Alone 20 Hours A Day On A Cats Mental Health.


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Apr 13, 2017
Hi everyone. I had posted this as a reply under another topic but thought it should be a topic by itself under health. I would like to ask everyone. Will being locked up 20 hours a day in an apartment alone make your cat depressed. Does having another kitten/cat help? A little bit of background...

When I found pregnant Yaz last year i had no place to put her up. My resident cat (Lily) is not the friendly type (she licked herself bald with the last stray i picked up). So i put Yaz and her kitties (eventually) in an empty apartment. The apartment is fully furnished with a cat tree and plenty of toys. I visit them a couple of hours a day but generally they are alone. It is not the best life for them but i was trying to do my best thinking it was a temporary situation. I have put up Yaz for adoption and have had no takers yet. Her babies Pecan and patches are leaving in a couple of days whilst another one peanut is dying of FIP (the topic under the other thread). Now I'm very concerned that she is going to be all alone. I thought of trying to introduce her to my resident cat but I'm afraid she may be a carrier of the FCoV virus and given Lily's (my cat) temperament she would be stressed which may trigger the FIP (if transmitted by Yaz to her).

Im also considering if I should i keep Patches with Yaz so that they can be together (aft peanut leaves us) but I dont know if this is the best solution. Two miserable cats as opposed to one and me juggling my home, a full time job and taking care of the kitty family. How long can I carry on like this? Or do i give up Pecan and Patches to their new home and take the risk and introduce Yaz to my resident cat. But I cant bear the thought of anything happening to Lily though.

Im sorry i may be all over the place. the grief of Peanut with FIP, the stress of Yaz staying alone and the dilemma of giving up Pecan and Patches is making me really stressed up. I cant concentrate on my work... my mind keeps wandering during meetings!! I dont know if im overthinking my situation. Any advice is most welcome. Please do give me your thoughts. The adopter wants the kitties by Sunday so i need to decide if Patches goes or stays.


Furmate and Famulus
Top Cat
Jan 13, 2017
Edinburgh, Scotland.
If Yaz is being put up for adoption then I'd probably suggest your keeping Patches with her, and stipulating they are to be adopted together. Many would-be catparents might like the idea of adopting a mother and child, as it takes the stress out of introducing two strange cats to each other. To suddenly be left on her own for that amount of time each day will indeed cause depression and behavioural problems. However, if Yaz and Patches were together, and have everything they need from you in place, then I don't see why either of them should become overly depressed, as they'll be good company for one another, especially considering their relationship. In the long run, being confined for 20 hours a day without human contact, will likely lead to some sort of behavioural problems, like peeing & scratching out of boredom, being stand-offish, and such. But, you say they're on the adoption register, so there wouldn't be a 'long run' to worry about.

It must be very stressful for you dealing with your pre-grief for Peanut, worrying about the adoptions, Yaz's impending depression, your work, Lily, etc. I don't think that now is the time for you to be introducing a new cat to Lily, as it will increase your stress, and therefore cause both Lily and Yaz stress, which will stress you, then them, in a never-ending circle. Maybe think about introducing a different new cat, who is known to be free disease, to Lily in a controlled way in the future, when you've got your head and your heart back together from this whole experience. I, personally, think, keeping Patches with Yaz would be the best option for everyone. You never know, the would-be adopters of Pecan and Patches might agree to adopt Yaz also, if you insist that she's part of Patches' package deal.

It's complicated stuff, caring. You're clearly caring a great deal.


