Cat Is Pretty Sick And I'm Feeling Lost And Alone

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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Nov 8, 2011
Well, it seems the fluid situation has only become more difficult than when I start. I'm having more trouble not making him bleed, or loosing it. He hates it more and more every single day. He's getting very angry when it comes time to do it, which makes me think I'm getting worse, it's hurting him more, or he's just sick of it. He doesn't want to have any part of it anymore.

I'm lucky if I can get 100 ml in him, although they had stressed 200ml. I'm thinking about taking him down to 100 - 150, because I can't manage any more than that now, he won't tolerate it anymore. I'm not sure what to do. On top of that, this vet basically told me they won't write a script for it. So I have to buy it from them, at $15 a bag.

Anyone know what the RX price is? Thriving pets seems to be $10. Maybe another vet will write it? I tried going straight to a pharmacy and having them call in the request, but they were told by this vet they "didn't have time" to write it. It was an excuse just not to do it.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 6, 2018
Do you have someone who can help you give the fluids? I know it's much easier when my husband and I do it together. One pets the cat while the other inserts the needle and controls the line. I find that the more I tried to "hold" him down the fussier he got, but petting him and distracting him with a bit of watered down wet food for him to lick at kept him still.
I made my cat bleed a few times as well, but that's if I "stabbed" him to hard or if it scraped him before going in.
Really get a good "pull up" of skin, and then make a dent in it with your index, while holding the skin with your thumb and middle finger. Right below where my index is, is where I quickly, firmly and with a smooth stroke, put in the needle.
Sometimes, you can actually "go thru" and the needle comes out the other side so you end up leaking the fluid everywhere. Especially if your cat has a lot of loose skin due to weight loss. So what I do is, after I insert the needle I gently pull the skin (the stuff I was holding) away from the needle point (flatten skin out) without disrupting or moving the needle before I turn on the line, just to be on the safe side and it ensures better flow of the fluid. Better the flow, faster it's over! I'm I explaining myself OK?????
I get my fluids from my vet and they are 10 dollars. What fluids is your cat getting? Some fluids are just saline where as some contain electrolytes as well, the one my cat gets (stage 4 CKD) is the one with the electrolytes.
Are you keeping his fluids at least on the warm side of room temperature? It is very uncomfortable if the fluids are to cool. He might be fussing because of that???
My cat only gets 100ml a day, and he has stage 4 kidney disease (the next stage is failure). Sometimes, if I notice he's "off" I'll give him an extra 25ml.
Are you continuously putting the needle in the same spot? Maybe the area is getting sensitive?
I would seriously find a new vet if they are not willing to work with you to make his care more affordable and convenient so your cat has a better chance at a quality of life. And besides, if you go to a new vet, they might have some tips for you, or could show you a better way to give him his fluids.
Also, how has he been eating? What has he been eating?


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
May 18, 2006
Tucson, Arizona
You can consider putting the bag of fluids in some warm water so the cat doesn't feel it as much. Also I had the vet show me and I still wasn't comfortable giving fluids. I watched a ton of you-tube videos. i watched the different advise people had and what they suggested. I tried lots of things but he seriously hated it. I then started actually listening to him. He did not want to be in my lap for fluids. So now he lays on the chair. I use a chair with a high back that he can't easily jump. (he is 17 though so he does not easily jump anything). I sit on the floor in front of him and just make him lay down. I do sometimes have to hold him but i try to let him move a little. So he doesn't think i am holding him. I also make sure i use a 18g needle because they are fast. fluids take about 5 minutes and he knows how long it takes he is already trying to get up. He does know when fluids are done there are treats waiting for him so he has gotten much better. You could always consider making a kitty burrito but that never makes any kitties happy.
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  • #44


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Nov 8, 2011
It seems that Bubby is feeling pretty bad today. It's hard to know what to do. I want to take him to another vet to see if there could be another opinion on his diagnisos. I'm afraid theyll just tell me to put him down. I honestly don't know if I'd prefer that or just keep him at home.

He was still eating today but he obviously feels really bad. Just sitting hunched over, and acting especially tired. Hes still very thin. Maybe worse than before. He ate some Purina vet, and he still eating the Hills kidney.

But the way he's acting I don't think he will last much longer.


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
A second opinion certainly can't hurt. They may advise that you make that choice (but the choice is still yours), or they may, with fresh eyes, spot something that would help.

