Cat Farts


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Apr 11, 2022
Hey everyone

Hoping to get a bit of advice about my kitty.
She’s 6 years old and has a bit of a gas problem and just wanted to ask if it was normal.
I’ve spoken with her vets and they don’t think it’s an issue and said no appointment was needed, She recently had an appointment for a health check due to her medication but I forgot to mention the stink bombs while I was there.
She’s on the PURINA Hypoallergenic Food and PURINA Fortiflora Probiotic sachets and also takes a daily steroid for an unknown allergen(she’s been taking this for around 12 months).
She’s eating, drinking and playing normally, she does occasionally have an upset tummy from the steroid but this has been greatly reduced with the Fortiflora sachets(maybe 1-2 upset stomach instances a month, sometimes less).
She only seems to fart on an evening when she comes to lay on me for her nightly cuddle time and it’s usually when she’s very relaxed and purring.
No sound just a brief potent draft(it’s hard to describe).
She’s booked in for a blood test at the end of January(due to her medication) and the vets didn’t seem concerned about the gas when I phoned them earlier today.
When it happens she doesn’t appear to be in any discomfort, quite the opposite it seems to happy when she’s relaxed.

I’ve never had a kitty that passes noticeable gas before so this is all very new for me.
Any advice would be appreciated.
Just to note I can’t change her food or probiotic as this is part of her health plan from the vets and it took months of trial and error finding a combination that worked for her.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
I’ve never had a kitty that passes noticeable gas before so this is all very new for me.
I was going to mention that my cat has gas when he eats a certain food and doesn't when that food is not given to him, but you seem to have a situation that isn't allowing for any flexibility.

it took months of trial and error finding a combination that worked for her.
May I ask what was happening?

I have a couple of questions, because there's something about this situation for your cat that really concerns me. Whether the gas is an indication of a true issue I don't know, although it apears to me that the fortiflora only partly took care of the digestive problem that the steroid is causing.

Do your vets know that fortiflora isn't the greatest probiotic, and that a prebiotic is necessary in order to create the best environment in the gut for the probiotic to work?

I'm assuming that food is a dry kibble. Are you able to get her to drink more water?
Tips To Increase Your Cat’s Water Intake - TheCatSite

On still another note, if the allergen is unknown, and steroids can have long-term effects, do your vets have a plan in place for that?
Steroid Treatment - Effects in Cats | VCA Animal Hospitals.

Have you done a test for allergies? I don't know if you were aware of, or would be interested in something like this;
Cat Intolerance Test
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3 cats
Top Cat
Apr 20, 2014
Hey everyone

Hoping to get a bit of advice about my kitty.
She’s 6 years old and has a bit of a gas problem and just wanted to ask if it was normal.
I’ve spoken with her vets and they don’t think it’s an issue and said no appointment was needed, She recently had an appointment for a health check due to her medication but I forgot to mention the stink bombs while I was there.
She’s on the PURINA Hypoallergenic Food and PURINA Fortiflora Probiotic sachets and also takes a daily steroid for an unknown allergen(she’s been taking this for around 12 months).
She’s eating, drinking and playing normally, she does occasionally have an upset tummy from the steroid but this has been greatly reduced with the Fortiflora sachets(maybe 1-2 upset stomach instances a month, sometimes less).
She only seems to fart on an evening when she comes to lay on me for her nightly cuddle time and it’s usually when she’s very relaxed and purring.
No sound just a brief potent draft(it’s hard to describe).
She’s booked in for a blood test at the end of January(due to her medication) and the vets didn’t seem concerned about the gas when I phoned them earlier today.
When it happens she doesn’t appear to be in any discomfort, quite the opposite it seems to happy when she’s relaxed.

I’ve never had a kitty that passes noticeable gas before so this is all very new for me.
Any advice would be appreciated.
Just to note I can’t change her food or probiotic as this is part of her health plan from the vets and it took months of trial and error finding a combination that worked for her.
Try using a probiotic besides fortiflora like proviable dc and see if there's a difference after a week. I would not be surprised if the reason is fortiflora. It caused diaheria or passing gas when I tried it for my cats.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 23, 2014
One of our cats used to be really stinky: she had very bad breath and was farty, too. (Also when she'd be snuggling on my lap! It's like they want to share or something.) The problem totally went away when we took all foods with any form of potato out of her diet. In her case, yes, all that smelliness definitely indicated something was wrong. Potato (which is really carby) clearly didn't agree with her. She has a lot of trouble with thickeners.