May the purr be with you
Dec 22, 2005
I second what Brian and mrsgreenjeens suggested. Great advice! :thumbsup: Don't beat yourself up about overthinking the situation. If I were in your shoes I'd feel exactly the same, i.e. worried about the cat(s) and kittens. Best of luck, please keep us posted on the adoption as well as Yaz and Patches.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Apr 13, 2017
Thank you everyone for your suggestion. My only worry is what if I never find an adopter. Yaz has been on the register for a couple of months. No one has even enquired. The kittens had a few people interested. Seems to me everyone prefers kittens to a more mature but extremely loving cat. When I run through the register I see so many kittens I feel despair. Just the number of cats looking for a new home is sad. Once patches gets a bit older people may not want her too. I'm now looking to get help from an animal behaviour consultant to see if they can help make Lily a bit more open to other cats. Meanwhile Yaz and family are still at my apartment. Am I denying patches a good home because of lily. Is that fair to patches being locked up when she can be with her own humans? That's all I think off all day! The apartment is not very big too. Only 400 sq ft of space for these kitties day and night. :(


Furmate and Famulus
Top Cat
Jan 13, 2017
Edinburgh, Scotland.
It's ok to admit defeat and put your hands up to being adopted by Yaz, yourself! :catrub: Many people on this site have had a new cat suddenly adopt its way into their homes whilst they weren't looking...

At least you've joined TCS so would be able to start a new thread, asking the introduction experts' advice. Please take comfort from us, whatever the final outcome.

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  • #7


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Apr 13, 2017
Thank you so much. You have no idea how comforting your words are to me right now. I'm surrounded by people who don't see the world the way I do. I'm so glad to find this site where I can pour my heart and my problems out and people understand me. Thank you to everyone who took the time to reply and who actively help others who have problems. I think I'm going take Yaz home. Not so soon. In a couple of month when I'm not so stressed and after peanut. I'll get Yaz tested meanwhile and hope for the best. Thought I will upload a pic or Yaz and her babies. The tortoiseshell is Patches. The little one on her right is Peanut and on the left is Pecan.



Furmate and Famulus
Top Cat
Jan 13, 2017
Edinburgh, Scotland.
Awww, what a beautiful bunch! They look like a very well-adjusted, unstressed-out family in that photograph. I can see why they've caught your eye and captured your heart.

I'm pleased you're thinking about taking Yaz home. I thought you might have had that thought in the back of your mind when you decided to start this thread. Addressing the issue in public has helped make up your mind in private.

However, leaving her on her own in the flat for 20 hours a day for a couple of months is still not ideal. She/they/you'd be better off having Yaz come to live with you and Lily as soon as her kittens are adopted. She might feel a bit lonely and have separation anxiety/postnatal depression if she suddenly finds herself all alone with no one to talk to all day.

What's the situation like at home? Is there a spare room Yaz could stay in whilst she and Lily get to know of each other's presence? I guess, at a push, any room thats door can be locked/shut would do, as long as it were big enough for her litter, food, water, bed; and, of course, "enough room to swing a cat" (an English term for of an amount of space).

I feel ever so naughty in calling on you, yet again, @calicosrspecial but we all need your help, please. What do you recommend to ease the way in these stressful times? Do you think that Yaz would be better or worse off alone in the flat, or shut in the bathroom at home, say, whilst the introductions happen?

It crosses my mind to think of having Lily live in the flat with Yaz, only in their own separate/closed rooms, for the introduction period. That way, no one would get lonely or depressed as they'd be too busy scenting & sniffing. And, perhaps, they would come to terms with each other more quickly if left alone, with no human poking about in feline affairs, for 20 hours a day.

I know we need to build both Lily's and Yaz's confidence, but how, given the situation?

I have absolutely no idea which way is the best. I think, if it were me (and there was no suitable spare room at home), I'd temporarily move myself and Lily into Yaz's flat, each occupy a room, and take it from there....

We definitely need more advice on this one, and quick, please. :grouphug::vibes::grouphug::vibes::greenpaw::bluepaw::vibes::itslove::vibes::catrub:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 22, 2008
The way you worded your question in the other thread, more people were in favor of you giving the two kittens, Pecan and Patches, to the adopters who already want both kittens and are ready to give them a permanent home together starting tomorrow.

Are you rewording your question on this thread because you want to keep Patches and Yaz? If so, then you have already made up your mind.

