Can't get rid of fleas


TCS Member
Dec 22, 2016
Hey I also moved to Florida from NYC! I've been here 20 years. You can take me outta NY, but you can't take NY outta ME!
Here, fleas (and heartworm) are a year round problem. It's TERRIBLE!
What can you do? Suffer thru it...but what you use depends on how holistic you want to be. I prefer chemical free.

I don't use Precor, Advantage/Revolution, etc. It's an individual choice. Just be aware that all those spot-ons are absorbed through
your animals skin into their organs. (And into you and your kids organs as well - even if you wait a day after applying it to touch them.
Up to 60% of ANYTHING we put on our skin is absorbed into our bloodstream as well - which is why I don't use chemicals in my home.

We vacuum (psychotically); use DE + table salt; cedarwood essential oil (on furniture, NOT animals), and float tealights in low, white bowls
with water + dish soap to drown those little SOB's!!! It isn't an instant fix, but nothing is down here. And it's a lot safer all around.


TCS Member
Dec 22, 2016
MICHIGANDER - I'm sorry, but I COMPLETELY disagree with you. The problem isn't that people aren't buying flea products from their vets (well, it matters to the VETS, because it's a nice chunk of their income). The REAL problem is that DESPITE MANY DEATHS, HARTZ and SARGEANTS cheap, toxic flea products are STILL ON THE MARKET. They're also available EVERYWHERE, so stupid and uninformed people buy THEM instead of spending money on (what most here consider) the "good stuff" (ie: Advantage, Revolution).

Personally, I don't like Western medicine's "here's a pill" attitude, so (unless someone needs stitches or breaks a bone) I care for my animal AND human families myself, and without chemicals.


TCS Member
Dec 22, 2016
The best thing I have found that really works is a natural form of the D.E. and it safe for the cats to breathe,  walk on,  etc.  It is made by Tropiclean and is called "Natural Flea & Tick Carpet Powder". 

FWIW, ALL DE is natural. There are only two grades: food grade, and pool or garden grade (which is TOXIC to humans and animals because of added pesticides and other chemicals.

I looked at the product you recommended. From the product page on Tropiclean's website, the ingredients are: clove oil, lemongrass oil, cedarwood oil, cinnamon oil, sesame seed oil, diatomaceous earth, sodium bicarbonate calcium carbonate, calcium silicate. I don't know where you got the idea that it's safe for the cats to breathe, walk on, etc. Their website doesn't say that.

I'm not surprised it smells good, all Tropiclean's products do. But why pay a huge premium for scent, a deodorizer (baking soda), and a few other, nonessential ingredients?

I get 25 lbs food grade DE at my local livestock feed store for about $15. (Living in the boonies has a FEW advantages.) Amazon sells it, too, but not at that price. DON'T BE FOOLED BY FANCY CLAIMS OR PACKAGING. Get as much as you can for the least amount of money - as long as it's FOOD GRADE. If you have a local feed store, CALL THEM. Most will order it for you even if they don't have it. Find out what it'll cost you first, though.

Here's a 40 lb bag of food grade DE from RURAL KING for $15, although I'm sure shipping's extra. Still, if you have a store near you, it's a GREAT price! Hmmm.....maybe I can talk hubby into that 40 mile drive to pick up a few bags....I love that store; it's HUGE!

PLEASE read below, ESPECIALLY what's capitalized. There's good info there for all of us. And remember: if your cats have fleas, they probably have tapeworms, too. (They go hand in hand, unfortunately.) DE takes care of both at once!

"Food grade diatomaceous earth grades are the most common and have many applications. They can be mixed with grain that is stored for both animal and human food to repel mealworms as well as other pests and to prevent the grain from caking. They are safe to use as indoor insecticides and are also very effective when used outdoors to repel and kill insects. They work by creating tiny abrasions as the insects crawl over them, which in turn causes loss of body fluids, thereby resulting in dehydration and death.

Diatomaceous earth is also an effective wormer for livestock and household pets. It can be applied to cats and dogs to repel fleas and ticks; cats are dewormed as they lick and groom themselves and ingest the particles. It also kills flies and their eggs. Indoors, it can be used to repel and kill bedbugs, cockroaches, crickets, silverfish, and many other unwanted insects.

