Artie and his Issues

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
And we :redheartpump: Artie too! Hey, are you thinking of getting a little girlfriend for Artie? That little tuxedo kitty that you visited sounded so cute...:D


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
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Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
And we :redheartpump: Artie too! Hey, are you thinking of getting a little girlfriend for Artie? That little tuxedo kitty that you visited sounded so cute...:D
No, I cannot stress Artie any more than he already is.. the addition of another cat, may put him over the edge.

I did meet a woman who was donating all her cats things. She had to put her kitty down on Saturday. She came in the adoption area just to look at kitties.. I gave her a big hug.


May the purr be with you
Dec 22, 2005
No, I cannot stress Artie any more than he already is.. the addition of another cat, may put him over the edge.
I agree with you 100%. Cats can get stressed so easily and that's one thing Artie definitely does not need.

I'm sure M maggiedemi was only commenting because she thought you took an interest in the little female tuxedo cat. I'm glad you visited Angell Memorial and gave the cats some attention plus a big hug to the lady who was donating her cat's belongings.

Hope you can relax with that glass of wine and popcorn after you get home from your church meeting. You certainly deserve a much needed break. :hugs:


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
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Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Hey Guys,
Late last night, Artie did poop a tiny bit, 2.5 x 1/2 inch, hard.

Again, he cuddled in bed, all night. I kept a light on all night.

He started yowling this morning, around 4AM. I had to ignore him. Finally at 5am, I could not do ignore.

As soon as I got out of the bedroom, Artie led me to his litter box. He pooped a 4 x 1 inch piece of a bit softer poop. He had a hard time breaking it away from his body, so it fell off of him when he was out side the box. At least he pooped! Hoping we are at least seeing a break in the dam...

We have the enema scheduled for 2pm. I think I am going to put a hold on it, if I can. The NVet is not in today, neither is his secretary. I have someone else who would give the enema. I am thinking this person is a Resident. I cannot find her name on the website. That is ok.

I hope I can reschedule the enema for tomorrow, if needed. I will call them in about an hour and a half, when they will be in for the day.

Artie ate only 3/16 of a cup of food yesterday--nothing during the night.
This morning, after pooping, he ate 1/8 of a cup.

Last night, when I came home from the meeting, I did have an alcoholic beverage. I really felt like one. I also had a few slices of deli american cheese. Artie was all over me for cheese! I was surprised, but he ate an entire slice of cheese!

I did not give him the extra dose of sub-q's yesterday because he still had the 'pouch' at 6pm. I am dosing him heavily with lactulose. He is taking a tiny bit of the miralax.

He has discontinued the cyproheptadine~~ too much yowling, anxiety

I am still tired. If we do not have to go in this afternoon, I think I may try to take a nap.

M maggiedemi No, I did not take your comment the wrong way. That little girl is really cute. Her name is Pirouette. I remembered it last night.

I may just be lurking on here today, because I do not feel as if I can make much sense of things. I have another appointment in Boston this morning. And hopefully I do not have to come back home, pack up Artie and go back to Boston with him......

thanks all for your kind words...and understanding


TCS Member
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Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Well, gave another update to NVet via Sec.

I am to discontinue the cyproheptadine, since it does not seem to be improving his appetite, and he is getting so paranoid/antsy/yowling.

If he does not poop by tomorrow, he will get an enema as an outpatient. :sickcat:

I was out, but retrieved my VM message before the secretary left for the week-end. Everyone is taking long week-ends!!

The NVet will be off, beginning Thursday, until Tuesday!!!! :argh:

He did update the Vet who is covering for him, about Artie.

I was able to speak with the J, the NVet's secretary. We decided, and she checked with the NVet and the covering Vet; about just scheduling him for an outpatient enema, tomorrow afternoon. I hate to wait that long, but I have a doctor's appointment right at mid morning, in Boston... This is a very busy week for me, with appointments, and such...:argh:

While we were on the phone with each other, Artie tried to poop, nothing....sight.. he is miserable.. that is why he is not eating.. he goes over to the food, sniffs, and walks away.. He does need a cleaning out..

