Advice for my cat who has seizures and I give him CBD oil


TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 25, 2016
On July 28th, 2015, I went for a run with my dog Enzo. I turned and saw a kitten under a bush. Enzo growled & scared him off. I went home to drop him off, and went back to where I saw the kitten. He popped up out of the leaves and I called him over and he approached me and let me pick him up. I brought him home and kept him. I'm not sure how old he is, I was told he's about 3 months old at the time I found him. I'm guessing he's almost 2 years old today.

I named him Jaxx :)

By the way he walks, anyone could easily tell that he has some sort of neurological problem. He lacks full motor skill in his back legs. So he can walk, but he cant jump up on anything, he slips often, and he doesn't use the litter box. He may have a couple of times, but regardless he falls backwards when he uses the bathroom all the time because of his brain problem. He's a special kitty.

A month later I brought him to Petco to get shots, and eventually I wanted him neutered. About a week after his first round of shots from Petco, he started to have seizures. They also sprayed something in his mouth (I believe it was the dewormer) Well it's odd that it started around a month after I found him, a week or so after he got those shots. I was told by a vet who says that the seizures can possbly be linked to the neurological problems. But it could be those shots. Nothing I can do about it though, they make you sign a waiver when you're waiting online with everyone at the store. I've gotten him tested for a bunch of stuff including feline leukemia / HIV. Can't find anything wrong in his blood.

His seizures can be where he foams out of his mouth and hiss, and start swinging his arms and kicking like really intensely. I know people say to make sure theres no objects around and to wait it off, but I hold him and scruff him while its happening. I'd rather him swing and kick in the air then on the floor, theres been times where his nails got ripped out. He would also have these seizures that happen only when hes asleep, where he starts squirming around  and then he'll wake up and be confused and go on with his day. Another type of seizure he had is where he looks like hes biting or licking very intensely, similar to his other seizures when he starts foaming a lot. So he has a history of different types of seizures.

I remember bringing him to an emergency place and they told me he could be blind. He may have trouble seeing things, but again I can't really fully trust someone just because they work at a vets office. 

So the vet I decided to go to prescribes phenobarbital to Jaxx. It helped for a while, and then when he would have seizures, they told me to raise the dosage. I'm aware pheno does NOT cure seizures, it helps control them. But when the seizures start occuring more frequently, thats when I tell the vet and he would raise it.

Over the course of this year since all this happened, I never got him neutered, and still havent because Im scared. The vet told me it would be a risk because the anesthesia could kill him. So I haven't gotten him fixed, and we came up with different ways to maintain him so he doesn't stink up the house. By the way we dont even know if he sprays, he literally will pee on the floor in usually the same or close to the same spots. I think because of his brain problems, him peeing a little at times is him spraying. He never actually sprays, its just him peeing.. lol this cat is funny.

He would also have a history of biting his penis. Literally he would be bleeding. Pee in his blood. I brought him to the vet and they gave me antibiotics incase it was an infection or something.. but the vet said its most likely behavioral which I agree with because all the tests came back negative. He doesnt really do that anymore.. but his anger / behavioral problems might have to do with his brain issues.

I became really annoyed with my vet, because he would constantly charge me out of the ass for these useless blood tests and the neurologist I was referred to by him charges me $160 just to talk to me and say the same bullshit i've been hearing for months and that it'll cost $3000 for a MRI, and they would make it difficult for me to get in touch with them if I needed a refill for the medicine when the vet was closed or to just speak with them. I decided to get the vet office to email me Jaxx's records of his visits and I brought Jaxx to a new vet.

So now it's getting closer to July 18th, 2016 which makes it a year since I found him. The pheno isn't working as much, I've tried giving him more and it didn't work. His seizures would happen more frequently, and they would happen even when he would be walking around. I'd say 3-6 times A DAY (maybe more when I'm not around, but I havent been working around that time and I was home quite often, and when I wouldnt be home someone in my family has an eye on him, and even if not you can hear the ruckus thats made when he has a seizure from upstairs).

