Cat Just Diagnosed With Lymphoma

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Young Cat
Aug 20, 2017
Our sweet Marley was diagnosed with lymphoma today. She is 13 and 1/2 years old, and mine and my boyfriends everything. We were able to bring her home today after 5 days at the vet on IV fluids and meds. Her cancer is advanced, having spread pretty much everywhere. She came home with prednisolone and an appetite stimulant. I know we are on limited time, but I want to make sure I let her go before it gets really hard for her. What maybe not so obvious clues should I be looking for? I know not eating/drinking, acting weird, but what about things she might try to hide, ways to see if she's in pain? ways to get her to eat and drink? anything helps! Thank you


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Aug 5, 2015
What type of Lymphoma is it? Small cell GI or large cell? Also, where is it located? If it is small cell lymphoma, even if advanced, chemo could really help. Large cell lymphoma is a much nastier disease. Besides the appetite stimulant if your cat is not eating well, inquire about anti- nausea medication such as cerenia. If she is in pain, some pain killers can be given as well. I am very sorry this is happening to you, it is a devastating diagnosis.
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Young Cat
Aug 20, 2017
Large. And its everywhere, around her liver, pancreas, bowels, even in her chest in front of her heart. vet offered some medication to fight it but said with as far as its spread, it would not help her and would really just make her feel even worse. She was getting anti nausea at the vet, and they didn't send home any, but ill call tomorrow. We gave her first dose of pred. which was kind of hard. I'm worried about being able to get her pills down her when she has dry mouth. Thank you, I'm so sad, but my sweet girl could not have been loved more, thankful for even a few days if I can get them.
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  • #4


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Young Cat
Aug 20, 2017
in case anyone is following this, regarding helping a senior cat with lymphoma, Marley is uninterested in her normal food (Blue Buffalo Adult Indoor wet and dry food) but seemed like she was hungry. I went out and got her a can of Friskies wet food, shredded chicken and gravy, and she has been eating small amounts when offered. Possibly likes the added flavors and chemicals we've never given her lol, or maybe her regular food reminds her of the nausea she had after eating it before she was hospitalized, and this sits better with her tummy.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
when you pill her=get some syringes from the vet.
have a syringe of water ready.
empty #3 gelcaps
pill popper/buster
when you first get situated-give half a syringe of water before pilling-they don't like this-most cats fight this more than pilling. then put the pred inside a capsule-pred tastes NASTY. then coat the end sticking out of the pill popper with butter. raise her face up to you like you were talking to her-take your finger and thumb and press on side of her mouth to start to open it-once she starts licking like fighting-when mouth opens insert the popper with pill in the back of mouth and push the plunger=follow with the rest of the water- and give treats or a small sample of wet food-this way she will associate pills with food-TREATS! it's hard the first few times-but do it in the same place at same time and they get used to it.

I hope you get a good while to prepare to say goodbye. I have lost kitties to cancer and it's heart breaking. just give her all the love and eat what she wants.
A few things to try:
Plain yogurt
Rotisserie chicken-no bones or skin
kitten milk replacement- can or powder=most cats love this-walmart usually sells this
goats milk
cheese-only a touch-causes constipation-but a bite or lick wont hurt them
meat baby food- ham is my cats fav- make sure no garlic/onion
kitten canned food
recovery canned food-at vets
A/D canned food-at vets
Boiled chicken or any meat for that matter.
treats-try both soft and hard.
freeze dried treats blue buffalo has some good salmon ones my girl loves
basically anything that's a meat- whether human or cat food will work.
lots of canned foods you can try. I only had luck with pate style.

pate style-add a can of HOT water to it in a bowl-mash with fork-helps make it stinky to entice eating.

Ask vet about Cerenia/Zofran- don't give appetite stimulants without first treating nausea. Cancer often causes nausea. give this and wait an hour then feed.

sub fluids at home every other day or as vet prescribed. Dehydrated cats don't eat.

theres a group on facebook called Feline intestinal lymphoma that many of my feline health friends are on who can answer medical questions about the drugs/reactions and other related questions. Many of them are vet techs or work in the field. Many here also have same experience and knowledge.

Yahoo also has a feline lymphoma discussion group-that's where I first met everyone back in 2012 when I first dealt with cancer.

Thank you for getting help and trying to keep her healthy and loved up until it's time to let her go.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
I pill my girl on this short cat stand-its about mid thigh height-low enough she can jump down but high enough to not hurt my back. the counter doesn't work because it's smooth and she slides across it. something with a good fabric and push it into the corner of kitchen so cabinets block her in-keeps her from escaping. some people do it on the couch in the corner. some sit on the floor with the cats back to you. I find having the cat at hip level makes it so much easier.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jul 26, 2017
Longmont, CO
I am very sorry to hear this, I just lost my Kitty to large cell lymphoma too. After it was diagnosed he went rapidly downhill, even with the prednisolone.
Try the pill popper as suggested, it worked very well for us.
As for food all the above suggestions are good, also try something with gravy that she can lick easily.
Is Marley an indoor or outdoor? ours was outdoors and he knew when it was time to go, sadly... I think you will see it when the time comes, she will lay down more than usual, look for dark places to hide, not eating much... those are the symptoms I saw in his last week.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Feb 21, 2016
Vancouver, BC
I'm so sorry about Marley. My Kami had lymphoma too. Same age. She was my everything.

