Bundle Of 7 Kittens Completely Tangled Umbilical And Amniotic Sacks


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 18, 2018
CALICO delivered 7 kittens completely tangled umbilical cord and amniotic sacks nnn only two had been chewed/removed by mamma. They were so tangled that I couldn't get to a portion of cord to tie and cutn

Nonexistent to one kitten had cord around his neck, another wrapped entire back end and another just a leg tabgled in the mass. The others were easier to separate...

I read this post.I don't know what to do about umbilical cords being tangled and can't afford a vet.

Then did my best with the help of my best friend and we took the calculated risk of just cutting to save life of the one at risk of strangulation.

They are all living. They are all vying for chichi to nurse.

We separated mamma as recommended in above post for cew minutes and brought ber back to seveb bungry babies and cresh bedding.

Thank you all for the advice previously posted it made all the difference!!!!

I don't have a scale to weigh them but im keeping a close eye on all. They seem to be doing well...

Any more advice anyone???


Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
Hello and welcome to The Cat Site. :wave2:

When I read the thread title, I was nervous about what I'd read inside, so I was relieved to see that you and your friend helped out mama and likely saved those kittens' lives! Already I know those babies are in good human hands. :heartshape:

Seven kittens is a large litter, so you may have a runt or two. So I would recommend getting a baby scale so you can ensure each kitten is gaining enough each day. Only if one wasn't gaining would you have to consider rotating the kittens for feedings or supplementing. Probably would be a good idea to get some milk supplements and bottles to have on hand, in case one of the kittens needs to have bottle feeding.

Here's a couple TCS articles with more info:
Weighing Newborn Kittens (and How This Could Save Their Lives)
Post-birth Complications In Cats

Good luck with your new feline family. :catlove: Please post pics of mom and kittens, if you can. :camera:
How To Add A Picture To Your Forum Post
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 18, 2018
Thank you for your response and advice! :-) to be honest , we were both scared stuff and not sure of anything we were doing. To further compound the problem, I could only find two videos with this issue on Youtube, neither of which was particularly helpful and one of which showed an actual Veterinary TEAM working on separating what they called a "bundle"... The team lost four e of the kittens and the only other instance I could find with this predicament was the thread here on this site. Even though it was extremely important for us as far as information goes it also terrified us because the OP stated in one of ber follow ups that they'd lost three of them.

I just remember saying out loud after reading that bit. "I AM NOT GOING TO LET THAT HAPPEN!,!"

My friend anna was a godsend and was an exemplary nurse! Neither of us was prepared for this


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 2, 2005
Eastern California,USA
:fire:What a great team your friend and you are!! Congratulations on a job well done. The babies are precious and their beautiful mama kitty looks happy and relaxed. Probably tired too - 7!! What a lot of hard work.
I am looking forward to updates! I would seriously consider having a nursing kit on hand to supplement feed. I have used 4paws nursers with real rubber nipples but the Miracle Nipple mini gets great reviews from my fellow fosters. I like goat milk formula best but Breeders Edge also gets great reviews.
Again, kudos to you all!:vibes:


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
There seems to be at least one point, this yellowish one without spots on body is almost surely a point (="siamese-mix"),

He MAY be a diluted red, ie a creme. But my guess so far is a point.
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  • #8


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 18, 2018
Sadly we lost one yesterday. I cried and cried. It was the one who had her neck caught. More about that later as I have a question about something else regarding her for future reference that I need to understand.

However, right biw, the new crisis is one isnt nursing. I cant get him to latch on. Tried sugar water.... Tried introducing different teats...
I know im going to have to feed him but my question is, is it alright to use human infant formula as a mulk substitute???

He needs to eat npw!! And I have no car to get anywhere to buy anything.. I need a silution with ehar ive got

Aside from that, all I have is cow's milk which I dibt thibk is good idea because its designed by nature for baby cows which have two stomachs. Unfortunately, our goats are not in milk now.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 19, 2004
I’m so sorry you lost one ! As for baby formula, it’s probably not the best. Can a friend pick up kitten milk replacer for you?
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  • #10


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 18, 2018
Ok, no excuses... No time for long story... Let's just say that I have NOBODY to go anywhere to get anything. Ive tried but sadly in the only obe who cares.... Everyone else is "letting nature take its course" (the @$$holes) I have sugar water, I have formula. I have a willing mama but a baby who won't eveb try to latch on. Hes too weak I think.

