Artie and his Issues

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  • #341


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
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Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Good to hear Artie is feeling better. Talking to you is a good sign he must be feeling better. Are the meds he is taking for humans or are they all compounded? Do you have a Costco nearby?
Costco is in a tuff area to get to..  but I have a couple within about 30 miles... but traffic can be is not human grade and another is compounded..I go to a small, family run compounding pharmacy for it. They have very good quality..

Now I am going to a different pharmacy for the Lactated Ringers


TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
I just called around to different pharmacies looking for the price of Lactated Ringers solution. I found one small pharmacy in the next town which charges $6.25 a bag!! but you have to buy a minimum of 12....I put an order in... that is such a good price... I was paying over $30 at the Hospital and over $20 at the R Vets... just have to buy the tubing on line.. I can pick it up tomorrow....

 I will just sell any extras or donate them to someone who needs them.. 

finally a break somewhere.. now to store them...

I do not have to worry about wasting any... thank God...
It sounds like he's doing better. That's wonderful. God bless that handsome little sweetheart. 

I hope he continues to improve. he seems to still have lots of sass and energy. That's fantastic. You are an amazing Mom. The two of you are the perfect pair. Artie knows this. He wants to be with you for as long as possible. 

if you have a AAA card, many pharmacies give discounts with it. Wal Mart does for sure. It gives me discounts on prescriptions that insurance doesn't cover. It's worth looking into if you are a AAA member. 

here's to Artie (and YOU) having LOTS more good days. Keep fighting baby. We're all cheering for you and sending you so much love. 


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jan 13, 2017
I must confess I read only part of the posts. Still, from the hesitant description of the illness, it looks like additional investigations are needed to have a clear picture of the problem.
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  • #344


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
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Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
I must confess I read only part of the posts. Still, from the hesitant description of the illness, it looks like additional investigations are needed to have a clear picture of the problem.
I have posted another thread, a few years ago, about how sick Artie was. At that time he ended up having an endoscopic biopsy which diagnosed IBD. He was put on Steroid, novel protein diet, pepcid, and probiotic.. He has always been fussy with food. I noticed he vomited immediately after eating chicken; therefore allergic to chicken

This year he had a few flares.--put on cerenia.   Fairly recently his appetite decreased again, S Vet noticed his weight declining a bit, but still WNL... Had R Vet appointment.. weight was down lower.. on exam he was discovered to be constipated.. one enema... that is when everything went downhill....and I started this thread...

You can read my last thread on him...


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
I just called around to different pharmacies looking for the price of Lactated Ringers solution. I found one small pharmacy in the next town which charges $6.25 a bag!! but you have to buy a minimum of 12....I put an order in... that is such a good price... I was paying over $30 at the Hospital and over $20 at the R Vets... just have to buy the tubing on line.. I can pick it up tomorrow....

 I will just sell any extras or donate them to someone who needs them.. 

finally a break somewhere.. now to store them...

I do not have to worry about wasting any... thank God...
I've got a bunch of IV set-ups that I would be glad to mail to you if you'd like (just pm me your address) .  Otherwise, this is where I buy them for dirt cheap.

OH, and on the tubing, our Vet said it's ok to re-use it as long as you keep it as sterile as possible when switching it from bag to bag.  We've reused them at least twice, sometimes 3 times.  Never reuse needles, but definitely reuse the IV set-ups.
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verna davies

TCS Member
Feb 23, 2016
Wales uk
I have a friend with a dog that is a fussy eater so now and again she grates a little cheese on his food and he then wolfs it down. I know that cheese is not good for cats but putting a little on his food might work.


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Everyone already said everything I was gonna say!  That's what I get for staying up till 4 am, and sleeping till 10 or so!  I never manage to get online till right after noon.  THAT said, I am just tickled to death that Artie was feeling energetic and interested enough to get on top of the fridge!  That is wonderful news if a bit wearing on the nerves!
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  • #349


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
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Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Artie did not eat much today.. and he did not poop much.. only the tiny soft poop this morning.. getting a bit anxious, but he has been having diarrhea for so long, so he may not have much in there. 

not eating much, while taking the appetite stimulant is a bit worrisome, but I have to have faith...

