Any Idea How Close She Is To Giving Birth?


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 13, 2017
I have been adopted by a stray cat. Well, it started out my cats' food dishes were adopted by her. I let my cats outside on days that I'm in and out and the weather is nice. While they're outside, I keep the back door open so they can come in and out whenever they want to. A few weeks ago I hear one of them crunching on their food, then the digging in the litter box in the garage. (You have to walk through the garage to get from the kitchen to the back deck, so I keep a litter box out there for my fat old lady cat. She doesn't move very fast any more and couldn't always make it all the way inside. And, of course, the dirt isn't good enough for her. lol) I looked out of the kitchen window and my cats are lounging in their favorite spots on the deck. So, I look in the garage an there's this strange, small kitty using the litter box. Then she walked outside and flopped on the deck for a nap. My cats were completely accepting of her.

This went on for about a week until she decided I was ok. Then she'd come right in the house, meowing at me, rubbing against my legs, jumping on my lap. She's a very cuddly, talkative, personable cat. Looks like she might be a year or so old. We live in a very high flea area yet I can find no sign of fleas on her at all. And no sign of worms in her poop. I'm sure she's had flea treatments. She seemed very healthy and well-cared for. So I assumed she was a neighbor cat who just came to visit.

Then one day I was hanging clothes on the line about 5 am and she came crawling out from under my deck, where she'd apparently spent the night. That was when I realized she was homeless and also when I realized she was pregnant. Her belly was always a pudgy, tight little ball, but I've always seen her after she's eaten her fill. This morning I realized it wasn't food. So, I brought her inside, gave her a box with an old blanket, and have kept her inside.

My son checked with all of the neighbors. He works at a very busy neighborhood store and has been showing pictures of her on his phone to everyone, asking if they know her. And I've posted pics of her to all the online sites I can find. So far, no luck.

This past week, almost overnight, her belly went from a round little ball to sticking way out on both sides. She is also laying straight out on her side now to nap, then will wake with a squeal or whimper and start licking at her belly or side. Randomly she'll suddenly stretch both hind legs out as straight as they'll go. And she's very restless, either pacing everywhere in the house, or glued to me. Her favorite spot is on my lap or stretched out on the coffee table in front of me.

I've given her a few nesting spots in the areas she seems to like the most. But up on furniture. She's adopted my desk as her favorite spot. But I'm trying to keep her up high since my fat old lady cat keeps attacking her. And since she's 3 times the little one's size, I'm afraid she'll really hurt her or the babies when they come. I've tried locking her in my room and she just whimpers and whines and paws non-stop at the door. She wants company and attention all the time.

She's a smart cat. I've been calling her baby girl and comes to it already. When I say my boy cat's name she'll look at him, and same with my old lady. She also already knows that num num means canned cat food. lol

I've also been able to see and feel the babies moving this week. She seems to love me just laying my hands on her belly and they'll squirm and push against my hands.

Can I be expecting more babies soon, do you think? She's such a small cat. Well, at least compared to my two beasts she is. She's in obvious discomfort at times and cries until I hold her. She's licking herself, but I don't know if it's more than normal because I really don't know what her normal is. She has, however, made herself right at home here. I'm sure she was someone's baby. I hope they didn't dump her because she was pregnant.


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
She has not dropped yet, so some more time to go. Rub her belly and proceed with what you do!


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
How kind of you to take this sweet girl in.

Probably another week or two since you just began to see movement.

She was clearly dumped or left behind, and is grateful for a home.

Once she has her babies you'll want to keep your older cat separate.

Give her lots of wet food during her pregnancy and nursing days.
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  • #4


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 13, 2017
Ok, thank you!! I was thinking that about my older cat. Maybe once the little one has her babies, she won't freak out about being closed in a room by herself.

Her jerking awake in pain sometimes is normal?

I'm not sure that we took her in. I think she took us in. lol


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Mar 20, 2017
Oklahoma city OK
You have come to.the right place. That's great you took this baby in. I'm sure the jerking and waking up in discomfort is probably due to the kittens kicking a little hard and moving around and since I'm.assuming she's probably a 1st time mom (hopefully) since she's so young that she really doesn't know what's happening to her. Ours did the same thing and was about the same age. She would stretch out like that and forever trying to get comfortable. She would also wake up suddenly and make little sounds. Definitely keep us posted and pictures would be great of mama and also the babies when they get here.
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  • #6


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 13, 2017
Thank you!! I'll post some pics in awhile. I found a place that will scan her for a microchip and they said they'd give her a quick look for no charge. We're kind of broke right now, so a vet bill isn't really possible. Everybody I've called wanted to charge more than I can afford right now. Even the pound didn't want anything to do with her, the lady just kept saying it'll be $35 to drop her off or I can let her outside, maybe she'll go home. She was obviously having a bad day.

