Corona Virus Now Spreading


Professional cat sitter extraordinaire!
Top Cat
Apr 22, 2015
Northern suburbs of Chicago
The Governor of Ohio tweeted that this virus is everywhere. Even if an area thinks they don't have it, they do they just don't know it yet.
This is why I don't understand this "reactive" culture that exists. They have such a huge opportunity to be proactive here and NOW and they are saying, "Nah, let's wait till people die more, then we'll do something".

That's like having a tiny spot of cancer and saying "Nah, I'll wait till it starts affecting other organs before treating it with the big guns".


Alpha Cat
Jun 11, 2019
I have enough food for now and no desire to go shopping for a long time. Our governor shut down the whole state - thankfully; I can only imagine how bad things would get if we still had our old governor. I told my parents they are done with going to town and if they needed anything to tell me. My mom said they’ll do grocery pickup - they have plenty of food but my dad can’t live without pies and other junk foods - and that she’ll tell my dad he’s done with town trips for awhile. That will be hard for him.

I’m still going to their farm every few days or so to take my dog out for a hike and visit. We are only interacting with each other at this point so even though we don’t live under the same roof I hope it’s fine. My neighborhood is just packed with people out for walks, doing yard work, and so many kids playing so it’s nearly impossible to exercise my reactive dog otherwise unless we go out at 10 pm.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Aug 12, 2017
So the cherry blossoms started blooming this week. I went out for a walk and the park was packed full of people. Lots of kids running around with each other unsupervised. I saw more adults not wearing masks. BUt like, we still have 100 cases a day. I don't really understand why everyone is being so lax. I know I went out and walked around, but I definitely wasn't having a picnic with more than 4 friends sitting together and sharing food on a tiny mat. -__- I am more and more worried as everyone becomes less and less aware. I guess they just hear in the news how well the country is doing and just assume that nothing bad can happen to them. -____-
Same here. The guy i shared an elevator with today wasnt wearing a mask either.

apparently there are 30-50new cases a day.

people cant wait for things to go 100% back to normal, but im in no hurry


TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
Effective masks are in short supply here, health workers can't get what they need. To be honest I get a bit angry when I see people out with those medical grade masks on. Homemade ones, scarves and non-medical grade ones don't bother me. SEIU gave up 39 million N95 masks that they had stored somewhere. They found boxes and boxes of them in the National Cathedral in D.C. The Justice Dept said that if have information that there are stockpiles hidden away they will be knocking on doors, all of the sudden they are coming out of all kinds of places.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Aug 12, 2017
Youre not allowed to leave home without a mask here.

But theyre in such short supply that people have either been wearing the same mask for weeks or have resorted to using cotton masks.

Both 3m and honeywell have been stocking up their online store here at random times a few times each week, but they only stock a few hundred masks at a time, so you have to be really fast and really lucky. Plus theres a limit of 1-2 per account.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 28, 2017
London, England
People don't really know what to do here, because even though we're in lockdown, the government is just advising people what to do instead of ordering them, and many are being relaxed about the rules. I think police are starting to crack down on rule breakers in some parts of the country, though, but my mother went shopping yesterday (I'm not allowed to go shopping since I'm at risk) and said bar the fact that people were wearing masks, it just seemed like an ordinary day. Food was back on the shelves and the staff seemed in good spirits.


“What greater gift than the love of a cat.”
Staff Member
Dec 13, 2017
Pacific NW
Just a brief respite from the anxiety-inducing news to share a laugh with you. By way of background, I live in a very large retirement community: two high-rise buildings, health center, memory support center, assisted living, and 200-300 cottages for independent living on several hundred acres. There are more than 900 residents. The four dining rooms are closed, of course, and we’re all now getting meals delivered right to our front door which is pretty amazing. Most of the staff members delivering meals are the young (high school and college aged) servers from the dining rooms.

The administration sends out frequent emails with updates and requests. The following message arrived this morning and as I told my husband, the mind boggles. I couldn’t stop laughing! :lol:

A request of all residents:
Please ensure you are appropriately clothed (a bathrobe will suffice) when answering your door for meal deliveries.