It's possible the same is true for your cat, Luchia Luchia , that there's an ingredient she just can't handle. And I can only echo the list of questions that Furballsmom Furballsmom included in her post, particularly about finding a plan for stabilizing her and taking her off the steroid. Does your cat have IBD? Has she had other symptoms? Are they digestive (vomiting, diarrhea) or more skin-related, like itching or ear gunk? Or both? Has there been any attempt to figure out what's causing her allergy or sensitivity?

I know how frustrating -- and nearly impossible -- it can be to sort through food issues and digestive symptoms. It's taken us a long time (years) to figure out what Edwina's problems are (though we still don't really know much for sure what they are!) and figure out a good diet. What's worked for her is a lot of very plain wet foods (minimal gums and thickeners, lots of homemade food, very low-carb, just small amounts of dry food/treats on top) plus a combo probiotic/herbal blend that has made a huge difference for her.

One note on probiotics, as others have mentioned, Fortiflora isn't especially effective since it's only one strain of bacteria. Some probiotics -- the blends that have a lot more strains -- can be tricky to get started because they can cause vomiting if the cat gets too much too soon. We had that happen! We had an absolute barffest with one though that might also have been because the probiotic blend had maltodextrin in it. And I wasn't careful the first time I started her on the herb/probiotic blend we now use. On the second try, though, when I started with just a pinch a day, taking a couple months to work up to 1/2 teaspoon a day, things worked out well. By the time she got to a half-dose, I could already tell the stuff was working really well for her.

Anyway, good luck!
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  • #6


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Apr 11, 2022
Hi Everyone

Thank you for the replies, will try and answer as much as possible.

The Allergen is suspected to be Food & Environmental, They have tried reducing the steroid before but it just caused the problem to come back, the best they have been able to do is alternate between 1 and half a tablet each day, before she was on 1 tablet each day, The vets tried to drop her to half a tablet a day but the issue just came back.

The main issue with the allergen is itching to the point she causes large deep wounds(at one point one had to be stitched up).
She was given a combination Pro & Prebiotic awhile back then moved onto the Fortiflora sachet each day which thankfully has almost eradicated any upset tummy’s as she was having very bad daily diarrhoea but thankfully now her stools are now firm and fully formed, The vets did try a few different brands with her but settled on the Fortiflora as it was the only one that made a difference with her upset tummy.

Water intake wise she seems to be fine with, she won’t drink from a bowl or still water so she now has 2 water fountain(one in bedroom and one in living room, we live in a Bungalow) to make sure she always has access to moving water, we tried putting bowls down too just to be safe but she kept putting her toys in them.

The vets plan with the steroids is to keep her on the currently dose of steroids and also have a blood test every 6-12 months to check for any issues internally but unfortunately the steroid isn’t optional at this point, several attempts have been made to reduce/remove but as one of her allergies is suspected to be environmental it’s not possible(this is what the Feline Medication Specialist told us).
They did say it’s the lesser of two evils unfortunately but the wounds she was causing from itching/scratching were some of the worse they had ever seen.

I’ve tried to include a picture with this reply or one of the worse one(thankfully they have all healed now with the steroid) IMG_0472.jpeg


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 23, 2014
Ouch, what a horrible wound, I'm so sorry you're going through this.

I wonder about two things. The first: has your vet tried antihistamines? When one of our cats had a "barbering" episode, the vet immediately put her on an antihistamine cream (transdermal, in the ear) in case the problem was caused by itching caused by allergies. I've always tended to think stress was at least part of the problem, though, since Ireland's an anxious rescue cat and licking her fur off came after a mouse encounter (and kill) that freaked her out because I didn't let her eat the dead mouse. I wouldn't be surprised if it was both allergies and stress. We've kept her on the antihistamine since she also has asthma that we think is triggered by pollen and dust -- better safe than sorry. I've learned some interesting things about pet stress/anxiety reduction from holistic vet talks, too, so it's a little easier to (literally) talk her down from stress.

