Big update on Penny

luda macka

meow ♡
Thread starter
Young Cat
Mar 22, 2022
Hello everyone. I'm coming here with an update on Penny since life got a bit hectic and I wasn't really online here for a month. For anyone curious, I posted on this forum first about her urinary medical issues due to physical trauma here and few days ago I made a quick question post about this circular scab I found on her here , asking if it was possible ringworm.

So, to get that out of the way first, we (my sister and I, the main caretakers of our cats including Penny) took her to the vet because she had a medical check up and we showed them the circular scab thing and the vet checked with an UV lamp. There wasn't any fluorescence so the vet assured us it wasn't ringworm and said it was most likely a reaction/side effect (the vet called it a skin ulcer) due to her being on corticosteroids. But we are still keeping her monitored on that front because I have another cat has a little bald patch that seems to be growing sporadically on her forehead, between her eye and ear area. And there are little scabs from the itching, and I have also asked the vet about that and they said it's probably from her anal glands annoying her so we are going to bring her in to the vets along with Penny when we go next week for another one of Penny's check ups.

Either way, both cats are being monitored just in case, due to their sudden skin issues popping up, whatever the cause is in both of them.

Anyway, as to what was happening with Penny since my first post on her urinary issues... Also, I'm sorry if this might be all over the place, but I'm trying my best to retroactively remember the vet appointments and what was discussed and all that. So I might miss some things, so apologies in advance!

From what I remember, we did a proper urinalysis test at the vets where they got her pee straight from the bladder with a needle and that was sent to one of the bigger laboratories they're partnered with so they can do further testing. With the urinalysis test, we also got a bacteria culture test done as well as antibiotic resistance. And her urinalysis was for most part okay, only white blood cells were present, some protein and blood (again) I think. The bacteria culture test came back positive and it was found she had e.coli. At the same time, she has been battling with pemphigus foliaceus on her front paws (nails and nail bed) for several months now.

When we discovered she had pemphigus foliaceus, we were cleaning her paws twice daily with "Clorexyderm 4% Shampoo" while also giving her corticosteroids as prescribed by the vet. She was on a low dose on corticosteroids for her condition and because the first time, she responded so amazingly we eventually lowered the frequency of corticosteroids to every 2 days and then eventually we stopped and replaced the medication with these specific drops, given to us by the vet. Then, since we stopped with corticosteroids in pill form, her pemphigus foliaceus returned and it got worse. So, this was happening around the same time as we were also trying to deal with her urinary issues in March.

Basically, in March, she was given IV fluids with anti-nausea and pain meds to help her with her biochemical blood panel results. And once we discovered that e.coli was the cause of her current bladder problems. We also did a swab test on her nail beds where they also found e.coli there. We got her on proper antibiotics and pain medication. We repeated some tests like the biochemical profile/blood panel and that was fine, her urinalysis results apart from the bacteria were also fine. And this week, she finished her last round of antibiotics so we are now currently waiting for urinalysis bacteria test to confirm if that's been dealt with. But in the mean time, her pemphigus foliaceus flared up so she got corticosteroids again which not even after full 2 weeks of use might have caused the skin ulcer on her waist. But her nails and nail beds have recovered. And we are still doing corticosteroids use where she is getting 2 pills a day and then after 2 weeks she is going to be getting 1 pill a day every day. And after that, she will be getting 1 pill every 2 days.

With the vets we discussed what was the cause/how did e.coli get into her bladder and I remember the vet saying something along the lines of if her bladder cell structure (or something) is damaged enough, that the bacteria kind of goes through the organ walls like osmosis. Or something. And then the bacteria makes its new home and brings havoc. The vet also said that if it happens again, that we will do like a color doppler(? I think they said that, but I'm not entirely sure) test on her, to determine further diagnostics.

We were also given some anti-stress/anti-anxiety meds for her which seems to have helped? I'm not entirely sure, because overall she is acting way better and I imagine it's also probably from the fact that she's no longer in pain from her bladder and nails etc. So, the vet said that we can stop those, and monitor her stress state. And if she is acting worse, that we can start giving her the anti-stress/anti-anxiety meds again.

So, where is Penny now? Penny is currently spending most of her days just chilling in my sister's room. Where it's 99% stress free for her in general. We still help her with going to the toilet, BUT since her condition improved quite a bit she is going to the bathroom (into cat litter!) on her own way more often than I've ever seen before. She is also showing more interest in food (when it is feeding time, she will dare to walk out of my sister's room to go into the kitchen and start stealing one of my other cat's food which is a big deal! lol), but that is probably a slight side effect from corticosteroids, but I'll take it. I mean, she has consistently weighed 4 kg every time we have weighed her at the vets but I'm not opposed to her eating a bit more.

Since vet bills have been a bit of a hit on our bank accounts, we haven't managed to get Penny to a neurologist/specialist but both my sister and I are aware of options and we are planning to take her to one once this whole situation settles down health-wise for Penny and money-wise for us.

Anyway, this is I think pretty much it. If anything else happens or she gets super duper better/cured/etc I will update and thanks to anyone who expressed care for her. I really appreciate it and thank you to anyone who read all this.

I attached a few pictures of Penny, enjoying herself. The picture where she is sunbathing on my windowsill is a bit older, but it just shows her chaotic and determined energy that she will absorb the entire power of the sun and nothing will stop her. Not even my now poor dead succulents lol.



TCS Member
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Forum Helper
Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Hi. Thanks for the update! I can't address anything to do with the pemphigus foliaceus as I have had no experience with that. But I did want to comment on the e-coli in her urine.

Feeby was getting repeated UTIs and it was constantly from e-coli. The vet said it is pretty common, and something even as simple as Feeby not 'properly' cleaning/grooming herself can cause e-coli - which is always found in the stool/bowels - to pass from the anus and into the urethra and up into the bladder. I finally did some research and found pure D-Mannose can help clear e-coli from the bladder lining. I started giving it to her, and - knock on wood - she has not had a UTI since. You might want to give it a try and see if it would make a difference for Penny. Although, I don't use it for any other reason, other members routinely use it as a natural aide in overall bladder health.
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luda macka

meow ♡
Thread starter
Young Cat
Mar 22, 2022
Thank you for the reply! And thank you for the suggestion, I will look into it.

Yeah, we discussed if that was a thing that could have happened with the vet, that the e.coli traveled into and up her urethra to get to the bladder but the vet kinda dismissed it as unlikely since it would need to happen in a matter of hours. And we keep Penny's groin area really clean and check multiple times on a daily basis for any mess to ensure she is clean. But, honestly I don't even know what to think anymore :confused2::confused2::confused2::confused2:

I just want her healthy and for her to enjoy herself.