Although not common, some people do eat this natural product. It contains many trace minerals and is thought to be a cure for just about any ailment. In addition, the substance may have value as a colon cleanser and overall detox agent. It is frequently mixed with juice to improve the taste. Most of us have eaten diatomaceous earth in small amounts without realizing it because it is in many of our grain products.

Pool grade diatomaceous earth can be used to treat pools and as an insecticide in gardens and yards. It is utilized much the same as the food grade type and produces similar results. Pool grade diatomaceous earth, however, often contains other pesticides and poisonous chemicals. It is best to use the food grade for everything except pool filters.

Both diatomaceous earth grades are made from ground skeletal remains of algae that live in both fresh and salt water, but THEY CAN BE HARMFUL IF APPLIED INCORRECTLY. Diatomite forms when this product is ground, which is nearly pure silica. In addition to the chemicals added to the pool grade, THE DUST FROM the diatomite in BOTH DIATOMACEOUS EARTH GRADES CAN BE DAMAGING TO THE LUNGS IF INHALED. IT IS ALSO VERY IRRITATING TO THE EYES AND DRYING TO THE SKIN. GLOVES SHOULD BE WORN when using this product."


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jan 13, 2017
I may refer to KISS.

Just treat the cats with the cat's flea drops (say Frontline) and the dogs with dog fleas drops. The ones are available in any vet farmacy.   

And do son only it is needed, do so completely, as instructed. You see, one can do it correctly in one way only, but can do it making errors in hunderd ways.... 

Do it once - may be some 10 bucks each animal (dog or cat). Ant only after this simple treatment does not offer the expected result, go to other options.

I am posted this because I did not see the details of the treatment applied by the thread's author.  Maybe I miss them, but the original starting post says nothing about the applied treatment. If the author did not apply the most common treatment (say Frontline drops), then why going to more sophisticated or controversial treatments?


TCS Member
Oct 10, 2016
Another thing to try is nematodes - you can buy them on Amazon and I'm sure other places. You spray a solution of nematodes and water on the yard and that's that. The nematodes eat all sorts of bad bugs including fleas, don't bother the "good" insects like bees, and are completely safe for people and pets. One article I read said the only way nematodes can hurt you is if you fall in a huge vat of the solution and drown. They will die if there are no more bad bugs to eat, and I assume need to be reapplied from time to time, but they're a lot cheaper than the poisons. I have a large enclosure that my inside cats can get to through some tunnels from the house (the big black plastic pipes they use around construction) and used to find a lot of fleas on the cats when they'd come back inside. Once we applied the nematodes, I noticed the flea problem improved very quickly - not totally gone, but that's probably partly due to the strays that come through the yard and eat on my patio. I also found fewer fleas were hitching a ride on my pants when I walked across the yard.

I use food grade diatomaceous earth on my hardwood floors inside. It's probably best to wear one of the disposable masks when you apply it, particularly if you have allergies, and sweep it in so it gets down in the cracks and around the side trim. You can also sprinkle it under sofa or chair cushions, which are places fleas like to hide and breed. It does kill fleas, but may  take a little while. Some of the name brand powders they sell to kill fleas have DE in them but also contain poisons, so be careful what you buy. The food grade DE is pretty cheap, and it's lightweight (a one pound jar looks about like a one gallon bleach container to me) and goes a long way.

I do tend to keep a generic version of Capstar around for emergency infestations, and I like to use Revolution for the heartworm aspects. I've had cats die from heartworm - it can't be treated in cats, and my vet tells me that what often happens is the cat's system is good enough to kill the heartworm(s) but the dead worms can then be carried in the bloodstream into their lungs, which causes pneumonia. Since the chewable heartworm preventatives for cats are evidently  not tasty enough to get the cats to actually eat them, a topical is the only reliable preventative. My vet also told me to get the biggest size vial and split it between my 4 cats to help with the cost.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jan 30, 2017
Try DE. FOOD GRADE only. Pool variety will kill. It is crushed (powdered) Diatoms, which are fossils. The powder is soft like flour, and looks like it. It has no chemicals, kills all insects with an exo skeleton, by piercing it microscopically, causing the bug to dehydrate. It is safe to use around the house, just don't get it air borne, or it can get in your lungs. Not good. Other than that, you can also use garlic cloves. NOW, before ppl start getting mad at me for suggesting that, it is safe in small amounts, I give it to my dog & cat every day. My 10lb cat gets half a clove a day. Fleas and other biting bugs can't stand the smell. An jump off. Garlic also is a antibiotic, antiviral and antifungal. An antibacterial. I eat one clove when I have some sort of infection. It's even good for ppl with tooth abscesses. 