Literally the day before the one year anniversary, I was considering putting him down. I really hate that feeling a lot. And I've had a friend tell me I'll have to put him down and every seizure he has eats his brain away. The vet wtold me theyll prescribe him something else, that would be taken AS WELL as the pheno. He said itd be more natural. I look it up and of course theres a bad side to it. To make it simple.. I've surrounded by negative, if not negative then useless remarks from my friend, family and vets.

So its July 18th 2016, one year since I found him. Put him down or find another solution for his seizures? Well I decided NOT to take the prescription from the vet that I would have to take, as well as the pheno. I really was out of options.. almost. It was my ONLY option left. I went to the natural food store next town over from me and bought a vial of CBD oil. It is a pump that is "3MG , Extra Strength" and a dose would be 2 pumps. This wasnt a pet product it was a dietary supplement. Literally the day I gave him it, I begun to see results almost instantly. He did have a seizure later after i gave him the CBD oil.. but that was it for the time being.

So I've started giving him this CBD oil Id say 1-2 times a day. I squirt it in his mouth.

I literally have begun to see less and less seizure activity. However, I did NOT take him off the pheno. Hes prescribed pheno twice a day. He would get his dose of pheno in the AM and then give him the oil hours later, maybe the middle of the day, and his dose of pheno later at night.(Should be about 12 hours after his 1st dose of pheno) I'll tell you that it was from the guestimate of 3-6 A DAY to maybe 1-4 EVERY COUPLE OF WEEKS. It was a dramatic change and the feeling of relief overwhelmed me because I didnt want to just jump to conclusions yet.

Now lately it has been strange, he seizure activity isnt high but there have been days where he would have a bad seizure. I started to think the CBD oil wasnt effective because he could be growing or maybe the amount im giving him isnt enough. My friend gave me a couple of CBD oil capsules she had leftover when I told her to buy them for her dog for his pain. These capsule are 25MG each. Now I mixed the contents within the capsule with his food the other day and I think its helping. I did it twice so far, and now Im using the oil again but Im squirting more than 2 pumps in his food and I mix it well.

He has been good so far, but my main concern is the pheno. I want him off of the medicine so I can stick to giving him CBD oil only, hoping thats all we need. Pheno eventually affects your liver negatively and I want to prevent that with Jaxx. I also bought a small vial of CBD oil drops that is 250 MG. I havent opened it yet.

SO here is where I ask questions and for advice:

What should I do in regards to getting him off the phenobarbitral? He's been on it for well over a year, so I want to do this safely.

Now what about the CBD oil? Anyone have an idea how much I should actually give him to stop the seizures? I live in New York so the laws are different than states with the dispensaries.

What about getting him fixed. Should I even bother still or  is it too much a risk with the anesthesia?

Also, any suggestions on him not peeing in random spots in the house? he is NOT an outside cat, he simply wont survive. BUT we do let him out in the yard right now with the dogs so he can walk around and pee/poop so our house wont get ruined lol.

I hope you all enjoyed this story

If anyone has any answers to my questions or advice please comment it here.

If anyone also wants to PM me anything please do


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TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Apr 17, 2016
Sydney Australia
Now lately it has been strange, he seizure activity isnt high but there have been days where he would have a bad seizure. I started to think the CBD oil wasnt effective because he could be growing or maybe the amount im giving him isnt enough. My friend gave me a couple of CBD oil capsules she had leftover when I told her to buy them for her dog for his pain. These capsule are 25MG each. Now I mixed the contents within the capsule with his food the other day and I think its helping. I did it twice so far, and now Im using the oil again but Im squirting more than 2 pumps in his food and I mix it well.

He has been good so far, but my main concern is the pheno. I want him off of the medicine so I can stick to giving him CBD oil only, hoping thats all we need. Pheno eventually affects your liver negatively and I want to prevent that with Jaxx. I also bought a small vial of CBD oil drops that is 250 MG. I havent opened it yet.