Just my luck to finally find an awesome vet, and Artie has a flare, requiring another enema, when he is on vacation... :livid:

The secretary did tell me that the NVet really trusts my judgement on things. I find that amazing.. me?? I guess this cat was given to me for a reason.. to take really good care of.. and I am..

I am just really tired.. two nights without sleep is too much for me, at this age. whining...

I had to go into Boston for an exam today-- just routine.
I had to get another medium iced coffee because I was so groggy.

I stopped by Angell Memorial to pick up some more Cerenia for Artie. The adoption room was open for visitors. I had to go in and check out the kitties. There are 3 orange kitties there.. all elderly, 9+ years... poor babies.. sad...
There was also a kitten with cerebellar hypoplasia.. sweet thing.. but she was so wobbly on her hind legs.. poor thing.. so cute.
I did really like a tuxedo female, 1 yr 8 months old. I think her name was: Poroit... yes a female.. so sweet. She was hiding in her box, but when I started talking to her, she came out, head butting me, paw through cage door... melted my heart.

I got a text message on the way home, and an e-mail. The church's social committee is having a last minute meeting tonight.. I do not even want to attend, but I have to. I need to attend because we are having an outing on the 29th and we have to formalize things. There are only 4 of us who are really involved in this outing.. sigh

All I wanted to do was to get home, give Artie some meds, change my clothes, have some popcorn, and a glass of wine.. and go to bed early..

Artie still has the fluid pouch from this morning. I do not think I am going to give him anymore fluids tonight because he has not even absorbed the sub-q's from this morning. If I do give him any, it will be a minimal amount.. like 50 cc.

I am rambling now... another hour before I have to leave for the meeting. I may not get back on-line tonight. If I do, it will just be to read messages...

Thanks to all for your support. I am still clomping along.. for Artie...
Hoping you got some rest, Artie absorbed his Ringer's, and that his outpatient enema will "go" very well!
Oh, you are tough. I would have a VERY hard time visiting those cats. All my cats have come to me as rescues, most from "the street", one from a friend who had an adoption service out of a local Petco, and two from people who were old/sick or otherwise unable to keep their beloved cats, and two from a dear friend who willed them to me when she took her own life. I had to go to the shelter to get this pair, and also to adopt another sweet cat who was not with me for very long due to illness. Those were VERY hard times for me, because I get quite upset at having to go to shelters.
Hoping you and Artie have a better day and evening!


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
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Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Artie has been sleeping the entire time I was gone. No more stuff in litter box, no more food eaten.

I just had a bagel with cream cheese. Have not had a bagel for a long time. I am in the, "tired, but wired" phase, and the "Tired-will eat anything and everything"...

I was planning on going back out; but I think I will change my clothes to hang around stuff, and just lie down on my bed, with classical music playing. Since Artie was given his cisapride right after 5 am; it will soon be time for his next dose.

I think lying down will be good...just relaxing and chilling..

Yes, I am tough.. but I keep thinking about that little girl. If Artie was younger and not in such frail health, then I think I could possibly take her home.


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Sending lots of :vibes::vibes::vibes:to Artie. I know you are so worried. This, too, shall pass. And the enema will make darned sure it does.

Think I'll add bagels to the grocery list. That sounds SO good!


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
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Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Mamanyt1953 Mamanyt1953 Artie did not have an enema today. I cancelled it because he pooped a tiny bit last night and a bit more this morning.

Artie also pooped this afternoon, after getting his dose of cisapride. Another 2.5 x 1 inch. It seemed a tiny bit softer. He is sleeping in his quilt/tent.

I did lay down on my bed, for a nap. Artie did not come over to cuddle with me.. perhaps that means he is feeling a bit better?????

Hopefully, he will eat more food. and soon......


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Mamanyt1953 Mamanyt1953 Artie did not have an enema today. I cancelled it because he pooped a tiny bit last night and a bit more this morning.