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  • #48


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Nov 8, 2011
I took him to the different vet that I wish I went to the first time, for a second opinion. Unfortunately the diagnosis is the same. On top of that, he took a really bad turn today. They basically said that he's very sick, and probably in pain now. They offered to allow them to try a procedure just to see if his system will bounce back. He will require a blood transfusion due to low blood cell count and then IV fluids to try to get him to stabilize. They mentioned the fluids I was giving him were simply not doing enough for his system. They admitted it's very likely their procedure won't help him for any substantial amount of time, once they take him off of the treatment. We could still try if I wanted just to see, so I did. It's going to be very expensive though.

They said that he might have gotten this disease due to his dental health being poor. Not sure if there's anything they'll do to address that. I do know they'll give him pain meds tonight, and antibiotics, and blood transfusion tomorrow. So he'll probably feel much better, but that doesn't mean he will get better. I guess there's a chance he might. I don't understand all of the technical jargon that they were explaining to me, but they made it sound like there was a chance, however small, that his system could return to a sustainable point.

I don't know, I want to have hope but I have feeling this is all to prolong his suffering. I was willing to give it a shot, but I know the odds aren't good. I thought my boy was going to tough if out for a while, but all of a sudden it seems I'm close to loosing him already. I hate to seem him miserable, but it kills me to let him go, he is my baby. I have such a bond with him that will never again be matched, and he's too young for all of this to be happening. I'm so sad right now. It feels like my already broken heart is being stomped into dust. :sniffle:


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Ah, Sweetie, I am just so sorry. SO very sorry. This is the hardest decision we ever have to make. I would only suggest talking to this new vet VERY seriously about quality of life, and ask that ONE question..."Honestly, if he were YOUR cat, what would you do?" That will tell you much. Regardless of which decision you make, remember that you are not on this journey alone, EITHER of you.

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  • #50


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Nov 8, 2011
Well I went back today after they recommended that I come back and visit. His procedure finished. They said he wasn't eating, so they wanted me to try to feed him. As soon as I got there and he saw me, he jumped up and started eating the food they put out for him. I know that strange people make him uneasy, and he doesn't like being away from him. He was so happy to see me.

The doctor did not have a lot to say about the plans except I would be transferring to another doctor from this point for schedule reasons. He has responded well to the treatment but that much is expected, the trouble is going off of the treatment. She said he should stay until Saturday, or maybe even over the weekend. I'm not sure what else they're planning to do, but no such direction was given today. I liken the idea of his treatment to the idea of a person with kidney failure going off of dialysis. The outlook is probably not at all good. I knew this much going into it, but I wanted to feel like I tried my best for him and didn't just give up.

I know realistically that when kidneys are gone that's it. I guess I was just greedy and wanted to have him around for a while. I've heard success stories of a year or even longer, and that's what I had hoped for.

Before I made this decision the doctor was perfectly understand of all of the potential pros and cons of trying. That it would be expensive, that it probably won't change anything. But she did say that she tried it on her own cat at one time, and it didn't work out. So, I made this choice to play the odds. I wish I could visit at any time, but it's only during business hours.

Docs Mom

TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Dec 13, 2010
Lafayette, IN
I am so sorry that he is not improving...Its very difficult when you try so hard to make them feel better, and they don't :alright:.

If he should improve enough for you to need to give him fluids, get Terumo needles. They are very sharp and reduce the pain of inserting the needle.

Terumo: Thin-Walled Needles for Pets - VetRxDirect | 20 gauge, 1.5 inches, Ultra Thin Wall

My cats and I send you lots of healing thoughts, Maggie my 19 yr old has CKD, so I'm in a similar boat.

You're not alone...
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  • #52


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Nov 8, 2011
I have to say that I'm at my wits end at this point. I want to thank you all for offering so much advice and consideration to Bubby and me.

I went to pick him up yesterday at their recommendation. He had looked so confortable on the IV, but just didn't enjoy it there. I thought he might feel okay for a while after his transfusion and everything at the vet he seemed to feel better than he had in weeks. Thought that I had added maybe a few more comfortable weeks onto his life. But really he's right back to the way he was before I took him, he is breath heavy just like the night I took him and he is weak, so it looks like all of that effort was nearly for nothing at all. This vet suggested he may have a "month" left yet, but there's no way. I feel that estimate is way, way off. I'm afraid he could go at any time.

