Artie and his Issues

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TCS Member
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Jan 9, 2016
New York City Area.
LOLOLOL - No Willy!!!!!!!!!!  That's hysterical.  Simon dated until the very last week, so I'm taking this as a good sign.  There's a lot of muscles used during this exercise, so it's good for him for movement and just to feel normal for a while.

This is the chart I used when caring for Simon.  If he gave me a glimpse of any of these, I'd reset and start over.

I found it to be a useful tool.  Some may remember me writing about it daily.  It was my bible.

This is a good sign.  

Artie is so sweet and handsome.  Please give him a big smooch from his Auntie Hope. LOL  Chat later.

I'll be having my computer looked at, so I'll be off for a while.  Have a good day, and I'll check in later.

Thanks for that PM, you made me laugh. xo


TCS Member
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Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Oh, silly people!  It isn't doing him or you any harm so I would let him be himself 

And I agree with Angels Mommy -- letting other people's opinions get to you is not a good idea.  You are Artie's family and caregiver.  YOU know what is best.  For me personally I always believe that while there's life there's hope, unless someone is clearly in extreme pain that cannot be helped.  Artie has a good quality of life and enjoys being with you.  

The carrier on the cupboard always worked for us with sub-Q.  

Thinking good thoughts and having continued *PRAYERS* for Artie!  
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Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
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Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Oh, I am allowing him to be as Happy  as he wants.. It does not other me.. but when it becomes excessive, say 4 times, I have to stop him..yes... man is he a Don Juan in fur!


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
You go, Artie!  I really think that it is a very good sign that he feels well enough to get happy, so to speak.  He is, in a very real way, celebrating his life.  How cruel would it be to stop him?  


TCS Member
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May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
Why would the S vet be so horrified by it?  I mean, yeah, I made Connor stop when he was attacking his brothers, but if he was doing it elsewhere I think I'd probably just give him a weird look then relocate so he could have his privacy.  Or whatever.

Secondly, I've heard cannabis is good for A LOT of things.  I'll be honest - I tried it a handful of times; most recently over 2 years ago.  I don't see why people make such a big deal about it; it's not that great.  I could take it or leave it.  But it DID make me really hungry.  That would be a really good thing for Artie.  And it's supposed to help with pain and all kinds of stuff.  If it was me, I would look into it.  Especially since the form you're talking about is legal.
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Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
@Artiemom   Here's a link to a company selling legal cannabis supplements for pets:   I would definitely try this for Paul or Chula if I thought it might help.   I've personally seen and known of too many people who have benefitted from the medical benefits of cannabis to not consider it.    Yes, it's dangerous to treat pets with some human medicines, but not all, so it's worth investigating.   @Alicia88  is right about it being an appetite stimulant, a point in its favor.

I'm glad to hear that Artie has been happy and can not imagine what the Svet has against it.   Honestly, she sounds a bit...sour.  

Sending kisses and hugs to you and Artie!    
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  • #308


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
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Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
@Artiemom   Here's a link to a company selling legal cannabis supplements for pets:   I would definitely try this for Paul or Chula if I thought it might help.   I've personally seen and known of too many people who have benefitted from the medical benefits of cannabis to not consider it.    Yes, it's dangerous to treat pets with some human medicines, but not all, so it's worth investigating.   @Alicia88  is right about it being an appetite stimulant, a point in its favor.

I'm glad to hear that Artie has been happy and can not imagine what the Svet has against it.   Honestly, she sounds a bit...sour.  

Sending kisses and hugs to you and Artie!    
That is the company I was looking into... 

Wonder if there are any side effects to his meds.. it says there is not, but ....who knows.. this is such an innovative use of cannabis.. 

They do say lethargy is a side effect, but the pet is not stoned....wonder what the difference is????  mellowness...hunger....sounds like regular weed to me.....

I say this as I am having a before dinner cocktail......I am bad...

I think I kind of have to ask the R vet about it before I order it, or try it... $35 for something that will have side effects or will interfere with his meds, would not be worth it for me.. I am on a limited income.. right now, Artie and some of my living expenses are coming out of my savings...which is not much...

and wondering how it would be with his bowels.. although the site I saw it on was for MegaColon kitties.......hummmmmm.....interesting....

If I was working, or able to work, I would not hesitate to try it.. although, I would not be able to provide the care I am to him...

yes, he was happy  about an hour ago.. on my lap, on the he is in his carrier!!

He ate very good today.. 1 1/4 last night, 3/4 this morning, another 1/4 in afternoon and another 1/4 just now...equaling 2 1/4 small cans, so far....

Yes, the S Vet reminds me of a prim and proper person.. kind of do it my way and do not question... and by the book.....that is what I get out of her.. Outside of work she is probably very different.... a lot of people are like that...She does know her stuff, but is just hard to deal with...I could never ask her about the Cannabis ~~ if I did, it would have to be in see her reaction, if any....she has a stone face..

so strange because she is in her 30's..
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TCS Member
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Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
I'm kind of wondering how you can tell when a cat is lethargic.  What does "lethargic" even mean in an animal that spends two thirds or more of its life sleeping, even when healthy?