SO here is where I ask questions and for advice:

What should I do in regards to getting him off the phenobarbitral? He's been on it for well over a year, so I want to do this safely.

Now what about the CBD oil? Anyone have an idea how much I should actually give him to stop the seizures? I live in New York so the laws are different than states with the dispensaries.

What about getting him fixed. Should I even bother still or  is it too much a risk with the anesthesia?

Also, any suggestions on him not peeing in random spots in the house? he is NOT an outside cat, he simply wont survive. BUT we do let him out in the yard right now with the dogs so he can walk around and pee/poop so our house wont get ruined lol.

I hope you all enjoyed this story

If anyone has any answers to my questions or advice please comment it here.

If anyone also wants to PM me anything please do



I am a human specialist physician in internal medicine, not a Vet, but I have considerable experience in epilepsy.  CBD oil, a cannabinoid is derived from Marijuana and IS effective against epilepsy in humans  and, from what you say it seems also to be effective in cats.  

You have been successful in treating Jaxx so far, but I really feel that you should consult a Vet for further advice about the dosage.  In general the dose of CBD Oil would be the lowest dose that controls the fits, but what dose to give and its frequency is something that only the Vet knows.   I have no experience in treating humans with Marijuana extracts, it is currently illegal.  There is talk about releasing these extracts in New South Wales for epilepsy but so far the only indication is for pain.    I do know that phenobarbital does not cause Liver disease in humans, you would have to ask the Vet about cats, and if the answer was that there was no liver disease on long term use in cats, then I, personally, would leave Jaxx on them  as the Phenobarbitone would potentiate the CBD oil -  but again the Vet would be the person to advise you, not me. 

As for castrating him, from my knowledge, as long as the fits are controlled and stable and the Vet was aware what medication Jaxx was taking, then the anaesthetic can be adjusted and should be safe.  However you should obviously discuss this with the Veterinary surgeon before any surgery. 

I do know that castrating him may well contribute to solving his toilet habits.

With all best wishes,

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TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 25, 2016
Thanks guys. But can anyone else out there help me with my other questions about the cbd oil and whatnot?


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
Few if any TCS members use CBD oil so I don't think you will find answers here, unfortunately. Maybe you should look for a holistic vet who has experience with using CBD oil.


TCS Member
Aug 19, 2017
Hey there, You are doing an amazing job with JAXX. My cat suffers from seizures, most likely due to his cerebellar disease, and it sounds like JAXX may have the same thing.

Anyways, I've also discovered this product CANNA-PET - hemp oil specifically for animals. NO level of THC in it at all. Cat Epilepsy: Recognizing the Signs | Canna-Pet®
visit their website and follow through to their products.