Today, I did the sub-q's, again.. not sure about how successful I was. I got it in perfectly, however I had a hard time seeing if it was flowing. I had to reposition myself, had to pull the needle out to see if it was flowing, and had to stick him again. Artie was so so so good... He tried to move away, but I just put my hand out and did not allow him to. He went back into place. 

I know I gave him 100 cc.. but I may have given him a bit more...sigh... I have to hang another hook closer to the coach.. need to buy a few more.. 

Artie now has a large fluid bubble on the upper part of his left front paw and on his side.. sigh... first one.. I feel bad.. 

fingers crossed, he poops tonight or tomorrow.... and not constipated again.. or hard again... sigh..

angels mommy

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 5, 2011
Perfection is too much to expect from yourself.  You're doing a great job and Artie clearly realizes that you're helping him.  Why else would he cooperate so well?

I agree. Try not to worry too much just yet. I think you are right.
After emptying out, he may not have much in there. Especially if he didn't eat much to replace it. I doubt that he would get constipated after getting fluids. Hopefully anyway. Maybe he will be hungry enough tonight to eat. Even w/ the Rx food mixed in [emoji]128521[/emoji]
Hang in there. [emoji]128522[/emoji]


TCS Member
Feb 27, 2015
The kitty playground
I've not been posting much, but still following. I'm so glad that Artie's had a run of good days, and that you're both getting into the groove with his meds regime.

Try not to worry about the lack of poop. It's very likely that he's just totally cleared out from the diarrhoea. :cross: that he has a normal bm very soon :vibes: Mega :vibes: that he eats more soon too :vibes:

Absolutely go easy on yourself about the fluid bubble. Nobody is perfect 100% of the time - and that includes vets and vet techs ;) Artie knows you're helping him, and his being so good for you is a testament to the strength of the bond you share, and the trust and faith he has in you. You're doing a wonderful job with him, so go easy on yourself :hugs:

Loving Mickey

Mickey , my heart and soul Angel kitty
Top Cat
Jun 13, 2014
I, like many others, are following.
We are all concerned about both you and Artie. I love when I read that he is eating and having a good day. It warms my heart to hear that. I cry along with you when he is not having a good day.
Artie and you both are in my heart and prayers.
I truly hope Artie has many, many, many, more good days. You are taking such excellent care of him, and he loves you for it. He knows you love him, and only want him well.
Give sweet Artie a bug hug from me, and yourself as well!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
I am not about to try the cannabis without a Vets approval. I just do not feel comfortable doing so...but it is still there, as an option....

Artie did not eat very much yesterday.. even with the appetite stimulant.. 

I left one can out. He is getting spoiled and tired of having the prescription food mixed into the Pride rabbit. He refused it while I was up, but had to eat it when I was in bed, sleeping..he had no choice at all.

Artie woke me up this morning.. Man, did he ever!!! He would not allow me to even turn over.. He kept poking me, yowling at me.. and does he yowl.. kept getting louder and more insistent.. I had to get up!! 

He did lick his bowl clean.. a couple of smears of poop, and a messy food area...but over one can eaten during the night.

No poops in the litter box, no dirty puppy pads. I have not checked out the bed cover sheet. I will do that soon. 

Artie is so so so funny. He had 2 pee clumps in the litter box. As soon as I scooped them out, he jumped in to poop... he wanted a clean box!! Is that why he was so persistent in waking me up?? I go to the litter box, during my morning wake-up routine. 

Quite possible.  A lot of cats prefer to pee and poop in separate boxes; I've no idea why.

He pooped a tiny soft poop... not really enough to clean himself out, but he has been having so much diarrhea, so how much can really be inside of him??

I give him plain Pride Rabbit for the first meal. He gobbled down 1/2 of a can. I picked it up to add some of the prescription food to the rest of the can.. Artie was waiting for more food. As soon as he sniffed the prescription food in there, he walked away.. darn cat.. getting spoiled while on his medications!!

Artie has been all over me for some people food--cheese.. I think I created a monster! 

When he was so sick and not eating, I gave him a bit of cheese.. He loved it.. now when I have anything with cheese, he is crawling all over me to get some.. Even Parmesan cheese in the pasta.. he literally crawls into my lap, his face in my dish...