He's very uncomfortable today and I don't think he has long at all. He has not wanted to eat anything today. I'm not sure if he's gotten out of whack where he didn't like eating at the vet, or he's just reached the point of no longer eating but I fear the worst. Unless someone has an idea. I just hope he's not in too much pain or agony. They suggest that it's not a very painful disease.

The anticipation of his passing is killing me, just eating me up inside. I'm trying to convince myself that putting him to sleep is the best thing I can do now. I know it doesn't matter to him either way, I'm sure. Cat's don't contemplate death like we humans do. So I'm basing the decision on just what I feel most comfortable with. Mainly, what I consider to the least heart-wrenching way. The last time I had a cat die naturally at home, it was incredibly sad and the memory still haunts me over 10 years later. I've cried my eyes out over Bubby's fate so much in the past week, I'm not sure I can stand to torture myself any further with it. I don't want to think about having a memory of finding him dead, or clinging on to the last second if I don't have to. I've been through a lot in my life this past month and it's all too much pain.

I have found in the past that it's easiest to just put them to sleep, but I don't want to see it happen, and I'm not sure I'd want to see the body. While I would love to honor the memory of Bubby, and pay respects to him, I just can't physically or emotionally handle his death or do a burial I don't think. I've been so incredibly sad this month, after loosing grandma and accepting Bubby's fate my mind has tormented me around the clock, I am so battered and beaten down I feel as though I could die of a broken heart, and I think that it would be just fine.

Thank you all again for your kind words.


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
We are here. You must do what you are able, and we understand that. We are here.
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  • #54


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Nov 8, 2011
We are here. You must do what you are able, and we understand that. We are here.
Thank you, it means a lot to have someone that I can tell all of this to.

I'm gonna spend the evening with him and spoil him on goodies and then tomorrow I'll try not to think about it, and just act. I was going to today, but couldn't make myself. I really don't think he'll mind at this point. I'll probably have him brought back to the house after to have someone do the burying. I think I'll be okay if I can just get it done. Not that I'll be happy, but it'll be a big relief. If I think too much I just get overwhelmed with emotion and can't reason with myself. I know it's for the best, despite what I might want. I'm sure he'd do the same for me if the roles were reversed.

I'll just try to take it easy and not think too much, I'm so exhausted at this point. But again, I think it'll feel better for all of us when it's done. So thank you again everyone for your concern and help. It's meant the world to me.


TCS Member
Aug 27, 2018
Miamisburg, Ohio
Can’t help medically but I will pray that your kitty gets some relief and you find the answers you need. It’s so hard to know what’s wrong with cats and what they need as they are so stoic. Do know your pain of worrying over a sick animal though as I have been there numerous times this summer. Hang in there’s. Your kitty is a lucky guy to have someone who cares as much as you!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 24, 2006
London, England
My thoughts are with you and Bubby - he's lucky to have someone who cares so much, you've tried everything. So sorry that Bubby is so badly unwell and that you are feeling all this pain and upset.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Aug 27, 2018
Austin, TX
I know exactly how you feel. I have a sick kitten and I have often left the vet feeling like I was rushed and they weren’t telling me what to expect. I do believe that if they thought your kitty would die then they would recommend euthanasia. Also I have noticed that my vet has a lot of patients and the vet specialists are so busy that it takes 3 wks before they can even look at your pet. Whenever I take my kitty in, I always write down all questions beforehand. That has helped me a lot. If you have any questions later, then try calling their office and asking them. They should be willing to help explain your kitty’s condition and treatment plan. Good luck and hang in there.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Aug 27, 2018
Austin, TX
Also, buprenex helps kitties that arent eating enough from a sore mouth. It’s expensive and it’s just a band aid but it really helped my kitten so I thought I would share.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Mar 30, 2016
One thing I have come to learn from dealing with people who are dying. I was told by the palliative care people, when you decide its time its always past time. That was how it was with my dad. We put him in Hospice and he passed 3 days later. Should have done it sooner. Don't wait and make an animal suffer even though its hard once you have exhausted your options. I thought I had to put down my moneypenny. She was breathing so hard I thought she would just stop before I could get her to the vet. We did the flush procedure and she has been fine. But if it would not have worked I would not let her go on like that. I am glad it worked but I can not be selfish and let them suffer when its not going to do any good. There is nothing easy about having sick pets, family ect. Its a part of life and it just sucks.