She became very weak and had a very small appetite. I was happy with anything she would eat, so in those last couple of weeks I would let her have Temptations, crappy kibble, canned food--whatever she would eat was okay by me. I also hand fed her because she would definitely have a bite or two when i held it for her.

I probably let Kami go a little early--I'm sure she could have lasted a couple of more weeks as she was still eating (teeny amounts) and using the litter box. She had one accident outside the box and her grooming was minimal, signs of her increasing burden of illness. And she was sooo weak and thin. I knew that she was not going to get better, only worse and I wanted to be able to spend a couple of days with her, away from work, just her and I, lying on my bed. So that influenced my timing too.

There is never a right time to say goodbye, or a best time. There is just your love for her and her love for you. That will endure forever, I promise.

Hugs to Marley, you and your boyfriend.
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  • #10


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 20, 2017
Thank you for the reply's. Marley has been eating small amounts when i offer them. I found the texture and amount of gravy in Fancy Feast minced canned food is nice and small, and she seems to like it. (Her normal wet food she would barley sniff at.) And she has been eating those new "lickable treats" that come in packages. Thank you so much for the support, its nice to feel understood about how hard this is to see thru to the end.
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TCS Member
Super Cat
Jan 24, 2017
I am so very sorry about Marley. I can truly empathize having been down this same road with my "soul kitty" in December. I lost her to gastrointestinal small cell lymphoma.

I agree with what others here have said about feeding. Feed Marley whatever she will eat at this point, the juicier the better. Even food with gravy. I hope your vet has given you anti-nausea medication. Use it pro-actively to prevent/subdue nausea. Nauseous cats will not eat, get dehydrated, constipated, feel terrible. It is a vicious cycle and goes downhill.

I trust your vet has given you some pain medication. Have it on hand. Use as needed.

Try to think through now... at what point you are willing to let go. Is it when she stops eating? Is it if/when she has explosive diarrhea? Is it when she goes off to hide and die. Is it when she is crying out in pain? My cat would twist and turn on her bed; she could not get comfortable no matter which position she tried. On her last day, she cried out. Painkillers no longer worked. We could not get to the vet fast enough.

I must warn you, when multiple organ systems are involved, things can get very ugly, very fast. You need to have your vet "on call", have an emergency number handy. Do prepare in advance. The worst can happen at the worse time. For me, it was on Christmas Eve.

I am sure during this time you are giving Marley lots of love and taking lots of pictures. You might also want to think of a way to memorialize her. It does help to find a way to channel your grief. For me, it was joining this site as a way to help other cats and other cat parents. Although I miss her terribly, her strong spirit lives on each day through this site.

Please know all here are with you during this very difficult time. We understand just what you are going through now and our hearts go out to you.

Marley is indeed lucky to have a loving parent like you to see her through. Give her some love strokes for me.
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  • #12


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 20, 2017
Thank you so much. We started her on her Predniosone the night she came home, Wed, the 23rd. First couple of nights, she seemed ok, very lovey and happy to be home, mostly just laying around. Eating wet cat food, using her box, but drinking very little water. As of today, Sun 27th, she is pretty much gobbling up liquid cat treats and gravy lovers fancy feast. Boyfriend said this morning she even jumped up on my nightstand (where she has her glass of water) and later scratched at our bed (which she does only to wake us up in the am or to get attention) neither has happened since a few days since she turned and we took her in. We started giving her Canna Pet cbd casuals yesterday. The most concerning thing for me is her breathing. It's not terrible, but it is labored.

I know her time is close, at the moment she is peaceful, the meds seem to be doing their thing, but i am under no impression she is going to be saved, and that we are buying time to let her enjoy her last days at home with us. I am quite surprised with how she has responded, especially yesterday and today, but it is making it difficult to judge her comfort, I want her to enjoy the last days, but I'm terrified of her declining suddenly and feeling even a little suffering or fright. I have the next 4 days off, to be with her and watch her closely. I feel like her appetite will be a big factor in gauging her, considering she is eating small/med amounts pretty much whenever offered right now, i also thing that is how she is getting fluids, as Ive rarely seen her drinking any.

And thank you for such sweet words, I too have found this as a way to let some feelings out, reaching out to others who have similar hearts, and similar story's. Im sorry for the loss of your sweet soul kitty. She was so lucky to have a loving mama.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jan 24, 2017
Thank you for your kind sympathies on the loss of my sweet baby. She is in my heart forever.

Prednisolone does give a bit of a boost. It does to a degree quell discomfort. From your description, it does not seem like she is in pain. YOU know she has cancer; Marley does NOT. She only knows how she feels at any given time. Your goal is to keep her comfortable for as long as possible.

The fact that she is still eating, albeit small amounts, is a good sign. Try to encourage juicy food, gravy foods, anything to keep her hydrated. Since there is pancreas involvement, fluids are very important in keeping inflammation at bay. A red flag is if she stops eating altogether.