This morning, I felt like a bagel with cream cheese.. no other way to eat one, as far as I am concerned. I also take my morning meds along with some vitamins. I put those in a small cup.. I was sitting down, with my coffee, bagel (cream cheese) and meds... Artie was all over me!! and all over the food... He wanted the cream cheese!! I did not give him any.. telling him, "NO< NO! Go Away!, Boo-boo food".. he was even crawling into my food.. and my lap...

At one point, he even put his paw into the tiny cup with my meds and vitamins!! He did it twice.. what a crazy cat...

last night, somewhere around 10 minutes after I went to bed.. Artie followed me ...well, I suddenly heard a  Loud CRASH.... Jumping out of bed, saying, "What did you do??" I saw Artie coming out of the kitchen with his ears down.. I peeked in, and saw the hand lotion, which I keep on top of the refrigerator, on the floor... 

Yes, Artie jumped on the counter, walked through the dish drainer, jumped on top of the refrigerator, looking for food or investigating, and knocked the hand lotion off the top of the refrigerator... 

He had refused his Pride Rabbit/prescription food mix, so he was on the hunt for more food..

Yes, he is feeling better, but I am really going broke with all his medications. I have to find someplace less expensive.. do I trust the mail order compounding pharmacies?? My mail man is very unreliable...

will the S Vet comply with prescriptions for them?  Will I be able to get the IV Solution cheaper at Walgreens or Rite Aid?   so much running around...but I need to save some money..

I don't know whether it was a compounding pharmacy, but I rather think it was.  When Pretzel was dying we bought her pain medications from a mail order veterinary pharmacy and they were both cheaper and more available that way.  The only order they ever got wrong was when they sent us an additional shipment after we'd had to put her to sleep.

If your mail man isn't very reliable, would it be possible to have them delivered to a friend's house, with a different mail carrier?  Or, possibly, would it pay to rent a P.O. box?

Wish me luck again, for the Sub-Q's is The Day... I put up a couple more hooks in above my bed...just in case. I think I want to do it when Artie is drowsy.. and not on the cat tree...
You know that we always wish you luck, but as far as the Sub-Qs go I'm beginning to think that you don't need it -- you have acquired something more reliable than luck; you've become skillful.  Kudos. 

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  • #356


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
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Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Thank you all, again..

Artie had a good day yesterday.. We both did. It was a rainy day outside, so I decided to stay in, rest and do nothing in the afternoon. I was telephoning around for a lower cost to the Lactated Ringers solution. I think I wrote this yesterday. 

After I was done, it was too late for noontime Mass; so I showered, lounged on the coach with a  cup of tea and a bag of popcorn, with a throw on my legs. Artie came right over, to cuddle on my lap..We sat there, taking a quick bathroom break, all afternoon watching Cary Grant movies on Turner Classics. 

He ate ok yesterday.. nothing major.. his regular amount.. even though he is taking the cypro..

He did have another small soft poop last night..around 2 inches. He still has a lot of gas. 

This morning, after 7am, I was in bed, lying on my right side. I was dreaming, but work with a start. I opened my eyes to look and Artie was sitting on the night table, staring at me!!! I turned over, he walked on the bed to cuddle. I took off my wrist braces, he tried to jump down. I held on to him---and got some poop on my finger... sigh...

He follows me from room to room.. He ate well last night.. about 1 1/2 cans of food--mixed...yes, there were couple of poop smears..

He had 2 large pee clumps in his litter box.. He always waits for me to scoop it out before he uses it.. He has another box also.. but has decided not to use it anymore...

As soon as I scooped, he was right in there, digging to China... he did mange a small 2 inch pile of soft poop... so he is going.

I wonder if that is enough? It seems to be 2 small clumps of 2 inches, daily???

He is eating about 2 1/2 small cans per day.. Artie weighed 10.4 lbs this morning.. 

now he is on my bed, sunning himself..

He did leave a piece of poop on the fleece throw. I think he has so much gas, that he passes the gas and a piece of poop falls out...I washed that area down with the Natures Miracle. 
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 9, 2016
New York City Area.
Good Morning @Artiemom  - As we chatted  about via PM, I too have been lurking also.  You had so many responses the past few days, I honestly didn't have too much to offer, so I thought I'd leave room for the good advice you've been getting from the other members.

I know how overwhelming this process with Artie is but I think you're doing a wonderful job.  Artie definitely knows you're doing what's best for him, and it sounds as if, from what you're writing, that he's ready to be helped. Simon and I went through that growing pain of "assistance" , being that Simon was so independent, it was difficult for him to be helped at first.