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
My building has been under Quarantine, since Thursday; per order of DPH and Mayor. If we attempt to leave our apartment, it under penalty of eviction.

Needless to say, this is frightening. We have had at least 2 deaths. I heard 12 are hospitalized.

I know one of the dead. A person I would associate with at functions. The other a very elderly woman.

The Fire Dept have been here constantly. At one point yesterday, there were two calls at same time. One engine in back of building, another in the front.

Trying to keep myself sane.
I lost it for a bit, Thursday afternoon. Had a mini-anxiety attack.

Since I do not have a washer in my apartment, I am hand washing things, daily

Maintenance is picking up our trash, daily at a specific time. We have to put it outside our door.

They are bringing our newspapers up to the doors, the same will be with mail.

This is a nightmare. I mean it. So frightening. I think I am staying pretty calm.

I had a feeling this may happen, but when it does: it is a different story.

I am glad I grabbed a ton of food, supplies.

My prescriptions will be delivered tomorrow morning. The pharmacy delivers twice a week— now waving delivery fee.

Bored. Have a ton of projects to do, coloring books, reading books, but I do not feel like doing anything.

There is a morbid interest in the news. I find out more about what is happening in my building from Facebook.
I have to stop.

The management is calling each resident daily, to see how we are feeling, physically and emotionally; if we need anything.

They are in the process of complialing a very limited grocery list, which we can choose from.

All I can say is pray for us.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jul 8, 2014
Why am I not surprised that there are total and complete morons out there ignoring the lockdown? Andopeople are still flocking to the parks etc. We're not going to be allowed at all soon if they don't stop! I just despair. What is wrong with people??!

artiemom artiemom sorry to read your post. Sending hugs your way x
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 18, 2019
Why am I not surprised that there are total and complete morons out there ignoring the lockdown? Andopeople are still flocking to the parks etc. We're not going to be allowed at all soon if they don't stop! I just despair. What is wrong with people??!

I'm thinking the same. Only a matter of time.

I've been reading that people are not following postage signage for trail closures that closed due to the pandemic, in North Carolina. They have started ticketing people.

This article from a few days ago also mentions some walking trails and parks that are open have closed due to high traffic and usage concerns. And again, prior to total closure people were using areas that were closed to the public, so they had to say no one could come to the park.

Elk Knob, Mount Jefferson, Grandfather, New River state parks closed


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Feb 4, 2020
They have attempted to close the main "cherry blossom" parks here, but one of them is a route people need to take to get to work so they are opening it only during commuting times...which probably means more people will go there at those times. I wonder if they'll have police patrolling and telling picture-takers to move along.

Ceracera Ceracera it might be helpful to list your location on your profile so people don't get unnecessarily upset about the mask stuff. I think people find it hard to remember where everyone is located~

Honestly I wish I could send masks somewhere but I can't. I get 2 a week rationed by the government. I also have a regular cloth one that doesn't actually protect me from anything, but I wore it on the weekend because I was not taking public transit or staying in a confined place with strangers. It was mostly a social gesture, especially because they are specifically looking for foreigners who are not quarantining after arrival, so a white face without a mask is likely to be stopped by police, never mind that I haven't left the country since Christmas time.

I wish I could send y'all toilet paper and rice and pasta and all of this other stuff. -__-


Moderator and fervent feline fan
Staff Member
Feb 28, 2012
My building has been under Quarantine, since Thursday; per order of DPH and Mayor. If we attempt to leave our apartment, it under penalty of eviction.

Needless to say, this is frightening. We have had at least 2 deaths. I heard 12 are hospitalized.

I know one of the dead. A person I would associate with at functions. The other a very elderly woman.

The Fire Dept have been here constantly. At one point yesterday, there were two calls at same time. One engine in back of building, another in the front.

Trying to keep myself sane.
I lost it for a bit, Thursday afternoon. Had a mini-anxiety attack.

Since I do not have a washer in my apartment, I am hand washing things, daily

Maintenance is picking up our trash, daily at a specific time. We have to put it outside our door.

They are bringing our newspapers up to the doors, the same will be with mail.

This is a nightmare. I mean it. So frightening. I think I am staying pretty calm.