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jan 30, 2017
Also, pour some apple cider vinegar, (organic), I highly suggest Bragg's brand. It has "The Mother" in it. Put it in the water and on them.  The smell will quickly dissipate. It is good for the skin, coat and will also run the fleas away. Try also, going raw fed, Healthy pets don't get fleas. Raw will help ALOT. I feed Sojos. My cat won't eat actual raw meat. Too hooked on kibble. I also like Wysong's food, too.  


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 29, 2015
 Try also, going raw fed, Healthy pets don't get fleas. Raw will help ALOT.  
Raw is good for cats, but, this has absolutely NO effect on fleas.
Of all the things to worry about when dealing with fleas, and there are PLENTY, this isn't one of them.

If you don't think you have any fleas?     Some time this month (Feb), remove the cats from the house, or isolate them to one room for a couple of days.   Find a flea "spray" (not a bomb).  Something that has an IGR (insect growth regulator).  And something that says it's safe for pets after a few hours.  I prefer "PT Ultracide".  NyGuard or Precor 2000 are good as well.   Best place I've found is to order it online from
   This is an ounce of prevention in Feb. 
Spray as directed and vacuum the next day.  Treat your cats and they are then good to return to the treated areas.
Repeat every 4 months.

If you see ONE, or ONE jumps on your sock?  You probably already have a problem. 
To get rid of an infestation, spray same stuff once a week, vacuum and clean non-stop relentless every day...for 8 weeks.

There are other methods. The safer, more friendly methods will be slower and less effective.  For DE to be effective, you have to live in a cloud of dust for several months, and even then you may still have to resort to less friendly methods.
Flea traps. Will "rarely" solve anything themselves.  They are, however, a very good indicator of progress.
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TCS Member
Young Cat
Jan 30, 2017
It helped my cat. He didn't have any fleas the whole time he was on it, and my dog didn't have any ticks. 


Site Owner
Staff Member
Oct 23, 2000
 I just got this - Fleas. For dogs/cats, from Dogs Naturally. It's a free ebook. it is safe to download, it's from a reputable source. It shows you, step by step, how to de flea using holistic methods.
I haven't read the book but just wanted to remind everyone that what's safe for dogs isn't necessarily safe for cats. Also, natural or holistic certainly does not equate with safe. We recently published this - 

 [article="33661"]Alternative Treatments For Cats How To Minimize The Risk​[/article]  

Worth a read before trying anything holistic or alternative.

And we also have this article - 

 [article="31529"]Homemade Flea Remedies For Cats​[/article]  


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jan 30, 2017
It is written for cats and dogs. I know some stuff can adversely affect cats, that's why when I saw it was for both, I shared it. Only when I saw it was for both. 


TCS Member
Oct 25, 2015
I have 28 cats and fleas are always a bane of my life it costs $400 for Advantage and I use the earth as well (My cats are all house bound) I use flat dishes with water and a tip of washing up liquid and the hoover  - but the nasty little things have a great survival streak - so keep battling it will never end