If you are going to try to adopt Yaz out, then send Patches on with Pecan to their forever homes tomorrow and then focus your attention on finding Yaz a home.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 22, 2008
Have you considered asking the people who want Patches and Pecan if they would consider taking Yaz too...even if they take her temporarily and find her a permanent place later?


Furmate and Famulus
Top Cat
Jan 13, 2017
Edinburgh, Scotland.
orange&white orange&white Excellent idea to actually ask Pecan & Patches' new parents if they would foster Yaz. I never thought to ask, I just hoped they'd offer, doh! :doh:

I haven't seen the other thread...

I thought Yazizi Yazizi was 99% of the mind to have the kittens adopted, and keep Yaz, permanently. Something about the name, Yazizi, kinda stuck out from the very beginning.

I've just been reminded of the fact that Peanut is still on the scene. In which case, Yaz and Peanut can chum each other along in their flat for the time-being, Pecan & Patches get adopted together, and Lily has her confidence built up at home in preparation for introducing Yaz. Job done, stress relieved. For now, in any case.

How poorly is Peanut? I really should have at least looked at the other thread. Oops. It's all ever so distracting! I'll take a peep.



Furmate and Famulus
Top Cat
Jan 13, 2017
Edinburgh, Scotland.
My oh my, FIP / FCoV is complicated! What symptoms does Peanut show? How far has the disease progressed/how poorly/how much time is Peanut anticipated to live? What tests were done? What were the results? How sure are the vets about the diagnosis?

Regardless of Peanut's FIP, Patches & Pecan are to be adopted together (tomorrow?). Were they all tested for FIP / FCoV?

And, Yaz won't be lonely as long as she has Peanut. Peanut won't be lonely as long as he has Yaz. Their overall mental health depends on their personalities and whether either of them is particularly human-focused. But, seeing as they share a mother and child bond, I doubt that Yaz will suddenly develop a deep yearning for human company as long as she has Peanut. However, depending on how long Peanut lives, and at what developmental stage he's at, being left alone for long periods without someone to dangle bits of string, will probably effect his mental health more than Yaz's.

As soon as possible get Yaz and Lily tested for FIP / FCoV, and get everyone vaccinations.


And shift your focus onto playing with Peanut (and Yaz). :dance:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
Have Lily tested for Corona virus. . .she may have already been exposed so you wouldn't have to worry about that. Most cats have been exposed at some point, especially if they were ever in a multi-cat situation (shelter, cattery, strays, etc.). Very very few cats who have Corona will develop FIP. It's just an unfortunate mutation that we don't know much about.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Apr 13, 2017
To answer a few questions. Just to give a bit of perspective, my current place (where i stay) has a couple of rooms (all occupied). I shared my room with lily when it comes to sleeping, litter box etc. At night she was here at 11 am to sleep and meal times she used to be here at 6am waking me up (after her short walk outside). And when I'm at work she sleeps near the window. Oh she is an outdoor indoor cat and thats been the routine for 6 years. Now 2 months back I picked up a stray with a broken hip and put him in my bathroom. Caged him to let his hips heals (doctors orders). Lily has not come into my room in 2 months. Not for her meals or sleeping etc. She is not particularly depressed but she just avoids the place. I dont have another room to move him to but luckily he found his own family and will be moving out next wk. That's the situation in my own home with Lily.

At the apartment. It's a single room studio. 400 sq ft. No rooms to lock lily or Yaz up separately. Even the bathroom is being used for the litter box. That's how small the space is. So moving there with Lily may be a bit stressful for both in such a confined space.

Regarding peanut. He was not eating well last wkend and breathing in a funny way. That's the initial symptoms. The vet did an xray and confirmed there is a lot of liquid around his lungs. She extracted the liquid tested it and found high protein content. She is 95% sure it is FIP. I took him in for 3 opinions (different vets) and all were the same. He is pretty poorly. Eating a bit but generally very very sad. He has the wet form of FIP.

