A proper introduction


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 11, 2014
Sorry, my first threads did not have a proper introduction in them...
My name is Anudari and most people pronounce it wrong so I like to just be called Anu or Anuka. I am 15. I live in Mongolia,Asia. There are no shelters here in Mongolia and it is very hard to find qualified vets so of course there are a lot of stray animals. People here only get pets ( only when they're little) for the fun of it and when the pets start maturing or get sick they kick them out increasing the number of strays. Honestly it makes me sick but what can a 15 year old do to stop it ?
I only take in strays I don't buy cats. My parents only allow 1cat at a time which is not really fair considering I usually buy my cat's food essentials and stuff myself and take care of her myself... So I had 2 cats in total.
My first cat was a black and white cat. I think she was 2 years old when I took her in. She was in a critical condition and was very sick so I took her to a vet. I managed to make her better and I was surprised at how she was so playful and smart. My big sister called her Muurka (it means kitty in Mongolian ) and it kinda stuck as her name.She could make anyone go " aww" She was so lively and made my days so much better that when she passed away when she was 6 because of her illness I felt depressed for months and still now I tear up when I talk about her. She used to pester me and annoy me a lot ( she was way too cute to be mad at though) but after she was gone the house felt empty and cold.

About half a year later I stumbled upon a kitten on the road ( not literally ). Of course I took her in. Now she is 3 yo. And oh my she is such a bundle of energy.she bites alot ( playfully) runs around the house and plays like she had a one too many red bulls , its like she will never grow up , always as playful as a kitten. My father calls her Nogoono (not sure why but whatever) and it stuck as a name again. Everyone loves her.
Thank you for reading so patiently. I'm pretty sure most of the people got bored and stopped halfway down so anyways bye!


TCS Member
Jun 19, 2003
East Coast, USA
Hi @anuka

Welcome to TCS!

I read the whole thing, a very interesting story. I will call you Anu if you wish, but of course here we dont pronounce anything since its all typed!  You are a rescuer, that's great! Perhaps your future is to become a highly trained vet, and start your own, and the first cat rescue shelter in Mongolia.  Such a thing is possible!

Please keep contributing to TCS.  It's good to get people from other countries, and I have never met anyone from Mongolia before!  Perhaps you can upload a pic of your cat?

Stephen (pronounced Steven) :-)
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 6, 2012
Hi @anuka   and welcome to TCS 

Thanks for sharing your story with us. l'll look forward to getting to know you and your kitties.