Cat vomiting more frequently after meals


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Mar 6, 2013
Boston, MA
My cat Lola has been vomiting more frequently after meals. Now that I'm working from home, I noticed she eats SO fast. She gulps a bunch of it down, vomits (it's just straight food), then eats the vomit! Bleh. I do notice this happens when she goes longer without eating (in the morning, if I've been gone, etc). She often goes back and eats more food after she is sick.

For context, she is 10 years old and overweight. She has no other health issues. She jumps around, plays, cuddles, grooms herself, etc. She has eaten the same food for as long as I can remember (for hairball and weight control). Eats out of a metal plate and has a water fountain. Uses the litterbox normally.

Any advice?


TCS Member
Super Cat
Mar 11, 2011
If your cat is throwing up this food often and she's still overweight on a weight control food, it's clearly not working well for her. My cats now only ever throw up when they eat things they shouldn't, like plastic or hairties. Have you considered adding some wet food as the main part of her diet? It's great for weight loss and a lot healthier for them all around, especially in an older kitty. I had a cat that puked various dry for years and going to wet fixed the issue entirely. What's the ingredient list on what you are feeding now?


Happiness is being owned by a cat
Staff Member
May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
My cat Lola has been vomiting more frequently after meals. Now that I'm working from home, I noticed she eats SO fast. She gulps a bunch of it down, vomits (it's just straight food), then eats the vomit! Bleh. I do notice this happens when she goes longer without eating (in the morning, if I've been gone, etc). She often goes back and eats more food after she is sick.
This usually happens when a cat eats too fast. When they eat too fast and gulp down the food, they are also gulping down lots of air. And as soon as they finish or sometimes not done yet, they’ll throw up.

My boy is the same. Sometimes when he’s super hungry, he eats very fast and throw up almost immediately all that he has eaten. But sometimes a minute or so after he eats and throw up, it’s some hairball as I can see his fur in the food he throws up.

So I scoop out his food by the spoonful and ask him to eat slowly and if he’s eating fast again, I’ll stop for awhile and scoop the food for him again. This is only if you have time like me to watch him eat. Otherwise, you may want to spread out her food (that is if she’s eating wet food) around the plate so that she take a little more time to move to the next pile of food.