Cat Advice Needed- Bad Diarrhea

Yoda and Vader

TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 9, 2018
So, Tuesday we were doing my hair at home and some developer (6% hydrogen peroxide) got on the fridge. We didn't notice because our fridge is old and crappy and the maintenance people caulked over holes and dents so it looked like caulk. While we were doing my hair Yoda got a few licks of the developer in before we realized he was eating it. He seems ok other than having horrible smelling liquid poo. We are keeping an eye on him and are going to take him to the vet if it doesn't clear up soon but I wanted advice for helping his diarrhea fo away because I feel bad for his poor little tummy and butt. He is eating, though not as much, and drinking lots of water and playing like normal too. Are there any st home remedies we can try to help solidify his poops?

Furthermore, the first aid instructions for ingestion are not to induce vomiting and to just drink lots of water or milk right away which he did immediately chug water from our fountain.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 13, 2017
Any time a cat ingests something toxic i would contact the vet. It has been a few days, but i would still suggest a vet visit as he is having the problems. I think i would do so sooner rather than later. If there is damage the vet will need to treat him now, before other complications arise.

I dont think i would try any home remedies on him, i dont know if the developer would have caused internal damage or not, but giving him something else could cause worse problems. I would imagine the diarrhea is his bodys way of trying to get rid of the developer he ate, it needs to do this, so i would not try to medicate for it. A vet might have some recommendations on what would help. or find out if his digestive track was damaged. Keep us updated on how he is doing.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Hang in there with this! Definitely get him to a vet, do an emergency walk-in so you don't have to wait for an appointment.
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Yoda and Vader

TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 9, 2018
Any time a cat ingests something toxic i would contact the vet. It has been a few days, but i would still suggest a vet visit as he is having the problems. I think i would do so sooner rather than later. If there is damage the vet will need to treat him now, before other complications arise.

I dont think i would try any home remedies on him, i dont know if the developer would have caused internal damage or not, but giving him something else could cause worse problems. I would imagine the diarrhea is his bodys way of trying to get rid of the developer he ate, it needs to do this, so i would not try to medicate for it. A vet might have some recommendations on what would help. or find out if his digestive track was damaged. Keep us updated on how he is doing.
Hang in there with this! Definitely get him to a vet, do an emergency walk-in so you don't have to wait for an appointment.
I called the vet and they said nothing in the developer looks toxic (surprisingly) and that he probably just has a hit of a GI upset and that we should give him a probiotic for a few days and that if it gets worse to bring him in


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Wow, no kidding. Whew - thanks so much for the update!

Probiotics for Cats - Why and Which Ones
Saccharomyces Boulardii can help with diarrhea issues, also check out this thread discussion;
Probiotics For Cats?

So along with the probiotic, if you don't feed it already, I'm thinking add some dry kibble to his feeding regimen. However that's up to you as to whether you'd want to add a different food (which could increase tummy troubles) and also whether you'd want to add a food that has a different carb to protein ratio than typical canned food.
As a thought, dr elsey's dry food is low carb.

You could also consider adding in a nugget or two of Primal Pronto - it seems to be very easily digested and can be a good product for helping digestion.
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Yoda and Vader

TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 9, 2018
Wow, no kidding. Whew - thanks so much for the update!

Probiotics for Cats - Why and Which Ones
Saccharomyces Boulardii can help with diarrhea issues, also check out this thread discussion;
Probiotics For Cats?

So along with the probiotic, if you don't feed it already, I'm thinking add some dry kibble to his feeding regimen. However that's up to you as to whether you'd want to add a different food (which could increase tummy troubles) and also whether you'd want to add a food that has a different carb to protein ratio than typical canned food.
As a thought, dr elsey's dry food is low carb.

You could also consider adding in a nugget or two of Primal Pronto - it seems to be very easily digested and can be a good product for helping digestion.
Haha I actually feed the Dr Elseys already! Such a good food though I wish it didmt kill my wallet so much. Thanks for the links I will check those out. And maybe pick up some more wetfood while I'm out too.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 13, 2017
great news! :) Hopefully he will be right as rain in a day or two!

I feed Dr. Elseys too, great food, if a bit expensive. I watch chewy, and get emails from them. they do have a good sale a few times a year, and thats when i stock up a bit :)
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Yoda and Vader

TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 9, 2018
I will have to subscribe to their emails! Chewy had a sale but unfortunately my boyfriend and I didn't have enough to stockpile food. Maybe next time! I am hoping to probiotic will do the trick I feel bad for his little tummy


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 13, 2017
I will have to subscribe to their emails! Chewy had a sale but unfortunately my boyfriend and I didn't have enough to stockpile food. Maybe next time! I am hoping to probiotic will do the trick I feel bad for his little tummy
do subscribe. you can also subscribe to Dr. Elseys emails on his site, they send out notifications about chewy sales on their food also. They had one a month or two ago, so i expect in 2 or 3 months they will have another one. Its usually 39% off, something odd like that :) but its a good deal. I hope your little guys is all better soon! May just take a few days.