I would advise caution when starting Artie on cannabis, if you decide to go that route.  We've had a good deal of experience with it here in Colorado (where it's been legal even for recreational use for several years now), and there have been a lot of reports of dogs who died from ingesting marijuana butts that they found lying on the sidewalks when out for a walk with their humans.

This does not mean that I believe there are no legitimate uses of marijuana for pets.  There very well may be.  I'm merely advising caution.



Professional cat sitter extraordinaire!
Top Cat
Apr 22, 2015
Northern suburbs of Chicago
I'm kind of wondering how you can tell when a cat is lethargic.  What does "lethargic" even mean in an animal that spends two thirds or more of its life sleeping, even when healthy?

I would advise caution when starting Artie on cannabis, if you decide to go that route.  We've had a good deal of experience with it here in Colorado (where it's been legal even for recreational use for several years now), and there have been a lot of reports of dogs who died from ingesting marijuana butts that they found lying on the sidewalks when out for a walk with their humans.

This does not mean that I believe there are no legitimate uses of marijuana for pets.  There very well may be.  I'm merely advising caution.

They have cannabis that is specifically for pets. If I remember correctly, there is no THC is it. I know someone that gives it to her kitty with CKD/IBD without a problem - she uses Canna Companion, specifically.
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  • #311


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
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Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
For those of you who would like to read a daily update, here it is...for others, just skip this part..

Artie was extremely Happy last night while I was trying to watch TV. I had to stop him a couple of times... no Willie!!! but he did not seem to pay attention to my direction!! wow.. imagine if he was out in the wild.. he would definitely be a TomCat...

He ate good during the night... about 1 1/2 cans.. mixed the Pride Rabbit with the prescription. Again, when the food is gone, around 4 AM, he comes in to cuddle with me. 

While I was cleaning up his mess from the food placemat.. he is a messy eater, and had some poop on the floor also..thank goodness for ceramic floors; Artie immediately began to tell me off.. He was yowling all over continued while I was getting his morning medicine ready also.... I could not believe what I was hearing....

Artie ate 1/4 of a can and another 1/4 of a can while I was at Church.. That is really good for him..

Went to his litter box, it had a ton of pee clumps..(yesterday was a sub-q day).. and a large clump of diarrhea--or very soft poop.... he did poop again-- diarrhea while I was drinking my coffee...but nothing since then..

only a small spot on the extra bedsheet.. washing that now..

He spit out his appetite stimulant this morning!! I had it in an empty gel cap...

I want to get his bowels under a bit of control before I cut back on the cyproheptadine; Plus I think he is gaining a bit of weight.. I have to weigh him tomorrow. 

He has been sleeping all morning! on my bed!! and now on the computer chair..

I think he is improved.. but I am taking it one day at a time and one hour at a time..He is still not out of the woods yet. I will be more encouraged if/when I can control his poops a bit , and when he improves his appetite without the cypro..

This week, I have to run around and pick up some more Cerenia (at the hospital), call his regular Vet so I can pick up the Lactated Ringers bag, and IV tubing. I want to see how much they charge before I start ordering it on line.. I have waisted so much money on food for him....I cannot afford to waste anymore.. 

The R Vet does not carry the Cerenia in the dose Artie needs...I would love to cut back on that also.. but I am not going to tempt fate and do anything drastic..without supervision..

I will close with a picture taken this past summer of Artie trying to 'help' me make my bed with new sheets:

He hates to have his picture taken. He automatically puts his head down when he sees me with my phone to my eyes...


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
AH, LOVE that picture of him looking so like any normal cat without health issues!  And I love the fact that he feels well enough to get Happy!  Repeatedly.  That bespeaks a level of energy that is very encouraging!  HUGS to you both, and Hekitty sends headbonks and purrs!


TCS Member
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Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Beautiful pic of Artie relaxing on his bed!  Sounds like you are having a basically good day 
  Just in case, you can get your sub-Q supplies from delivered.  I haven't priced them, but you can visit the site to see, or call them, or live chat.  They're very helpful.  

Please give sweet little man snorgles and kisses from us!


TCS Member
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Jan 9, 2016
New York City Area.
Well Cindy, This is all good news.  And I think you're finally getting comfortable knowing it's a one day at a time process.  

Don't think too far ahead, I personally got myself upset by doing that, because things can change on a dime.  Enjoy this time, I think Artie is going to be around for a long while to bug you. LOL

Fatten that boy up.  This is fantastic, love that he's eating.

So happy for you.  This must be a relief, to say the least.

Always thinking about you two.

xoxo Hope


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 9, 2016
New York City Area.
Good morning,  I hope you and Artie had a peaceful weekend after those rough few days.

