Bottlw fed kitten terror


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Jun 26, 2016
I found my kitten at a week old abandoned, he's now 9 weeks. He's become such a terror. I know he's playing with us, but he's very rough. We don't let him play with our hands and yet he's still attacking them. Some toys he's watching our hands move instead of the toy and will eventually pounce and will become pretty relentless in his play. We have tried redirection to a toy, hissing, kitty time outs,and recently a squirt bottle..
Nothing seems to help with teaching him not to play like that towards us. The squirt bottle doesn't even phase him anymore with how often it's being used. It's also mainly directed at me, I was the one who fed him 90% of the time.
I'm at a loss on what to do. Can a kitten be feral without actually being raised by their mother who's feral?
Advice is really needed.
Thank you in advance


Happiness is being owned by a cat
Staff Member
May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
@tamashi, glad that you rescued this kitten and nursed it till now. Good job!
A kitten at this age has left his mother too young. As he had no siblings to play with and no mother to discipline him. What he is doing now is just some play aggression by biting your hands. Get a stick toy with something hung from a string and that way, your hands are out of his reach.
I don't think your kitten is feral as you rescued him at a week old. He has not raised by feral cats and don't think he thinks he's feral. sincenhe came in at a week old till now, you'll have no problem domesticating him. It's just cats instincts to hunt for food and therefore our hands looks like prey to them when it's moving all about.
My boy January is also a rescue and was found at three weeks old and he was alone when he was found. We took him home and nursed his injury and he played just the same way as your kitten. Get some balls for him to chase so that he won't have to come near your hand and if you have to talk to him, do not wave your hands before him. Talk gently to him and keep talking to him.
He is still a very young kitten and got lots to learn and explore. You have to act as a mummy cat to him. He'll take some time to learn and mind you, you'll be surprised what they can learn from you. Just be patience with him and reap the rewards later.
I too feed my boy 100% all the time and he knows who he can get food from when he's hungry.
Remember, he is just a kitten, be patience with him, be a good mama cat to him.
This is a great site, I think many more will contribute their expertise to help you raise your kitty. All the best.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 29, 2015
That's just a kitten being a kitten.  (about half of them are that way).   He'll grow out of it.

Use the toys, be quick, and let go when he grabs the toy.

If he launches for hands.  STOP all hand movement.

Trying to cuddle and pet WHILE and DURING play like this?  Usually just winds them up more.

Just use the toys, no touching the kitten during play.
  When he's worn out and sleepy, then you can hold and pet.  This may be for just a bit because he may start getting excited again.  If he does, either stop and leave, or, go back to playing with toys and don't actually "touch" him.

 Not touching, rubbing, handling the kitten during play is REALLY HARD TO DO.  But, your hands and arms will be grateful.