Cinnamon is inside

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  • #21


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May 2, 2018
Hopefully you don't have anyone with cystitis so hopefully nobody starts peeing, especially after your cleaning efforts.

Are these products scent free?
Yes, scoe is scent free. It has very strong probiotics which immediately eliminate poop, pee and other odors. First I wipe the floor with sanitary wipes in case there were some infection and I washed it off with the water and then I put the scoe on full strength swish it around a little with a paper towel and I let it dry for half an hour.

It is an amazing product and it’s the only one of those products that ever worked for me, you pour it on the pee and the poop and the odor is gone immediately. It doesn’t work as well for cloth items upholstery etc. that have been saturated what I do for those usually is to wash them in hot water with OxiClean and detergent but if they are really saturated I just toss them immediately. Because I know you have to get rid of the odor immediately or it will never go away.
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  • #23


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May 2, 2018
I would say because Cinnamon is in a completely different environment and it will take some time for him to acclimate.
I am not going to be able to tolerate this so if he doesn’t acclimate soon and get trained to the box he’s going to have to go back outside sadly.

But he’s been living pretty happily out there in his shelter with the heater and everything. I’m not going to put him back out right now because it’s freezing. I just cannot go through this again, this is my limit of what I will tolerate- I’m not going to have the cats or any cat peeing all over the place ever again. I was already worried about taking him in because once you get past a certain number of cats you are more likely to have these issues occur.

I made a huge mistake putting him in the bathroom, that was very stupid. If I had put him in the trap there would’ve been no pee on any surface except wee pads and he eventually would’ve been forced to use the box.

Also it would’ve been a much better way to help him adjust because he is very scared compared to everybody else. I did it partly because I just thought it would be easier for him and easier for my back because I don’t have to keep lifting the cage up etc., but it was a big mistake obviously. 😖 I should’ve stuck to what works.
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  • #25


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May 2, 2018
Some good news, he used one of the boxes(original one with world’s best cat litter), to pee, yay!

I could not see first time I checked because he was sitting in the sink and I couldn’t get in there without alarming him. Next time I came back he was back in the bathtub again and I checked the boxes. I though maybe there was a faint smell of poop though but I’m not sure. I hope he was not sitting on poop again in the bathtub.

He had not eaten for a while so hopefully not. I gave him some more food and a tuna treat and praised him while I scooped the box.

I hope this continues and he will not need to go back to the trap etc.


Forum Helper
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Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
Oh, that's good he peed in the litter box. Now hopefully he'll poop there too. :crossfingers:
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  • #28


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May 2, 2018
This is wonderful news, Merry Christmas!
Yes, and he pooped and peed in the one with clay litter! He seems to like sleeping in the sink or the bathtub now. I can’t get in there with him the sink. Eventually I will set up a towel on the heating pad again and hope he does not pee on it etc.

Merry Christmas 😀
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  • #29


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May 2, 2018
Oh, that's good he peed in the litter box. Now hopefully he'll poop there too. :crossfingers:
Yes he did now poop and pee in the other one with clay litter, yay! I am still monitoring everything but hopefully he will continue only using the boxes. Fingers and paws crossed.
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  • #30


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May 2, 2018
So I have a couple of questions. The other day there was some thing on the floor on one of the wee pads, and I was going to pick it up, and then I thought it looked weird- I thought it was a piece of food and it turned out it was a big fat tick that had dropped off of Cinn. I am so glad I did not touch it!

I just realized then that that they did not treat him with flea and tick stuff at the DVM and I’ve been meaning to call them to make sure, but I haven’t had a chance yet. I’m not sure why they didn’t do that but usually I have all cats treated once with that before they come in the house. So that we don’t get any fleas at Cetera. Usually it does not work on tics though but at least maybe it starts the end process or works a little bit.

I put it in a little jar of alcohol which is what I do to kill them and them and then said I dispose of them in the garbage usually. So I’m just wondering if I should ask them to treat him the next time I bring him back for his booster shots. Assuming I can get him in the carrier again.

The second thing I am concerned about is he has been using the two litter boxes now for about seven days I guess, with no accidents… he still knocking things off of the bathroom countertop by the sink sometimes, and he actually opened the curtain so I think he’s trying to escape from there, but that hasn’t happened for a couple of days again.

He seems a little bit calmer maybe when I come in, but he really doesn’t meow or interact with me now, which he did the first day, when I’m cleaning the boxes and changing his food and water- Zena and Merlin will come in sometimes, but I don’t really let them interact with him. I lifted Zena up a few times to see Cinn in the bathtub because he doesn’t seem to be able to tell where cinnamon is.

I think he looked at him once and looked a little bit surprised but neither of them vocalize. Cinn squeezed his eyes at me a couple if times, and I have sat briefly and talked with him and gave him treats on the edge of the bathtub. But he does not eat them until have left. The last bunch he did not eat, so he is not really crazy about them.

I’m thinking his quarantine period is up now, So maybe it’s time to get some sort of screen or the doggie/ kiddy door gates for the door but I’m not sure how to do this… I have never done that before. I cannot take the door off of the bathroom, it’s gonna be a big thing so it’s gonna have to be something that allows me to get in there easily to clean things up but allows him in the other cats to start interacting work as well. I do have a screen that I have never use switches for the front storm door I’m not sure if I could somehow he easily set up though.

I don’t know how his buddy Fred feels about all this- Fred will not really come near me and has made no attempt to come near the bathroom when I am there. I assume they still recognize each other smells and they remember each other though because they were best friends outside for many years.