Anyway, my son took her to a no kill shelter that will scan her and said they'd give her an unofficial once over. I doubt she's been chipped since she wasn't fixed, but who knows. She seems healthy. She tries to sneak attack my boy cat then will run from him. He chases her down the hall and back and then she just flops on her side. So she's trying to play.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Mar 20, 2017
Oklahoma city OK
Unfortunately there are to many people that don't really care about animals and only the money and they act as if they are just a thing and that bothers me a lot. Probably shouldn't work around animals if that's a person feels. Just my opinion but thankfully there are places like the one that your son is taking her that do care more about the animal than the money. She sounds very sweet and is happy to have a playmate (even if he isn't having it right now) lol. A stray adopted us in a while back and was pregnant as well. She had 2 babies so we decided to keep them. She settled in well with our others and is part of the fam now. We are outnumbered by 5 cats and a dog lol. Yours is lucky she found a loving family to take care of her especially since she's pregnant
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  • #9


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 13, 2017
belly lump.jpg
No chip in her. But good news otherwise. They confirmed no sign of fleas or worms. And said she seems very healthy. They also think she's 1-2 weeks away from giving birth. They said she's probably a little over a year old but small for her age, that maybe she was the runt of the litter. She does have ear mites and they even gave us a sample of medicine for it to use on her and the other cats, just in case they get them from her.

My son said they were really nice people, which is awesome!! She, however, was not happy with the whole situation. lol Began crying before he was even all the way in the door and ran up to me the second he opened the carrier. Let she purred and told me all about it for the next 10 minutes straight while I held her. lol And now she's tuckered out. That was so traumatic for her.
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  • #10


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 13, 2017
I've been reading the threads and see where people are talking about the nipples, so here's one of hers.if it helps with judging when. And thanks so much for the replies. It's been a couple of decades since I've been around a pregnant cat. lol


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Some cats get their milk in up to a week before giving birth, while others get it after delivery. Her mammaries have not filled yet.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Mar 20, 2017
Oklahoma city OK
Awe what a sweetie. That's great news she checked out good. Sounds like you maybe found a good permanent vet too. Lol she's glad to be home and not poked and prodded anymore.
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  • #13


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 13, 2017
Thank you! I need to go out of town for several days starting Aug 7, so I'm really hoping she has them before I leave. She seems to have adopted me as her human. My son is her toy, but I've become her security blanket. So, I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
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  • #14


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 13, 2017
So, this is the other side about an hour or so after I took the first picture. This side seems to be redder, more swollen, and all have a white discharge on them. The one of the left I didn't need to move the fur away at all, it's just like that. The other two I needed to move the fur out of the way a little.
more nips.jpg
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  • #16


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 13, 2017
I do have another question if everyone doesn't mind. Can I overfeed this little mommy? Every time I walk out to the kitchen, she's at my feet, crying and crying. Then she'll go to the cupboard where I keep the canned food and whimper like a puppy. So far today she's eaten 2 full cans just herself. And of course, every time I give her canned food, the other two have to have some. They've each gotten half a can each time I feed the little one. But they never finish and the little girl ends up finishing theirs.

Oh, I also have 3 plates of dry food that are always on the floor and full for them to eat whenever they want, and she's been hitting that up throughout the day. Does little miss mouthy need that much canned food? Or is she just being spoiled already?


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
No, she desperately needs as much wet food as you can give her. Far more than you feed the others who are not pregnant.

She needs large amounts of wet food 5-6 times a day. You cannot overfeed a pregnant cat. In fact, it sounds like she's starving for more food. Give it to her! She needs it to support her pregnancy!

Pregnant and nursing cats can easily eat 4-6 cans a day on their own. They need it!
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TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
I wonder if you'll find she's just a more vocal/expressive cat; once her babies are born and weaned. Since she spent time without a home I'd suspect she needs the extra food because of that in addition to her pregnancy. Extra calories to grow some babies!
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  • #19


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 13, 2017
Good to know. Thank you very much. I've been giving in to her and giving her the food whenever she cries. Just because she's so stinkin cute. But I was afraid of making her sick by giving her too much. It looks like my son will be making an extra trip to the store tomorrow. lol This last time the other two came running when I opened the can, of course, but they barely touched theirs. I usually only give them each half a can once a day. But the little one ended up eating almost 1 1/2 cans herself. Then went back after an hour and finished it off.

Should I just keep refilling the plate when it's empty and let her eat it whenever she wants?
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  • #20


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 13, 2017
And I think you're right about her being more vocal. She likes to talk to you. And answers back when I talk to her. I'm disabled and am home alone all day while my son works, so we have lots of conversations.

She is whimpering in her sleep now more than she was earlier today. We took a nap together, she likes to sleep with her back pressed right up to my chest. She was definitely someone's baby. But her whimpering woke me half a dozen times. She might be getting close. :) Hopefully.