You say her breathing is labored. My vet advised me to monitor her breathing rate. Count the number of breaths per minute when resting. It should be 30 or less breaths per minute.

I think Marley is stable at the present time. Enjoy each moment with her. It is good you have taken next four days off to be with her, but she may surprise you.
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  • #14


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Young Cat
Aug 20, 2017
Her breathing is about 43 beats per minute. And fairly shallow. We've been feeding her those lick able treats, and she eats them up throughout the day. She has had bowels movements since she has been home, but they are small, hard and really dark. Seems to pee at least 2 times a day though. She isn't grooming, only the spot of her arm where her IV was. We were able to get her to eating a CBD capsule throughout the the day yesterday, sprinkling bits into the liquid treats, and she seemed to be a little more relaxed, it looked like she was dozing a little yesterday, and i haven't seen her actually sleeping since shes been home. She also has an appetite stimulant (mirtazapine) vet said to give half a pill every three days.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Nov 26, 2016
I am waiting on pathology test but fearful my boy has this. He is 9. Has gone downhill fast. I wrote up his story the otger day. But not looking good. He is down to 7lbs from 10. Wont eat, he will times, bately moves. I just cant believe this is all happening on top of it my 10 yr old is dying of heart disease.
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  • #16


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 20, 2017
I'm so sorry about your boy. Try giving him those lick able treats that are available now. Our Marley has been getting those down, and they have a lot of fluid in them to replace what he is losing. Dehydration happens fast, that was what brought Marley to the animal ER. I did some research and learned sometimes when cats come into this stage of illness, they tend to not so much like the natural, more holistic foods (we have always fed her Blue Buffalo dry and wet food) and when she came home she wouldn't touch it, but ate gravy lovers fancy feast wet food, and the lick able treats I mentioned. Some say that now is not the time to change their food, but it worked for Marley. We offer it to her every few hours and leave her bowl full to have some as she pleases.

Did your vet send him home with any appetite stimulant? Or perhaps a anti nausea med?

Again, I'm sorry to hear your sweet boy is not well, and you have all my prayers for your child.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Nov 26, 2016
He received sub q fluids today. There is no diarrhea or vomiting. He actually is constipated. They felt something in his intestines sat so l brought him back today for ultrasound. He had xray too. No abnormalities they could find. His white blood cell was slightly elevated but one she was more concerned with was the lympholytes being elevated. So we redrew the blood to send for further testing.

Chance is an already picky eater. The only thing l can get him to eat is treats. Vet said whatever he wants give it to him. But since returning home from vet he has kind of refused. He will.drink a little water.
Nothing prescribed. They also found a low grade heart murmur. So l hear a lot of cats take prednisone this will make his heart worse
I am at a frustrating point. I think we ruled out a few things but only thing left is infection which imo isnt it or cancer.
Chance looks so sad. It breaks my heart and l hate not knowing.
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  • #18


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Young Cat
Aug 20, 2017
The part about his bloodwork is similar to Marleys. Hers came back mostly normal, except a slightly high WBC, particularly neutrophils and lymphocytes. She also had a very high bilirubin level from her urine sample. We were able to get her an ultrasound by a veterinary radiologist who specialized in cats, which showed she had lymphoma, along with some fluid in her lungs.

That sounds like good news, that they did not see any abnormalities. Our vet said hers were obvious pretty much right away. But to be honest, it could also possibly be the beginning.

Yes, Marley was sent home on prednisone. She spent 5 days at the vet 8/18-8/23, on IV fluids/antibiotics, and we started her prednisone 8/23 evening. Along with a appetite stimulant every 3 days. They did make her feel better (def not up and running, but happy to be home, and seemed pretty content, just tired) and she has been eating, small amount throughout the day (mostly liquid treats)and using her box (recently she has gotten constipated) until today. Today has not been very good. Prednisone will work, how long really just depends on the cancer, how advanced it is, and you kitty. Today has been one week for Marley.

Does he seem like hes in pain?

I'm sorry for the pain your feeling, I know, its the worst when you love them so much and just want to make them better and you cant. Just keep giving him all the love you can, its the best thing you can give him. Good luck


TCS Member
Young Cat
Nov 26, 2016
I am not sure if he is in pain. To me it looks like he could be but who really knows for sure. They did give me pain meds but they made him a zombie he cpuldnt lift his head. She said it has mild sedation. But it was given mostly as a precaution.
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  • #20


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 20, 2017
I know, its hard to tell. While they did knock her out a little (we gave them to her for the first time yesterday) they did allow her to get some sleep last night (she really hasn't been actually sleeping much, just laying around) which has made a difference since yesterday. She barley ate a thing yesterday, and this morning, she jumped up in bed with me to snuggle and yell at me for breakfast (she hasn't done this in almost 2 weeks)

We know Marley is at the end, so her mild sedation isn't so bad, as she really seems to have reacted well to it. If you don't feel that your boy would benefit from it or that he dosnt need something so strong, you are his momma and know him best.

What pain med was he sent home with?
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