So, I’m wondering how to start this. Maybe it is too soon and he needs more time to get trained to the box?
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  • #31


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May 2, 2018
Here is the new set up. The other box is in the right corner not pictured here. The carrier from the drop trap is in the shower stall but he hasn’t been going in there at all. Some reason he does not like the shower.

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  • #33


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May 2, 2018
There's a couple pics in this TCS article showing how to set up a barrier in a door to use for introductions.
How To Successfully Introduce Cats: The Ultimate Guide – TheCatSite Articles

And ewwww about the tick.:running:
Definitely talk to the vet about getting a flea/tick treatment.

it’s going to be too expensive to buy several of the kiddy gates and how would you easily open them all to get in there,,, I wonder if anybody has made a whole door gate like that, that can just be put securely in place and then easily opened?

I don’t know if the screen I have will fit or if I can set it up…I can’t tell in the second photograph in that article what those white things are that appear to be holding the screen in place?


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Those are tension rods. They're spring loaded so a person can compress/shorten them momentarily and when they're in place you just let go and they spring back out to full length, or as long as the space will allow.
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  • #35


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May 2, 2018
Those are tension rods. They're spring loaded so a person can compress/shorten them momentarily and when they're in place you just let go and they spring back out to full length, or as long as the space will allow.
Thanks 😀 I will try those with my screen if it all fits there.
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  • #36


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May 2, 2018
Those are tension rods. They're spring loaded so a person can compress/shorten them momentarily and when they're in place you just let go and they spring back out to full length, or as long as the space will allow.
Unfortunately the screen for the storm door is too large for the bathroom door and there are no walls to attach a spring rod against I would have to use the door frame. It’s a big more open area with a closet. So I’m thinking I’m going to have to try buying those baby gates and see if I can tie them together somehow and make them into a door which can open without too much trouble. I read reviews on the wooden ones at Walmart and everybody said they have trouble opening them so I don’t know if those are really any good.

For now I simply taped the screen in place over the door and I have the bedroom door closed so that Fred can go and look at cinnamon at least. I’m going to go and check and make sure that cinnamon did not attempt a break out.

Quinn and Zena were in there earlier looking at the screen, sniffing cinnamon etc. but Cinnamon did not even come to the screen. Quinn hissed little bit but no growling.
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  • #38


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May 2, 2018
There's another option: making a lattace door.

This link will take you to a post with pics and explanation: My Feral And Rescued Cats
Thanks, I’ll read it. I found some other ideas online using metal shelving with zip ties and hooks and eyes from Home Depot etc., the lattice one, just a cat screen somehow attached to the door frame… none of them seem that great to be honest and they seem like they’re gonna be pretty hard to figure out. One person said he used the metal shelves but with tension rods.

There is a ready-made one but it costs almost $400!

I think I’m going to try the lattice door maybe. I was going out tonight to try to look at some at Lowe’s however my car broke down right in the parking lot, and I had to get it towed to the garage. What an ordeal. I am on my own pretty much now- I don’t have anybody to help me with things like this.

So, it’s gonna be a while before I can get out again to see what would work but I measured the door etc. I will just have to use the screen with tape for now, and monitor things. I have no other drivable car now so we had better not have an emergency.

* I may try the lattice with just eye hook holers and bungy cords. I don’t want to start attaching hinges to the bathroom frame it’s going to make a mess and it won’t be easy to do.

I’m concerned that the lattice has large holes in it, and Quinn may try to squish him self through there, and also Zena who might even be able to do it because under his fluffiness I don’t think he’s that big. Although he weighs 12 pounds.

I don’t understand why someone hasn’t made a full length proper intro/ safety door for something like this that doesn’t cost $400- people would definitely buy it if there was one, I would anyway.
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Forum Helper
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Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
Sorry about your car. Hopefully it won't be too expensive to repair, and won't take too long.

Oh, one simple thing you can do for the introductions until you get something better set up, is block the regular door so that it is just open a crack. Just enough that they can see each other, and maybe even play footies.
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  • #40


TCS Member
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May 2, 2018
Sorry about your car. Hopefully it won't be too expensive to repair, and won't take too long.

Oh, one simple thing you can do for the introductions until you get something better set up, is block the regular door so that it is just open a crack. Just enough that they can see each other, and maybe even play footies.
Thanks. I iust realized I did not leave a note in my car. So I have to contact them to let them know what happened. I hope he left the key in the car with it open etc.

I think the screen with the tape is OK because I left it that way for a couple of hours at least earlier and nobody tried to break out or into the bathroom… Merlin was there sniffing the smells and the other cats came up to check things out.

Cinnamon is so scared…I have never seen him come to the screen. I set up the camera there but it doesn’t seem to be working very well.

I’m afraid if I leave the door open even a crack I know that Quinn is going to barge in there and start screeching so that’s not even a possibility lol. Unless I put something very heavy there, which I don’t have, but even then I am sure my little meezer hooligan will find a way to get in there.

Even though they were playing Patty cakes at the patio screen door and sniffing happily etc. he has now decided that cinnamon is the enemy in the bathroom- I’m sure that will resolve over time hopefully.

I’m sure cinnamon is probably putting some signals out that he’s nervous too. He has been squeezing his eyes at me when I go in there to take care of him so maybe he’s calming down a little bit I hope, but he still just stays in the bathtub the whole time.