TCS Member
Feb 19, 2017
Yes it is horrible having a flea infestation.   I have a cat who I adopted at end of September 2016 and feel I have fleas in my house, car and business office, although it is not as bad as before.  My cat had been treated with Advantage on 9/1/16 at the shelter she was at so when I brought her home on 9/25/16, I had some Advantage on hand to apply to her on 10/1/16.  She hid for 2 days behind the couch and bed, and when she finally came out, she was scratching like crazy.  She slept with me that night, and next morning I saw flea dirt on the bed.  We were petless for 11 months before we adopted her so couldn't understand how the flea infestation got so bad immediately.  She sat on my lap for an hour before coming home with me, and I checked her at the shelter, and did not see any fleas on her.  I didn't think it was a big deal to wait a few days to put on the Advantage which I since regret.  Anyway the Advantage only worked for 3 weeks.  I had bought this as a 3-pack purchase 3 years ago and was told that Advantage had no shelf life and did not expire as long as it was stored indoors outside of hot or freezing temperatures, and I had 2 left to use.  Since the vet I had chosen was a holistic vet, she was against any of the spot-on flea treatments and suggested Comfortis.  We had our house professionally sprayed in mid-November, and I again waited the one week and applied the Advantage;; this time Advantage only worked for 2 1/2 weeks.  I don't know if Advantage really expires or that it just did not work on my cat.  My previous cat was on it and it worked very well when Frontline stopped working.  The vet said I had to wait the full 30 days before switching her from Advantage to Comfortis because it could be toxic for her to be on 2 different flea medications at the same time.  In this 1 1/2 week time period, I was getting bitten alive and getting an allergic reaction to the Advantage and flea bites (huge welts on my neck, back, stomach and legs) at night as the cat sleeps with me.  I was spraying the cat and myself with a safe herbal spray and the bedsheets.  I finally got her on Comfortis which worked so much better but it is only available by prescription through a veterinarian.  She just finished her 3rd treatment and the vet will not renew the prescription saying since the cat has no fleas on her and the vet could not find any fleas in the bedsheet samples I had dropped off which I thought were fleas, the cat should not be subjected to toxins she does not need.  Her prescription will end tomorrow, and last night and today she has been scratching occasionally.  I know I still have fleas, but no one else believes me.  I don't know what treatment to use now as I have been told by several sources that fleas have become immune to Frontline and Advantage has not worked on this cat.  I was considering the Seresto collar, but one of the ingredients in it is used in Advantage so I am hesitant on trying it due to price and having to wait another 30 days while watching the fleas multiply in my house.  I have been vacuuming my house daily for 4 months now; felt that I was making significant progress, but the nonrenewal of the Comfortis is going to start this horrible situation all over again unless I can get her on something else that works very well.  Has anyone tried Revolution and found it works better than Frontline and Advantage and is it available over-the-counter?  None of my cats go outdoors at all but all have gotten fleas at one time.  Usually the flea treatments for 2-3 months does it, but not this this time, I cannot get rid of them, so frustrating!  Thank you for your responses.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jan 4, 2017
Toronto, Ontario
Kitty never had fleas...knock on wood, but our old dog got fleas once when camping. I found that bathing worked well. Not as easy with cats, I know...but fleas hate water. They would literally jump off our dog when we bathed her. After a few times they were gone. Mind you, in between I did dose her once with flea meds. I believe it was Advantage...I can't quite remember as it was years kill the eggs I think? But was just gross to see them try to hop off for dear life....right into the water.....HAH..drown you little suckers...DROWN! :D


TCS Member
Jan 25, 2017
LOL! I cannot see us bathing ANY of our cats unless we wear body armor!!!!


TCS Member
Feb 20, 2017
Try Revolution for your cats. It's supposed to be the best and safest! Be careful with any Bayer product. My cats almost died 3 weeks ago because 2 doses of Advantix for large dogs were packed in with the Advantage II for cats. They were poisoned! Bayer has taken no responsibility for this dangerous error. They told me it was my fault because I didn't look at the tubes to see that they were for dogs. It was a brand new package.

Good luck!


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Sep 30, 2016
Healthy pets don't get fleas. Raw will help ALOT.
Completely disagree. Healthy pets, all pets, get fleas if not on some type of flea prevention. There is no evidence for your opinion. Moreover, there is a ton of evidence to the opposite. There is nothing about a healthy cat that repels fleas. Just not biologically possible.
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sams mum

TCS Member
Feb 13, 2017
BEST THING EVER to combat fleas is FleaBusters. They come to your house in CA.  But, you can buy their product and dust your own house if you don't live in a service area. (bit messy and labor intensive, but well worth it because it is a successful outcome!)

My dog used to repel fleas and ticks (on her own, we didn't use any pharmaceuticals)  Until we moved to the beach.  Then we had a major problem and even the indoor kitties were getting bit like crazy. The last 5 years have been the worst in our area and most of the over-the-counter flea treatments don't help.  Flea-busters is supposedly not harmful to pets or humans.  Works similar to diatomaceous earth, but with something extra in it that really gets rid of the fleas 100%! Takes a few weeks for it to get everything (life cycles of the fleas) Hope this helps!

(this is a treatment for your house (and I had them do the carpet in my car) it isn't applied to your pet, although, they do sell a shampoo)
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