Getting back to your original question, though, about the fartiness, that's most likely something you'd need to sort out by analyzing the ingredient list for your cat's foods.
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  • #8


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Apr 11, 2022

yes several different creams and medicines were tried prior to starting steroids but unfortunately nothing else worked.
We also had a behaviour therapist come to our home and was told that stress wasn’t an issue either


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 23, 2014

yes several different creams and medicines were tried prior to starting steroids but unfortunately nothing else worked.
We also had a behaviour therapist come to our home and was told that stress wasn’t an issue either
Given all the things you've tried, I now see why the vet didn't seem so concerned about the fartiness. It's not good -- after our cat's experience with it, I think of it as a warning sign, of digestive problems -- but it's not an open sore on your cat's neck that needs absolutely immediate attention to avoid infection.

It sounds like this is what you're feeding, right?
They say that the carbohydrates are "purified" to help prevent allergic reactions but maybe there's still something there or in the Fortiflora that's bothering her?

I am so sorry you're going through this and hope you're able to find a solution soon.
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  • #10


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Apr 11, 2022

Yes that’s the food she’s on, she also gets 1 sachet of the Fortiflora mixed onto the food a day, Seems to be the only thing that helps with her upset tummy from the steroid.
Thankfully her scratching is pretty much under control now and only every few months she will make a small graze but before she was causing big open wounds like the one in the picture.

Not sure if it’s relevant but she was also having some hypoallergenic treats until recently, managed to find the ingredients if this helps at all.

She only seems to get gas on an evening when she comes for cuddle time(always when she’s purring away)

Chicken (26%), Maize, Duck Meat Meal (24.5%), Barley, Rice, Poultry Fat, Cellulose Plant Fibres (4%), Brewer’s Yeast, Beet Pulp, Chicken Gravy, Fish Gravy”


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 23, 2014
How long ago did you stop feeding the treats? It can take some time for a cat to stop reacting to an ingredient -- the fish would be my suspicion. That will help? Do you remember when she started getting stinky? Was it before you started feeding treats or after? And it's interesting: Edwina, too, always seemed the worst when she was nearby. (She still occasionally gets gassy but not like she used to.)
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  • #12


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Apr 11, 2022
She stopped having the treats a few days ago(roughly 4 days ago), I can’t remember if she was on those treats when the gas started.
The gas isn’t every night but it is pretty regular, usually 1-3 stink clouds when she’s having her night time cuddle time(she likes to lay on my chest and try and investigate my mouth with her paw… no idea what that’s about but she purrs like crazy while doing it lol)

I’d say every other night it happens and it’s usually a bit stinky but passes very quickly, unless she goes tommy gun mode and releases 2-3 very close together.
The last time she had an upset tummy was 11/10/2023 and it was mostly normal but a tiny bit loose(yes I keep a poop diary for her in case the vets ever need it) other than that she’s had firm & formed poops, smell wise her poops aren’t bad you definitely get a whiff when removing them from the tray but that’s all.

Sorry if this is a bit ranting just trying to provide as much information as possible in case it’s of any help


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
You've been looking so hard for answers for your sweetheart, not least by being here talking to us. I feel so badly for you, your cat (and also your pocketbook).

Along with the concerns voiced by lisahe, I can't help but think that the vets you are currently seeing are bandaid-ing the symptoms, and not getting at the actual bottomline issue that is causing this. Especially with the gasiness now, and that she still gets itchy once or twice a month, something is still occurring that will still be there even when the time comes for stopping the steriod use.

There have been cats with sensitivities/allergies here, and sometimes it's a thing that a person might not consider. Hopefully you won't mind if I do a little thinking out loud, from those discussions.

Have you done a test for allergies? I don't know if you were aware of something like this (available in the UK);
Cat Intolerance Test
However, this article says those tests aren't accurate;
Food Allergies in Cats

Have you considered, --certainly for the future, ... an antimicrobial, antiseptic and antifungal soap for her?

Is she a breed that's genetically disposed to skin infections. Could her skin barrier de damaged or not fully functional?
Cat's Skin - Skin barrier and skin disorders - Your Cat's Skin - Douxo S3 UK

Do you filter your water? Are the pipes old and might have lead?

Does she go outside?

Did you have new flooring, or any other renovation work done or introduction of furniture, that involved glue or even paint, in the house prior to her skin problem? Carpeting and furniture cloth/material has fire resistant/retardant chemicals that can cause skin issues.

Is the house an old one that might have asbestos?

Is there a chemical/sugar/asphalt and concrete/steel plant, or petroleum refinery, relatively near to you that might be polluting the air, or that might be having generators creating an inaudible-to-humans hum, or even vibrations through the ground?