I haven't had Pecan and Patches tested as the vet felt may not be necessary as they seem okay and if they are going together then they have each other.. Which is less stress for them. I have already informed the prospective adopters on Peanut. I did also ask them about Yaz but she is not keen on adopting 3. Initially she wanted Pecan and peanut. But with peanuts's condition she agreed to take patches. I also have another lady (adopter 2) who wants patches and so asked adopter 1 if she wanted Yaz and pecan as they look so alike like a pair and she still insisted on kittens.

I haven't tested Lily or Yaz. Everything (the FIP situation and the dilemma) happened in one wk. I found him ill last Sunday and went to three different vets last week (Sunday Tuesday and Thursday). My mind was occupied with peanut and didn't do much for the others. Peanut was supposed to go off last wk with his brother. Patches and Yaz were to be together. That's the plan before FIP. But with the situation now and as patches has a chance at a real family. That's what led to the other thread and this one. I just can't seem to think straight. Should I keep them together or should I let them go. Should I bring Yaz home. What about Lily. When I come home and see her avoiding me I start to stress again.

Ideally I would like to give up Yaz too. I love her to bits but it's just too stressful to bring her home. Seeing the way lily is, Yaz will most probably be locked in my room. But seems like no one wants a slightly older cat and that's just depressing. Which is why I had my dilemma. Keep patches and Yaz. But if patches gets a bit older no one may want her. I can't take 2 cats home later on. I'm not sure how Lily will react. And how long can this carry on. My daily schedule now is wake up at 6 feed the cats and off to work at 8. During lunch I go and see Yaz and fam for an hour. After work at mostly 7pm visit Yaz and family until 10. Come home and stay with lily (mostly living room) until midnight then to Olly (the broken hip) to abt 1ish. The strain of the situation is starting to affect me mentally and emotionally. By the way the apartment is about 17 miles from my home and work is in between the two places. Wkend I go to the apartment for a few hours. It's complicated. But I carried on hoping I can get them all out.

Meanwhile. I will get Yaz and lily tested for the coronovirus. It's expensive but saves me some mental stress. The adopter wants the kittens by this wkend. Was supposed to be last wkend but was delayed due to peanut. That's why the rush to decide and all these frantic messages because no one here seems to understand why it's imp for me to find them a good life. It's also for my mental situation more than anything else.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Apr 13, 2017
To add on Lily was also a stray i picked up so she may have been exposed to the virus. Also another stray male cat I feed hangs around outside the house. I have him neutered (he has fathered his fair share before he came to me) and vaccinated too. But there is always the exposure. My house has plenty of space for lily to hang around etc but my room was her safe spot till Olly came (the broken hip who will be gone next wk. Hip has healed and he has been vaccinated and neutered). There is also always someone ard my house all day to feed Lily etc.That's why she may not be overly depressed (Maybe she is not as into me as i thought). But I knew Olly was temporary as he is a beautiful kitten and people would want him. Yaz on the other hand would be a more permanent situation and I can't keep her locked up in my bathroom.

As for peanut. He is poorly but keeps looking for mum. Following her ard. Mum is more keen on playing with the other two. He sits and watches them play but his situation is too painful I should think. I have him on antibiotics and steroids. Praying it's just a serious lung infection that will go away soon. But he is eating very little. I can't even be there 24 hours to monitor him. I feel so guilty I barely do anything else. I just am not doing enough for them.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 22, 2008
Don't feel bad. You're doing everything you can, and you are helping a lot a cats have good lives. I would still let Patches and Pecan go to their forever home together tomorrow. That will be ideal for the two of them and will lighten yor load a little bit. With three diagnoses from different vets, Pecan sadly probably won't be around too long. You can only try to keep him as comfortable and happy as possible for as long as possible.

When the cat with the broken hips goes away, you have an opening to try to see if Yaz and Lily might be able to coexist (after testing and current vax). If they don't mind each other, or even like each other, then you can keep them at your house. That will also lighten your load. If Yaz and Lily don't get along, then Yaz can stay at the other apartment until you find an adopter for her. You're visiting her for an hour at lunch and a few hours after work. That should be enough time to keep her from feeling so alone.