I love that Artie is eating and gaining a few oz's, I know the food he's eating isn't ideal and may be causing some issues, but I honestly feel, and remember I'm not a vet, but I feel that it's important to keep him interested in food.  Artie definitely seems as if the past few days, he's very much interested in eating.  That to me is a monumental feat.  GO ARTIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I also love that he is now engaging in regular conversation's with you again.  If I didn't know any better, it sounds as if Artie is acting is normal self (pooping aside), which after the past few weeks of him being weak and shying away from you.  This is more than terrific news.

You have been persistent in his care and the reward is now paying off.  I couldn't be more happy for you both

I will however, keep reminding you to take care of yourself.  xoxo Hope

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  • #359


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
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Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Good Morning @Artiemom  - As we chatted about via PM, I too have been lurking also.  You had so many responses the past few days, I honestly didn't have too much to offer, so I thought I'd leave room for the good advice you've been getting from the other members.

I know how overwhelming this process with Artie is but I think you're doing a wonderful job.  Artie definitely knows you're doing what's best for him, and it sounds as if, from what you're writing, that he's ready to be helped. Simon and I went through that growing pain of "assistance" , being that Simon was so independent, it was difficult for him to be helped at first.

I love that Artie is eating and gaining a few oz's, I know the food he's eating isn't ideal and may be causing some issues, but I honestly feel, and remember I'm not a vet, but I feel that it's important to keep him interested in food.  Artie definitely seems as if the past few days, he's very much interested in eating.  That to me is a monumental feat.  GO ARTIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I also love that he is now engaging in regular conversation's with you again.  If I didn't know any better, it sounds as if Artie is acting is normal self (pooping aside), which after the past few weeks of him being weak and shying away from you.  This is more than terrific news.

You have been persistent in his care and the reward is now paying off.  I couldn't be more happy for you both

I will however, keep reminding you to take care of yourself.  xoxo Hope


I will copy and print this up to remind myself..

I am hanging out for a few minutes before I leave for noontime Mass. I need it..

I will come home, and then call the new pharmacy to see if the Lactated Ringers has come in.. I am in no hurry, but she said it may be in today...I want them to know that I am really interested in it.

I left and update for the S Vet., Got an immediate call back from the Vet Tech. She said the S Vet is very pleased with the results of the past week. She said that a 2 inch poop twice a day is good for him.. and to call if any changes. They are also faxing the LRS script to the new pharmacy... phew... a relief...

I would just like to have him poop a bit more and eat a bit more.. looking back, last week he was eating 3 cans a day.. now it is 2 1/2... but I am giving him more of the prescription food. I am not changing his meds at all.. will just go broke buying them.. 

I guess this is our 'new' norm........sigh... 

Artie is really talking to me. I tried to engage him in some play this morning.. no go.. he seemed interested for a split second and then just ignored me.  He came into my bedroom after I showered and crunched.. I kept asking him if he had a tummy ache? nothing from him... I told him to go get nummy,-- again nothing...I said both things a couple of times while I was getting dressed... nothing.. no movement from him.. 

Finally, I said, "NUMMY???"  "Is that it? "You do not like your food?"   and he answered with a "owwwYullll".....and walked away!

.that was it...he does not like his food. I went over to the dish... he took a taste of it, (mostly prescription food) and walked immediately over to tell me he did not like it....

Yes, these are the interactions we have always had. We have conversations. He keeps me such good company...

The members here are all so wonderful.. everyone who is following this thread, who reads it occasionally, the people who comment on it, the PM's I am getting ---- well, my heart is overflowing with love for and from all of you... thank you so much...

We are not out of the woods yet.. I will keep watching his poops constantly for changes.. and still be anxious.. right now I will be anxious until we have a few days of his new norm....but I have a feeling I still have to tweak things around, a lot.....

One Day at a Time....

and it is out of my hands right now.. it is in a higher authority... I have done all that I can.. I cannot do anymore.. I am drained but so glad to see some light.. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
All right, I'm going to tell my own personal motto. "I'm still breathing, and tomorrow is another day." Tomorrow the world may seem like a much better place, and as long as I'm still breathing I can see it. It sounds like you're there! 
 Sending good thoughts and vibes yours and Artie's way.
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