I had a feeling this may happen, but when it does: it is a different story.

I am glad I grabbed a ton of food, supplies.

My prescriptions will be delivered tomorrow morning. The pharmacy delivers twice a week— now waving delivery fee.

Bored. Have a ton of projects to do, coloring books, reading books, but I do not feel like doing anything.

There is a morbid interest in the news. I find out more about what is happening in my building from Facebook.
I have to stop.

The management is calling each resident daily, to see how we are feeling, physically and emotionally; if we need anything.

They are in the process of complialing a very limited grocery list, which we can choose from.

All I can say is pray for us.
Thinking of you.:hugs: Just do what has to be done and you'll stay safe. :vibes: :vibes:

We are down to one visitor here in Australia. I'm going to have an interesting birthday party tomorrow.. one friend and a Zoom link up. :lol:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 23, 2012
I hope it's ok to post this as it's work issues caused by the virus. There's a rumor going around that Miami Dade college may stop paying people after April 1st if they werent approved to work remotely.

For example secretaries (like me) were never meant to work from home. Anyone know if this is possible?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 11, 2015
Naperville, IL
artiemom artiemom - Lots of hugs to you. This is so difficult to go through, and you have it bad.

I get anxious myself. So many items I can't get in grocery stores or online. I spent most of today figuring out substitutes for things - kleenex for toilet paper, bath soap for hand soap, paper towels for napkins. I don't know what I will do if I run out of paper towels. Mingo threw up today, and I had to use several of my precious paper towels to clean up the mess. I guess I could go to cloth napkins if I have to.

It's taken several days to get in enough cat food for a few weeks. Mingo is allergic to fish and gets crystals if he isn't fed wet food. I found one box of FF at a local grocery and ordered online from Chewy and Amazon. The Chewy order won't come in for weeks, but Amazon is coming sooner than expected. That's at least one relief.

I won't go out again unless it's a matter of life or death, which it is anyway.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 23, 2012
I don't think they can just stop paying you, they would have to lay you off. Unemployment is supposed to have been expanded so that most people will get 100% of their pay and added a month to it so it is for 4 months instead of 3.
thank you!

Wouldnt this make them look bad? Or do colleges just lay off a bunch of employees like this? Really hoping i dont lose this job, its the best job i have ever had.

Sending positive energy to anyone else struggling employment wise. i know this is a common issue right now. :vibes: :heartshape:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 10, 2015
I basically live in a nice elder center. Most of the tenants at my apartment are older people. I love living here btw. But I wonder how they're all doing right now. Hope they're okay.

I rebooked my Los Angeles flight to September. Gosh I hope I don't end up rescheduling yet again. But we'll see.


Snowshoe Servant
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Sep 6, 2016
Southern California
thank you!

Wouldnt this make them look bad? Or do colleges just lay off a bunch of employees like this? Really hoping i dont lose this job, its the best job i have ever had.

Sending positive energy to anyone else struggling employment wise. i know this is a common issue right now. :vibes: :heartshape:
Given the situation, I could see some colleges doing mass layoffs. They will pay less for unemployment plus you'd be able to get unemployment instead of sitting without pay. If they do it, it's a business move to get through and not a personal choice. It sucks but if it doesn't look like things will reopen it might bet better for everyone for a few months.

Even if they were to lay you off, most places will probably end up rehiring most of their old staff. There will be some who choose to look for new people but that will probably be only in situations that warrant it because hiring is a pain and mass hiring to reopen even more so.

Unemployment sucks but this too shall pass.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 23, 2012
Given the situation, I could see some colleges doing mass layoffs. They will pay less for unemployment plus you'd be able to get unemployment instead of sitting without pay. If they do it, it's a business move to get through and not a personal choice. It sucks but if it doesn't look like things will reopen it might bet better for everyone for a few months.

Even if they were to lay you off, most places will probably end up rehiring most of their old staff. There will be some who choose to look for new people but that will probably be only in situations that warrant it because hiring is a pain and mass hiring to reopen even more so.

Unemployment sucks but this too shall pass.
thank you! i will wait and see what happens before panicking.