Please know when I said things can change on a dime, I meant Artie's pooping patterns.  I remember when Chestnut went on prescription food and it destroyed her system, getting her regular proved to be a herculean task, and was more than frustrating for me considering she was so regular and healthy before the food.

We're here when you need us.

Have a wonderful day.   Warmest regards & big hugs with love to you and sweet handsome Artie - xoxoHope
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  • #318


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
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Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
thanks, Artie had a pretty good day yesterday; despite 2 episodes of diarrhea.. one in morning and one just as I was going to bed. 

I woke up to his food area a mess... he ate a total of 1 1/2 cans ~ Pride Rabbit with some Prescription rabbit...

His food area was a mess... food and poops smeared everywhere.. again, first thing in the morning, on hands and knees with the clorox wipes, cleaning the area, floor, etc.. and then wiping with water, and drying...

Artie is really funny... he waits for me to get up, and then leads me right to his litter box for poops....a daily morning ritual...

After that is done, and I survey the rest of the house for damage.. I can medicate him.. I wait 20-30 minutes to feed him. The sun comes in and I can see spots all over the laminate floor. I go over to wipe them.. constantly throughout the morning/day....

When it is time for his food, I say; "Artie, Num-Num.. wanna eat? nummy?" He comes running over, yowling at me the entire time. While I am getting his food ready, he yowls-- talks to me.. of course, I talk back to him, he replies... this goes on until I give him his food.. While it is not to his approval, he sulks off, to return while I am making my breakfast, and is right up against my legs, waiting for 'new' food...He walks away, only to return, watching me get my breakfast together..after I sit down with my breakfast...then he eats...

Yes, found more smears on the orange fleece throw, last night, before bed....and found smears on the cover sheet to the bed...I did put some puppy pads down.. I had to toss one yesterday, and one this morning..

He wanted to be brushed this morning; and I weighed him.. Artie weighs 10.35 lbs..  he has gained a few ounces.. much better than the 9.9 on the 3rd of this month.. but he feels heavier..

I just cannot get the handle on the miralax dosage.. I have an handle on combining the drugs.. I am not always going after him. I cut down on a couple of times, by combining them.. so he is happier.. He seems a lot happier.. at least this week end..and this morning. I think it is harder for me to get the correct dose because I am mixing up his foods.. but I would like to wean him from Natures variety.. while a great food, it is not good for him...if he had constant diarrhea, then it would be a different story. I think the NV is good for cats with IBD/diarrhea issues...but not for him.. but he loves it...

I need to get a lot of supplies: Walmart.. ugh... paper towels, clorox wipes, gloves, dawn, baby wipes, from Walmart... and some litter and more puppy pads from Petco...  and then stuff at the grocery store and at Trader Joes for me.. one day at a time.. 

Washing the sheet and fleece throw, right now.. they are soaking in Arm and Hammer laundry detergent and Nature's Miracle Laundry Boost.. after spot cleaning with Natures, my floors need to be steamed again....sigh...this week...I just vacuumed, and I need to vacuum again.. perhaps later today or tomorrow..

I am going through so much litter.. I keep changing the box, and Artie keeps peeing a lot and pooping diarrhea.. messy...

He is definitely well hydrated.. He refuses to use his extra box, combining it all in one.. strange.. he used to have one for pee and the extra box for it is all mixed..

I did notice that Artie was howling at me because he wanted a cleaner box.. so I complied.. it was  needing to be cleaned out..

He does call me when he poops... I hear a yowl, look for him, and he is there in the bathroom...he waits for me...he knows I wipe his bum clean with a baby wipe..

Artie just ate a bit more and is going to poop again... sigh.. this timid will be diarrhea.. what happened??

gotta go... he is digging..

Well, so far, I have done nothing but clean up after Artie.. it is poop everywhere.. I have puppy pads everywhere. I do not know what happened... he has gas, expels it, and poop comes along with it. I also had to wipe down the back of his leg because he had a frustrating.. good thing I decided to do a quick vacuum, otherwise I would not have found a lot of this.. I am washing another sheet; should have waiting because I have another towel to wash also.. man... 

I really have to run out and get supplies.. he needs them badly... 

no miralax for him today....
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Rules my home with an iron paw
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Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
I know the constant cleaning is making you a little crazy, but I am also so encouraged by the small weight gain!  The diarrhea seems to just be a part of this.  God bless and keep both you and Artie.  I know he repays your care in love, but you really have been going above and beyond.  You inspire me.


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
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Aug 13, 2009
I've read this entire thread, but now I honestly can't remember what's what. 

What would happen if you put Artie on a very bland diet for a couple of days to let his digestive system just "rest".  I'm thinking of this thread where LDG talks about how to control explosive diarrhea, but really it just gives everything in the digestive tract a break and chance to reset.  Of course, if you considered this, you would probably want to run it by one of your Vets.  But just a thought.  Then you could regroup and start over with some of the stuff. 

But I'm scared of what will happen if you don't give him ANY Miralax today
   He seems to go so quickly from diarrhea to impacted
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