Artie also pooped this afternoon, after getting his dose of cisapride. Another 2.5 x 1 inch. It seemed a tiny bit softer. He is sleeping in his quilt/tent.

I did lay down on my bed, for a nap. Artie did not come over to cuddle with me.. perhaps that means he is feeling a bit better?????

Hopefully, he will eat more food. and soon......


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
There's nothing wrong with having a little drink of wine!...Bring his blankie to bed with you, maybe he'll pay more attention to that and let you sleep. But if he's anything like Demi, he likes to suck on the blanket and knead it while standing on top of me and crushing me.
No, Artie likes to get "happy" with his blankie, :lol:.

I sleep on my side, my right hip hurts if I am in one position for too long, along with my right arm having to be positioned a certain way because of the injury I had there.

Lying on the left side is not doable, for the entire night. Stomach sleeping is kind of ok, but to get past Artie, is so much work. and then the back starts up from the change in position...

Needless to say, I am not feeling well today.. back is killing me, along with right hip. I am really tired also...Whining...
You know, you do have a right to whine occasionally, and this is the place to do it.

I'm also a side sleeper, and I used to have similar problems with my shoulder and arm. I discovered that I could solve a large part of the problem with an extra pillow, a fairly thick, firm pillow. I would lie down on the pillow, on my back, and then roll to my side, with my shoulder just off of the pillow. Not all the way onto my shoulder; more like a 45° angle. It was enough that it felt like I was on my side rather than my back, but my weight was being supported more by my shoulder blade on the pillow than by my shoulder and arm on the bed.

I got a text message on the way home, and an e-mail. The church's social committee is having a last minute meeting tonight.. I do not even want to attend, but I have to. I need to attend because we are having an outing on the 29th and we have to formalize things. There are only 4 of us who are really involved in this outing.. sigh

All I wanted to do was to get home, give Artie some meds, change my clothes, have some popcorn, and a glass of wine.. and go to bed early..
Cindy, I know you get a great deal of comfort from your church, and you feel a need to be involved, but do you think that, just maybe, you should tell them that, for now, your time is too limited for you to volunteer this much?

I did meet a woman who was donating all her cats things. She had to put her kitty down on Saturday. She came in the adoption area just to look at kitties.. I gave her a big hug.
:bawling: :vibes: So hard to do that. So hard to see that, but I'm glad you were there for her. :worship:



Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Artie Update:
Yesterday was a poop day! Artie pooped 3 times yesterday! It is getting softer. The only thing, he is not eating much. I gave him an additional 60cc of sub-q's last night. His pee clumps are getting slightly larger also.

Yes, Artie cuddled last night. Both on my lap and in bed. But he was not straightjacketing me! He did wake me up at 4am. I got up right after 5am. He ate 1/8 cup of food, with me playing "Our" game ..(toss and chase)

He is also taking a bit of miralax water.

Weighed him yesterday, he is at 10.9 lbs.

I am having my hair done today. Tomorrow morning is a meeting with the Humane Society. That means me being up for 6 days at 5am, so I can give Artie all his morning meds, without rushing him.

I have not been an
active volunteer with the humane society this year. Artie has consumed my time. I am hesitant to go, but I still want to remain a member. I hope they understand why I am not helping out.. As someone pointed out to me: Why do I have to justify my involvement?... but I feel as if I do.. kind of guilty for not helping out; but Artie is my priority.

Thanks Margret Margret for
the suggestion of letting the church group go for a while; but it keeps me socially active. We do not have many things going on, and it does feel good to be involved. The upcoming trip to Foxwoods is something the church has not done before. The smaller, unofficial, group within the social committee which is planning it, really wants it to be successful.. I am part of that small group.
Sundays are the day that I wish I was not as active... it is as if I have a 'job' at has morphed into me being kind of like the 'go to' person at my mass.

I just have to get through this week. It has been extremely busy for me. So far, next week, nothing is schooled except for Artie's Visit with the NVET and his rabies shot.