What products do you use to clean your kitchen/bath/furniture with? Do you use non-scented dryer sheets (wool balls are best) and frangrance free, hypoallergenic laundry soap? Here stateside, it is suggested to look for the term fragrance-free, because the use of the word unscented means that other chemicals may be in use to mask odors of other ingredients.
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  • #14


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Apr 11, 2022

She already has the Duo wipes in case she scratches, it’s usually several months apart with scratching now, she has a small graze at the moment from scratching the other day but prior to that it was 7 months since the last incident.

Cleaning wise we only use White Vinegar now as this seems to be safe for her, we stopped anything scented around the home to reduce any risk.
Laundry wise we only use hypoallergenic stuff which we haven’t had an issue with.

The house was checked by the behavioural specialist and also a health check as we moved in last year(no asbestos etc) and all the pipes were replaced prior to moving in.
She’s strictly an indoor only kitty.
We also have 2 air purifiers running 24/7 and a dehumidifier with an air purifier built in.

The vets did mention a tolerance test if the steroids failed to work but as they are working they didn’t want to risk putting her through that especially when she’s taken to the steroids so well.
They have said they are happy to keep her on the steroids permanently as it’s the lesser of two evils, they did manage to reduce the dose down but couldn’t go any lower as the issues were starting again.

The one to two times a month was upset tummy not scratching/damaging her skin, but it’s been over 3 weeks since her last upset tummy(wasn’t fully upset just a small amount)


TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Jun 1, 2022
Other than the prebiotics, has your vet mentioned adding a form of digestive enzymes to her meals? The gas and occasional odd stool makes me wonder if her system just is having trouble digesting anything.
I've had dogs and cats both with chronic GI issues, and trust me...I completely understand when you get to the place where it's "better than it was" and you're afraid to add or subtract anything in their diet for fear of making things worse again. I really hope you're able to find a solution. :)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 23, 2014
This is so puzzling, Luchia Luchia ! Most of all, like iPappy iPappy , I hope you're able to find a solution.

And so! Particularly since it links in with what iPappy says about digestion, I'm wondering what diagnostics your vet has done. Was there, for example, an ultrasound? I ask specifically about that because of the possibility of IBD.

Further on this point from iPappy, which I also understand all too well:
afraid to add or subtract anything in their diet for fear of making things worse again.
I'm like this, too... But can also say that we've had a lot of food issues with our two cats in the last ten years and I sometimes make mistakes by not wanting to believe that a certain ingredient or component of the cats' menu could possibly be causing a problem. More than once, I've seen ingredients I thought were beyond reproach turn out to be problems. I also tend to forget that sometimes an ingredient will work fine for a cat for years but suddenly start causing problems. I mention that because this could be happening with the food or the probiotic you're using. It can happen with just about any food or ingredient.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 23, 2014
Some slightly but highly likely false hope news, Last night we didn’t have any instance of her passing any gas
Well, that's a good thing, I hope it keeps up. It could have been something in the treats. Fish is a common problem. That's why I asked about IBD.
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  • #19


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Apr 11, 2022
Very happy to say no incidents tonight also!
Someone mentioned it could be the fish in her previous treats but she’s no longer having them(stopped a few days ago), I’ve given the spare packets of her old treats to my neighbour.

She’s been having her new treats for 2 days now and so far no return on the gas.

Ingredients for the new treats are
“British chicken (40%), British duck (40%), potato, rapeseed glycerine, catnip (0.5%), minerals.”


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 23, 2014
Very happy to say no incidents tonight also!
Someone mentioned it could be the fish in her previous treats but she’s no longer having them(stopped a few days ago), I’ve given the spare packets of her old treats to my neighbour.

She’s been having her new treats for 2 days now and so far no return on the gas.

Ingredients for the new treats are
“British chicken (40%), British duck (40%), potato, rapeseed glycerine, catnip (0.5%), minerals.”
Two days in a row is almost a trend! Our experience with ingredient changes is that they usually have a nearly immediate effect, though there are sometimes incidents a little later, too. I mentioned fish; maybe someone else did, too. If she starts having trouble again and it doesn't go away, it could be the potato in the new treats. Potato's what made Edwina so farty!

Crossing fingers on these treats. If these work for her, that might mean that chicken and/or duck would work for her in larger quantities instead of the hydrolysed food she's currently eating. Or are the treats hydrolysed, too?

By the way, what is your cat's name?

🤞 🤞