Demodox Gatoi: Brevecto Or Lime Dip?

Sandy Beach

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 17, 2018
Took a yearly fecal in for Mama cat and it came back positive for Demodex Gatoi. Moon’s fecal is negative (she’s had 2 fecal’s in 3 months), however, since Mama is an indoor only cat and Moon has only been with us for 3 months (indoor only now, but prior history is sketchy), I can’t think of anywhere else that Mama could have picked this up. Moon also had a skin scraping 2 weeks ago due to itchy skin which was tested for mange and was negative at that time (but still has no official diagnosis, just educational guesses and a “try this and see if it works” approach)

Has anyone else dealt with this? I was told we can do a lime dip or Brevecto (off label) to treat this. However, both cats just received Revolution on the 1st so we can’t even start Brevecto until Dec. 1st. IF we choose that route. I was told we could start the lime dip, but it is very stressful on cats. I’d like to start treating this ASAP obviously, just wondering what others have done and which method has worked better? Anything I should be aware of as far as dangers of using the lime dip vs. Brevecto?

Should I get an exterminator out here while we treat this or just clean everything like crazy? Thanks in advance.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Hi! I can't help, but wanted to send you my veey best wishes, and hopefully someone with experience will weigh in for you. Hang in there!!
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Sandy Beach

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 17, 2018
Thanks. I think we are going to go the Brevecto route as my vet thinks that’s the best course. I’ve never used Brevecto so I’m currently reading everything I can about it.
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Sandy Beach

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 17, 2018
Wondering if anyone who hasn’t seen this post might be able to give info or has any personal experience with demodex gatoi (mange).
We went with the bravecto treatment. Again, vet said this is “off label” treatment. I can’t find anything online offering information about this. I’m just curious as to others experience with this treatment for mange in cats. Every article about Brevecto and mange has to do with dogs. Demodex Gatoi does not effect dogs. It’s a mange exclusive to cats.
Even if you’ve used a different treatment, I’d like to hear about it. It’s frustrating. Thanks guys.
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Sandy Beach

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 17, 2018
I’d like to add, we aren’t using this product for flea and tick prevention, although that’s what it’s generally used for. Nor do we have a flea/tick issue. We are only using it to treat mange. Since we only found out about the mange shortly after giving a monthly dose of revolution, we had to wait 3 weeks to use Bravecto as the 2 can’t be used in conjunction with each other. I was hoping I’d find something online in any other forums or with a google search relating to using it strictly to treat mange in cats.
So far, no negative side effects have been experienced from bravecto with either of my cats. It’s been 4 days since I dosed them. Also wondering how long it takes to be mange free, although we have a recheck in 2 weeks.
If nothing else, I’ll continue to post what our results are in the hopes to help someone else who finds themselves in this situation. The lack of information available is disturbing.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Sep 24, 2018
Oh! I had a good experience with Bravecto - I scared myself reading internet anecdotes after the treatment, but truthfully my cat didn't have any short-term or long-term effects that I can see for now. I can't speak to its off-label use as we just had plain old fleas, but the medication itself was good.