Back to Artie:
He took his first meds, really well, ate a bit, and is currently sleeping on his quilt.
Hopefully more poops today... and more food ....


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Artie Update:
Yesterday was a poop day! Artie pooped 3 times yesterday! It is getting softer. The only thing, he is not eating much. I gave him an additional 60cc of sub-q's last night. His pee clumps are getting slightly larger also.

Yes, Artie cuddled last night. Both on my lap and in bed. But he was not straightjacketing me! He did wake me up at 4am. I got up right after 5am. He ate 1/8 cup of food, with me playing "Our" game ..(toss and chase)

He is also taking a bit of miralax water.

Weighed him yesterday, he is at 10.9 lbs.

I am having my hair done today. Tomorrow morning is a meeting with the Humane Society. That means me being up for 6 days at 5am, so I can give Artie all his morning meds, without rushing him.

I have not been an
active volunteer with the humane society this year. Artie has consumed my time. I am hesitant to go, but I still want to remain a member. I hope they understand why I am not helping out.. As someone pointed out to me: Why do I have to justify my involvement?... but I feel as if I do.. kind of guilty for not helping out; but Artie is my priority.

Thanks Margret Margret for
the suggestion of letting the church group go for a while; but it keeps me socially active. We do not have many things going on, and it does feel good to be involved. The upcoming trip to Foxwoods is something the church has not done before. The smaller, unofficial, group within the social committee which is planning it, really wants it to be successful.. I am part of that small group.
Sundays are the day that I wish I was not as active... it is as if I have a 'job' at has morphed into me being kind of like the 'go to' person at my mass.

I just have to get through this week. It has been extremely busy for me. So far, next week, nothing is schooled except for Artie's Visit with the NVET and his rabies shot.

Back to Artie:
He took his first meds, really well, ate a bit, and is currently sleeping on his quilt.
Hopefully more poops today... and more food ....
Great that you were able to cancel the enema -- good on you, ARTIE! who should be your priority -- after all, he is FAMILY!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
No, Artie likes to get "happy" with his blankie, :lol:.

You know, you do have a right to whine occasionally, and this is the place to do it.

I'm also a side sleeper, and I used to have similar problems with my shoulder and arm. I discovered that I could solve a large part of the problem with an extra pillow, a fairly thick, firm pillow. I would lie down on the pillow, on my back, and then roll to my side, with my shoulder just off of the pillow. Not all the way onto my shoulder; more like a 45° angle. It was enough that it felt like I was on my side rather than my back, but my weight was being supported more by my shoulder blade on the pillow than by my shoulder and arm on the bed.

Cindy, I know you get a great deal of comfort from your church, and you feel a need to be involved, but do you think that, just maybe, you should tell them that, for now, your time is too limited for you to volunteer this much?

:bawling: :vibes: So hard to do that. So hard to see that, but I'm glad you were there for her. :worship:

*Butting in unasked* I have a messed-up rotator cuff on the right side. Most of the time it's not too bad, but when it kicks up, it can be pretty excruciating especially as I do a fair amount of physical work and I work out including with weights, 4-5 times a week, whether I'm in pain or not. I'm a side sleeper as well, and after having bought and tried many of the "miracle" pillows on the market, I am sticking with my buckwheat hull pillows, of which I have 2. They last forever, and you can arrange them so you're comfortable however you sleep.


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Now, THIS is very interesting. He fought his meds, stopped pooping, wouldn't eat, pooped, ate and took his meds! If the pattern repeats, you'll have an early indicator of when he might have a "spell." And when he is coming out of it again! While the "spell" is bad, having an indication that one is coming on is a good thing!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Now, THIS is very interesting. He fought his meds, stopped pooping, wouldn't eat, pooped, ate and took his meds! If the pattern repeats, you'll have an early indicator of when he might have a "spell." And when he is coming out of it again! While the "spell" is bad, having an indication that one is coming on is a good thing!
Makes a lot of sense!:cutecat:
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