My kitty Lil' Bill had his first cluster seizures (he is 9) so badly on Tuesday that he ended up in the ICU. In addition to making his dosage of zonisimide slightly higher, I am now also trying him on this hemp oil. I'm pretty sure it will work wonders. Zonisimide by the way does NOT have the need to check liver and kidney functionality like phenobarb does - that is why my cat is on it, as he's not a cat that can comfortable visit the vet, so checking his blood work regularly is not an option for him. So you should consider this drug. My kitty who is about 8lbs, went from 5-7 seizures a month, down to 1-2. Until this recent episode (after 2 years on the medication) I thought he was going really good. Now we are increasing to 1.8ml a day (instead of the 1.25ml he was on) and like I said, additionally trying the hemp oi. Hope this helps. You are a remarkable fur parent!
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TCS Member
Jan 31, 2018
I realize this article is old and a friend sent me this thread I hurried up and made a account to comment back. When I read this article my heart dropped and tears came to my eyes. My cat has seizures too and aside from your back story my boy George is one of the healthiest cats the vets have ever seen. He has the same exact seizures you are describing and when I read about them I vividly pictured my boy in my head seizing the same way. He too hurts him self and cuts himself during a seizure. It’s been about 2 years since his first seizure and in those two years the seizures have been so random he can go days weeks months and even went about 11 months seizure free so we opted out of phenobarbital treatment due to the side effects on his body. He is six years old now. Well anyway a few months ago I took him to a new vet in my city a vet that is a cat only vet. He asked me if I had ever heard of cbd and that he puts a lot of his patients on it mostly for seizures. Still living at home and not bringing in much money I thanked him and left that day. A few days after that George had a seizure. His first one in a while and it seemed to be longer and worse. I did some research and found that my city Toledo has a hemp center that sells cbd products and hurried their and purchased what was advertised as pet drops with a dosage of 300mg of cbd per one ml but it went by weight so my cat only got about half that dose. A week goes by he is still having seizures again more frequently and they are visibly worse. I wass crushed. Literally depressed to the point where I wouldn’t go to sleep to stay up with my cAt because most of his seizures happen at night in his sleep. Fast forward a bit still having seizures in the weeks to come and I was still giving him the cbd I had bought. Monday of this week I called the vet and basically hit him with this huge sob story he told me to go to the health food store in a small town about 40 mins away and purchase “kannaway premium hemp oil” it’s a brown bottle and the dosage on it is 1000mgs of the cbd where as the other med was only 150mg. When purchasing a cbd product it HAS TO BE 100% PURE NOTHING ADDED He reassured me that there is basically no way to over dose on this product and to start him off on half a ml of this cbd oil twice a day one in the morning one at night. Today is Wednesday and he has been seizure free since then. I know it’s too soon to to tell but this medical advice is coming directly from my own vet. You can purchase this medication directly from the distributier if you google the exact product I explained. Again I am totally new to this site and quickly made account on a whim to give you my personal feed back. I hope this helps and your kitty can love seizure free and also cbd products are 100% legal


TCS Member
Dec 8, 2017

I don't have any advice yet about using CBD oil for seizures, but I also have an epileptic cat whose phenobarbital and other meds are only managing to keep his seizure activity down to about twice a month. This is definitely an improvement from what it was, and he's actually had a clean MRI/spinal tap/blood tests/etc., so I was curious about the answer to your question about CBD oil as well.

The response I got back from my cat's vet and neurologist when I asked was that there was no concrete evidence it worked and it wasn't really worth trying, but I also know that there are a lot of legal and licensing complications for vets to do research on it or recommend it, so there isn't really the opportunity to develop any of the specific evidence that it works in cats. Personally, we're still keeping it in our back pocket as an option if all of the available meds stop helping, despite the reservations of our vets.

Since we haven't actually purchased any CBD oil yet, I'm not sure how it works, particularly since I live in DC, which does have at least semi-legal medicinal uses. However, I believe that there are several companies that sell CBD oil for pets online and have specific recommended dosages per weight, and whose product is somewhat less controversial because it doesn't contain THC, the 'intoxicating' chemical substance. I'm definitely not a vet, either, but it seems like being neutered might help improve his quality of life, if he's having the problems you describe. Growing up, I had a dog who was extremely sensitive to anesthesia due to breed (whippet) and other medical issues, and we were able to find a vet who took that into account and was able to take extra precautions to help ensure as safe a procedure as possible. Also, neutering for male cats is a bit simpler than spaying female cats, I have heard.

In terms of phenobarbital, we're actually keeping our cat on it for the time being. He has a pretty severe seizure disorder like your cat seems to have, and we ultimately made the decision that it was a more fair trade-off for him to have a good quality of life now than to not take advantage of something that could help him now because of the possibility of future issues. I guess it was a view of 'we have these options now, this is the best one out of them, and we'll cross that bridge if we come to it'. It's not a perfect decision, but nothing involving a cat with a naturally perilous health condition really is.

Anyway, I hope any of this might of helped you, and wishing best of luck to you and your cat in the future!


TCS Member
Dec 8, 2017
Whoops, just realized this is a pretty old thread, but hopefully it might help someone anyway! :)