Is there a shelter or rescue group who could help you place Yaz? Sometimes those groups have connections and do public adoption fairs that is almost impossible for an individual.


Furmate and Famulus
Top Cat
Jan 13, 2017
Edinburgh, Scotland.
Yazizi Yazizi , wow, you certainly have taken a load on board! I agree with orange&white orange&white to let Pecan and Patches go as soon as their adopter will take them, if you are to keep Yaz. Then take Yaz home as soon as poor wee Peanut passes, and/or, Olly is adopted out of your bathroom.

If Olly is an intact male then it's no wonder Lily's keeping her distance. He will have scent stamped his territory on her home. This may actually play as an advantage; however, in reintroducing Lily back into her home, after Olly's gone and his scent has been thoroughly removed with an enzyme cleaner, whilst at the same time introducing Yaz into it. My reasoning being that your home has been equalised by Olly's stay, and so neither Lily or Yaz would feel it's their own territory to reign supreme. Therefore, their introduction may be easier if done sooner rather than later. And get them a cat tree for your bedroom.

This is all just guesswork, however. Have you managed to contact the professional cat behaviourist you mentioned and explained the situation to them, yet? I'd do this right a way, if I were you. If you send them an email, including everything you have written so far on TCS, and anything else you can think of that might be of note, it would be more useful to them than an initial phone call. I know that behaviourists really need to make home visits to assess the situation for themselves but this is an unusual situation, and having a written record would help.

Are Lily and Yaz spayed, also? (And are all the kittens neutered?) I'm presuming they are but it has to be asked.

I'm wondering whether you can get Feliway Friends/Multicat pheromone diffuser plug-in and spray, which synthetically mimics cat friendly facial scents and helps to put cats in a multi-cat household at ease. You can buy it easily online via Amazon and many other sources. It might help with Lily's overgrooming and lessen the stress in your home caused by Olly (at present) and Yaz (in near future).

Find out more about Feliway

Also, valerian root is extremely good at calming cats and easing change in stressful times. It's a herb that cats adore - it's highly stinky, just how cats like it! You can find it in specially prepared "cat-calming" treats, spot-ons, diffuser plug-ins, sprays, supplements, and toys. I don't know in which country you live, but searching under "cat-calming" and "valerian for cats" in Amazon or pet suppliers will probably bring up a number of options. I'm using it as weekly spot-on, daily treats, diffuser, and spray at the moment to help lessen my cat, Dudley's, stress caused by my own stress at moving country (to an, as yet, unknown home) on my own in under 2 weeks, eek! I also have a Feliway Original diffuser and spray, and am starting him with some L-tryptophan supplement as he has major upheaval ahead. This might seem like I've gone overboard but Dudley's at the tender age of 14 months and he has to face ongoing change for a couple more months to come. And, I really don't want to have all this stress/trauma/change imbedding into his delicate, ragdoll, personality.

Also, crab apple Bach Flower Remedy would help with Lily's overgrooming.

In the UK, where I live, Yaz would be snapped up by adopters. This is because ginger cats are extremely popular here. And, ginger female cats are 3:1 rarer than males, and so would make her even more desirable. In the UK, it is black cats who are overlooked, and we have many more black cats in shelters than any other colour. Is Yaz being advertised, showing off her gingerability, and are you actively advertising for adopters as well as the shelter? A fully ginger young mum, Yaz, with a fully tortoiseshell kitten, Patches, would have adopters literally falling over themselves to get in line in the UK. But, that's by the by, if the current situation stands. Also, Yaz hasn't really been available for adoption for a very long time at all, and if she remains, you could ask the shelter to rotate her with another cat to another area, where ginger adopters are plentiful. Cats in foster/shelters have to cope the best they can whilst waiting for their forever homes.

