litter - Any Brand and size appreciated
4. Petco Gift Certificates - Any $ amount appreciated
5. Amazon Gift Certificates - Any $ Amount appreciated
6. Cat Carrier - A Cheap or used one will do.
7. Dry Adult Cat Food - Any Brand
8. Kitten Milk - Any Ounces - I sometimes rescue bottle babies that need to be bottle fed a specially formulated kitten milk.
9. Wet Adult Cat Food - Any Brand

10. Anything else cat related you can think of!!!

I will accept gift certificates to any store that sells pet supplies.  100% of any gift certificate will be used for the cats.  I will post pictures of the items I buy using it!

I know this is a lot to ask, but if everyone could just buy 1 or 2 bags of food or 1 or 2 items from the list, it would really help me and the cats. I do not want the cats in my neighborhood or my friend's neighborhood to not be fed but I cannot afford to feed them by myself.

I picked a few random cat food brands that were pretty cheap on my Amazon Wish List.  If you want to give me a different brand, that is absolutely fine! The kitties will be happy with whatever you send! 

If you want to send me something not through Amazon, please PM me and I will give you the address to send the items to.  I do not want to just put my address out there until I am asked because my family has dealt with identity theft before.

If you want any additional info, please email me!  I will post photos of the items I receive and I can send you some photos of the cats and kittens you are helping!  I know a lot of the feral, homeless, and abandoned cats by name!

Please help me feed and save cats like these and many more!

Thank you so much!
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Staff Member
Jul 31, 2008
Please note that this message from the mods is posted in every thread that is asking for donations and is not directed at anyone in particular.
From the Mod Team Regarding Pleas for money:

Cats are a huge responsibility. Anyone who thinks otherwise, should not have one in their life. They are dependent on us for everything from providing a place to eat, to also providing vet care.

Anyone who has cats knows that they can and do get ill. Your best defense is to plan for that to happen before it does, and store monies away in preparation.

If you read about a plight of an animal on the internet and your heart is drawn to help. Check out the story thoroughly. Google the vet's name or call Directory Assistance in the city and be sure this is a legitimate claim.

Do not blindly send money into a paypal account no matter how heart-wrenching the story. Instead reach out to the member and ask for the vet's name and phone number, and arrange to send the money there for the specific needs of the cat in question.

If that information cannot be provided- you have your answer. Report the post to a moderator so that it can be removed for not being on the level.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 6, 2013
I still have not gotten a single thing for the cats.  I am in the process of rescuing a litter of kittens from a feral cat colony.  I cannot take them though unless I get some food!  Please buy some from my Amazon Wish List.  My main needs are kitten food and adult cat food.  Please!  If I do not get any food, those kittens are going to have to live out their lives on the street.  I understand times or tough, but if you could just spare a little bit, that would be great.  You can send me an Amazon Gift Card with a few dollars on it if that is all you can afford.  I will post pictures of the things I buy for the cats with the food just to ensure you that I am spending all of the money you send on the cats.  There is free shipping for orders over $25!  I know that seems like a lot when times are tough, but I really need help.  Thank you so much everyone!  Have as wonderful cat filled day!
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TCS Member
May 21, 2013
Amsterdam, Noord Holland
Respectfully, I think you are in over your head and should contact your local humane society for help. We can all only do what we can do, both emotionally and in terms of what we can afford.  If you can't afford to keep feeding the cats without a bunch of help from strangers (and you are asking for a bunch of help here, not just a little) you can't afford to keep feeding so many cats.  Also, what is going to happen when any food people donate runs out? You are still going to have the same problem.

Feral cats are remarkably adept at finding their own food, with or without human help.  It is nice if a human can help them, but if you don't have the money to do so, they will still survive and it doesn't make you a bad person.  Those cats that clearly once had homes should be turned over to a humane society or no kill shelter if you are not able to provide for them financially.  Again, it does not make you a bad person.  We can only do what we can do.  You are actually not doing them a favor by keeping them outside with a feral colony when you can't afford to feed them.

Also, as a general note, this really isn't the best place to come if you are looking for monetary donations.  While I'm sure some members give sometimes, if we answered every call for help we'd have no moeny for our own cats.  Instead, we mostly provide practical advice about steps you can take to make your and the cats lives better.  My practical advice to you is above.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 6, 2013
I have contacted all of the shelters in my area and there is no room for them, not even one.  The feral cats live in an suburban area that does not have mice and things for the cats to eat.  Some of them are very skinny because there is no food source for them.  I did not put the cats in the feral cat colony, they were abandoned and put there by their previous owners.  I am trying my best to help these animals because I care for them.  I'm sorry you feel that I am not doing the cats any good by feeding them, but I know it helps them.  Otherwise, they would slowly starve to death or get hit by a car while out looking for food.  I am going to be more financially stable soon, so I will not have this problem in the future, just in the present.  I know this isn't the best place to ask for donations, but I needed help so I thought I would at least try.  I want to know that I have tried everything for these cats.  I am doing my best and I am a little offended that you think I am not helping the cats correctly.  I am helping them the only way I know how.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 6, 2013
If Paula Scott is reading this, I want to thank you.  You sent me that big bag of cat food and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.  Thank you so much!


TCS Member
Jul 2, 2013
Have you gone to any of the local pet food banks? They can be a HUGE help & often have more than just food(litter etc). They can be a huge help!!! Human food banks also often have per sections. Check w/TNR organizations too-often the have resources they don't advertise!


TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
It does sound like you are doing the best you can by trying to feed this feral colony. Honestly speaking, and I do agree with what Tulosai posted above. Please do not be offended. You are trying to do what is right for all of these cats/kittens the only way you know how and I thank you for that. :hugs: But, more importantly what needs to be started is for all of the cats to be TNRd. Trap-Neuter-Return. Where are you located? Google TNR Organization in your county. They will want to know if a feral colony exists because the population will only grow, quickly. Feeding them should really be second to getting them neutered. Of course, you need to feed to trap. But, what I am trying to say, is please don't feed and allow them to breed. You are only supporting their breeding by keeping them fed and nourished. I hope that makes sense. I do understand that in some areas in the country/world it is impossible to get help TNRing feral colonies and that is such a hopeless situation then. But, if you tell us where you are located, then we may be able to help you find an organization. All my best to you and to the cats. :vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes: