cat fights after spay

Meme chan

TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Apr 26, 2018
Benghazi, Libya

we have 3 cats in our house .. two males (Rio - Jr.) and female (Meme)
we had to put Jr. for adoption after he matured because rio and meme were fighting him aggressively.. after months the owner that adopted Jr. returned him to us ..he complained of his behavior and problems with other cat in his house. we took him to vet and he had health (hormonal problem) levels of his hormones were sky high.. in short he was spayed right after we took him back.

now there is a problem with adjustment .. both rio and meme were spayed before jr. came back.
we placed Jr. in a room and rio and meme in other room we cant put them all together in one room
we tried to re-introduce them after a week of jr. spay but it was a bloody fight seems the one who always starts the fight meme is rio's bodyguard
jr. has no chance against his father and mother hes tiny built and very softy he doesn't fight at

rio and meme were spayed last month both for medical and behavioral reasons first meme faught rio for no reason then after time they were back to normal and playing together. the re-introduction was successful in their case

but we seem to have a problem in Rio, Meme and Jr. case
we made a shared hall were we allow Jr. to play in and then take him away and allow rio and meme to play in the same area so they cat smell his presence at first they were very tense but after few times meme showed no aggression but rio was puting his scent over jr.'s playing spots (pretending to sleep over the carpet roll over for example and then leave)
now we started switching them into each other rooms for min.
rio meme in jr. room and vice versa ---- only for short time to allow them explore
meme was curious but rio was on guard and i can tell not very happy

jr. curiosity has caused him trouble last week he always likes to search for them and they hesse and meow loudly at him behind the door
one day the door wasn't locked very well so rio had chance to be out and he was looking for him he attacked him then meme joined the fight and it was very bad sight also blood on the floor but we manged to separate them in sec. all cats injury healed

it seems that they wont accept him and i don't know anymore if we are doing the right steps
what else can we do to help them adjust?

i added pictures of our beautiful tiny family
meme >> the fluffy one :D
jr. >> dark grey (inside the white bag)
rio >> light gray

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TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Hi. How long ago was Jr. reintroduced into your house? It sounds like non-recognition aggression started by Rio, and Meme follows suit. At this point, I think you would have to start all over again with introductions as if Jr. was just brought into the family. You could try one other tactic, using vanilla - Ode to vanilla extract. If that doesn't work, use these TCS articles about how to do introductions. I also included one about non-recognition aggression, in case the might help any.

How To Successfully Introduce Cats: The Ultimate Guide – Cat Articles
How To Fix An Unsuccessful Cat Introduction – Cat Articles
How To Deal With Non-recognition Aggression In Cats – Cat Articles


Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
Oh, what a beautiful feline family. :redheartpump: Sorry, though, that they aren't all getting along. :(

If you can, separating them and doing re-introductions as explained in the articles FeebysOwner FeebysOwner linked will hopefully get them to at least co-exist peacefully.
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Meme chan

TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Apr 26, 2018
Benghazi, Libya
Hi. How long ago was Jr. reintroduced into your house? It sounds like non-recognition aggression started by Rio, and Meme follows suit. At this point, I think you would have to start all over again with introductions as if Jr. was just brought into the family. You could try one other tactic, using vanilla - Ode to vanilla extract. If that doesn't work, use these TCS articles about how to do introductions. I also included one about non-recognition aggression, in case the might help any.

How To Successfully Introduce Cats: The Ultimate Guide – Cat Articles
How To Fix An Unsuccessful Cat Introduction – Cat Articles
How To Deal With Non-recognition Aggression In Cats – Cat Articles

hi, Jr. was brought home early December 2019
he was adopted in august 2019
thank you for the links
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  • #5

Meme chan

TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Apr 26, 2018
Benghazi, Libya
Oh, what a beautiful feline family. :redheartpump: Sorry, though, that they aren't all getting along. :(

If you can, separating them and doing re-introductions as explained in the articles FeebysOwner FeebysOwner linked will hopefully get them to at least co-exist peacefully.
thank you :D
i truly hope so :(