And, I know this may be difficult to get your head, but your home may not be big enough to accommodate more than Lily happily. Most cats prefer to live as only cats, as long as there are people around to hang out with. Maybe you should focus on just your flat as a foster sanctuary, and take in only one cat at a time or a young would-be family. And, not have recuperating tom cats in your bathroom. There's only so much that one cat-caring person can do before accidentally overloading the boat and sinking. You've done so much already, it's time to take a breath and reassess your fostering situation.

I still have it in the back of my mind, to leave Lily in peace, and have Yaz and Patches adopted as a highly desirable, highly colourful, ready made pair. But I don't wish to confuse matters further for you.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Just a couple of thoughts to add to others'. I lived in 332 sq. ft. for a year with my 3 beloved cats. Because there was a tall armoire, a bed, and an upholstered chair in our place, plus a couple of windowsills they could lie or sit in, it was done successfully.
Also, my beloved Sun was diagnosed with FIP and with regular treatment (Immunoregulin and B12 injections) was able to live an almost "normal" lifespan of almost 16 years of quality life. He did have dry form FIP, though, which is not as severe as the wet form. He lived with my 2 other cats who were non-FIP, and they did not catch it from him.
*PRAYERS* for all there, and thank you so much for your caring. Whatever the outcome, you are doing as we should all do when others are in need and we can help them.
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  • #19


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Apr 13, 2017
So i have, after much deliberation and stress, given Pecan and Patches to a new family. I feel some relief now not so much because they have gone off but now i can stop stressing on the decision. I finally decided to let them go off together because i just felt they deserve all the happiness in the world just like Lily and i felt it so unfair to deny Patches that because i was afraid for Lily. Now she has her own family and her brother and given she is such a timid kitten, this is best for her too. Im sorry but i just didnt want to take a chance of keeping Patches and hoping someone takes Yaz and Patches one day. As lovely as they are together, when i open the adoption website i see so many other lovely kittens (some younger than these kits). So i felt really luck for this chance for them to go together. And that is a really interesting fact on Ginger cats in the UK. I think most of the cats i have helped re-home are ginger for some reason. Im at Malaysia btw and there are just too many cats and kittens around here. Im not attached to any shelter or rescue groups. Im doing this on my own because it just breaks my heart when i see a cat/kitten that needs help (the guilty conscience kills me).

Meanwhile with Yaz and Peanut, Im going to continue with the daily visitations. I dont want to stress Peanut right now by taking him to a new place (Lily's place that is). Let him be with mum and get all the love from her. He ate a little more yesterday and came to the door when i opened it. Gave me so much joy to see him walk around. In time i intend to take Yaz home (after the tests etc). But this is a risk i need to take. I didnt really know much about FIP until Peanut but as mentioned i understand most cats may have been exposed to Fcov virus so im assuming Lily may have been exposed to it at least once, given that she was a stray too and i have helped a number of strays from Lily's home before.

Regarding Lily, I think i may have made a mistake with Kit (my previous cat that Lily disliked much). He was a more aggressive male (in his games with Lily) always jumping at her which really stressed her. I managed to find him a lovely home with cats his age he could play with. I didnt also do a good job of introducing the two because Kit was born in my garden and i just naturally adopted him and his Mum (which i spayed and rehomed). Olly (the broken hip) is also a young playful male and maybe that is why Lily keeps her distance. Im hoping Yaz with her gentle nature will be a better match for Lily as both are adults and games will be bit more mature (for lack of better words :)) Will take all your kind advice when i introduce the two. And yes all my cats are neutered/spayed except Pecan, Peanut and Patches as they are just too young at 3 months. I did get a refundable deposit from the new family with promise to spay/neuter them at 6 months.

For now im concentrating on Peanut's health. Im still hoping it is not FIP and maybe he will be cured and Yaz and Peanut will live happily ever after (one can hope i guess).


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 22, 2008
That's good to hear! I'm sure Pecan and Patches will have wonderful lives and always have each other's company as well as love from their humans.

You certainly can hope for Peanut's recovery. At the very minimum, you are keeping him as safe, well-fed and comfortable as he can be.

I'll look forward to hearing how things go with Peanut and Yaz.