I have given him nearly one full syringe now broken into two feedings about ten minutes apart one of formula and ine of sugar water out of desperation... as I was feeding the firmula, a video I had put on to watch said not to give formula because their system MIGHT reject it and cause diahrea.... But in this scenario... Isnt this a calculated risk I shoukd take versus no food at all????
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  • #11


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 18, 2018
How iften and hiw much soykd he be eating?
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  • #12


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 18, 2018
I can get milk replacer tomorrowthermal, I can go by bus if need be... But I need him to make it thru the night


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
First, what is the sugar water? Better not to use common sugar, but something containing glucose sugar / dextrose. This is not easy to find in USA (in Sweden very easy). So for our USA forumists we advice honey or white caro syrup. Both of these contain much glucose.



Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
You can smear such a sweet water on the kittens gums and lips, it gives quick energy.

Second. Formula is normally OK. Do avoid the Hartz brand.
KMR made by PetAg has the best reputation, but its the powder version there which is really good. The premixed in liquid isnt that good, sometimes causes problems.

There are also other brands, most are entirely OK.
As said, Hartz is uneven, I suspect they buy cheap ingredients from subcontractors with very uneven quality control.

If you can get raw goats milk, its really the best. But canned or powdered goats milk is entirely OK. Not better than the KMR in powder, but surely better than inferionr formulas...

IF you decide the kitten is dying or almost dying, the probablility is high the digestion has stopped. In this situation its not meaningsful to give any more formula "he must have nutrients to have any chance to survive at all". The trick is to give pedialyte containing glucose sugar. Either a bough one, or homemade.
1 coffe cup of water. 1 teaspoon of honey, a little salt... The glucose here will keep him alive for a while, till the healing processes has time.

And of course, do NOT "let Nature take its course". Weak kittens can very often be saved. True, its easier to help an orphan than a weak kitten, but if you fight on, the chances are decent.

Next tip: with a big litter its often easier to rotate them. Half on nursing, half off sleeping their midday nap in an little extra next. And swich every two hours.

End of message for now.
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  • #16


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 18, 2018
First, what is the sugar water? Better not to use common sugar, but something containing glucose sugar / dextrose. This is not easy to find in USA (in Sweden very easy). So for our USA forumists we advice honey or white caro syrup. Both of these contain much glucose
Thank you for your response and advice!!!

I was just using regular sugar and water in my ignorance and immediate concern...

But I understand now... Sugar=BAD. Duly noted!

I do have some local raw honey, I dont know why I didbt think of that first...
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  • #17


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 18, 2018
You can smear such a sweet water on the kittens gums and lips, it gives quick energy.

Second. Formula is normally OK. Do avoid the Hartz brand.
KMR made by PetAg has the best reputation, but its the powder version there which is really good. The premixed in liquid isnt that good, sometimes causes problems.

There are also other brands, most are entirely OK.
As said, Hartz is uneven, I suspect they buy cheap ingredients from subcontractors with very uneven quality control.

If you can get raw goats milk, its really the best. But canned or powdered goats milk is entirely OK. Not better than the KMR in powder, but surely better than inferionr formulas...

IF you decide the kitten is dying or almost dying, the probablility is high the digestion has stopped. In this situation its not meaningsful to give any more formula "he must have nutrients to have any chance to survive at all". The trick is to give pedialyte containing glucose sugar. Either a bough one, or homemade.
1 coffe cup of water. 1 teaspoon of honey, a little salt... The glucose here will keep him alive for a while, till the healing processes has time.

And of course, do NOT "let Nature take its course". Weak kittens can very often be saved. True, its easier to help an orphan than a weak kitten, but if you fight on, the chances are decent.

Next tip: with a big litter its often easier to rotate them. Half on nursing, half off sleeping their midday nap in an little extra next. And swich every two hours.

End of message for now.

Ok, I want to clarify that the formuka in using is HUMaN INFANT FORMULA... Thats ehere thr concern is coming in.

As an update: Weve named this little fighter TINY TIM or TIMMY for short and he seems to be doing a little better. Not out of the woods by ant stretch of the imagination, but... Definitely has more energy!!

Heres what weve been doing for lack of any other options and in our regrettable ignorance in these things...

Timmy has eaten three times... As mentioned before and then again at 12:40 am he had another full syringe of 100 units of formula.

At the very beginning I searched up some ISOCHRONIC TONES videos wgich were suggestrd for cats and for healing and have let this binaural beat play nearby throughout this ordeal.

Timmy appears to respond favorably to the sound and I suspect it is somewhat stimulating as ive noticed that mamma purrs very loudly when babies are nursing. It made me wonder if it was kind of like the human infant... Specifically, it made me remember buying a "mamma bear" for my son when he was dirst born a million years ago... The bear made a noise like what the baby would be used to hearing from within the womb and this sound helped to remind the infant to breathe by way of the heartbeat rhythm or something like that. Is this the case with cats as well? Anybody know?

In any event it seems to ve agreeable to the little guy so I think ill keep doing that.

Next, we fealt that we needed to keeo him seperate from the litter and from mamma because after just one minute of turning my back she was completely lating on him with his head squished under her body. I had carefully positioned him but apparently she'd readjusted herself and he ended up underneath her. After losing the other one from the same type provlem, I dont want to risk it with timmy as hes not strong enough to wriggle out as the others might be.

So, the issue became how to ensure he staued warm enough. My best friend and I decided to take turns hilding him against our bare skin on our tummy to maje sure he stayed warm enough.

Its veen several hours sibce this began ad he has made marked improvements. We hope they continue and he lives a ling healthy life.

Thank you for everybody's help!! Please keep the ideas and comments or advice on what im doing wrong coming. I do u want to let either little timmy or my bavy Calico his mamma down!!!


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Yes, you can use human infant formula. Double the powder amount to water ratio. You can raise the baby on this if need be.

Feed 1-2 mLs every 1-2 hours to start.

How is the kitten this morning?


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
Yes, the kangaroo warming method has many advantages.

Do you happen to have an IR-warming lamp? such as rheumatic persons use? Or persons keeping lizard terraries? Perhaps some neigbour has? Very useful with many weak ones.
Otherwise, you can take common raw rice, put it in a sock, and nuke it in micro 5 minutes. You get a heating pad holding warmth several hours. Wrap this up in a towel of course.

Human baby formula is OK, but as I understand it, its too weak. double this up and it should be even better.

water with regular sugar isnt harmful as such, but it doesnt give the same quick energy boost to a weak kitten. As it must be digested some. While honey water works already in the mouth, glucose sugar doesnt need to be digested and goes straigh into the blood already in mouth and all the intestine systems.

Im happy the little one seems to be better. He perhaps will live after all. :)

Yes, I think momma wanted to squish him. She sensed he was going downhill, so helping him to die quicker, she was very kind sort off...
Some moms take extra care of the weak kitten,
but some not, they abandon or worse. Everything to save them whom are still healthy.

In all such cases its necessary to handraise the weak kitten - and it may often be saved. Not always, and its often a fight uphill. but often enough a dedicated human may win, when the kitten leaved alone would mercilessly perish and die.

So its peculiar, very often its not advanced veterinary help which is decisive and needed, but a dedicated caretaker whom gives her heart and effort.... O Ola1393
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 18, 2018
:fire:What a great team your friend and you are!! Congratulations on a job well done. The babies are precious and their beautiful mama kitty looks happy and relaxed. Probably tired too - 7!! What a lot of hard work.
I am looking forward to updates! I would seriously consider having a nursing kit on hand to supplement feed. I have used 4paws nursers with real rubber nipples but the Miracle Nipple mini gets great reviews from my fellow fosters. I like goat milk formula best but Breeders Edge also gets great reviews.
Again, kudos to you all!:vibes:
Anna, Calico, and myself want to thank all of you for being SO VERY SUPPORTIVE during this difficult time! We are on a mission to ensure all remaining 6 make.it to adulthood as happy and kitties & when that happens, it will be partially thanks to the help we received here from you nice folks!!!
Mprminf update: ?