A Place for our memories

zed xyzed

TCS Member
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Nov 10, 2015
Toronto Canada
I thought it would be nice to capture some good memories of our absent friends. I encourage you to to write something as often as you like. I know I would be able to write a hundred pages about my sweet friend Midnight. Almost everyday something reminds me of him.

I will start

I loved how Midnight would always would say hi back to me with a little meow when I walked in the room and said hi or told him how much I loved him.

Maria Bayote

Mama of 4 Cats, 4 Dogs , 2 Budgies & 2 Humans
Top Cat
Jan 15, 2018
I don't have a kitty that has already crossed to the other side, but I am sure I would need a box of tissue reading all that is coming here. This is a very good and very (bitter) sweet thread. The bond we have for our cats is perplexing to those who have not yet fallen in love with a feline. I look forward reading more....


Mother of one and numerous ferals
Top Cat
Jan 22, 2017
Ohio, USA
I loved how my Vincie girl would get so jealous when I would pet various dogs of my neighbors', (I live in a duplex).
She would growl and hiss, all 8 pounds of her, at Max, a 90 pound black lab and Yado, an American Staffordshire
terrier with one blue eye and one brown.They just wanted to be friends but she wasn't having it, ha!

I remember how my Kirsten was also so jealous when Cal moved herself in. She would stalk her while she was in the
litter box, hide behind a corner and bat her when she walked by.

Miss them so. ♥ :rbheart::rbheart:

great thread zed xyzed zed xyzed !


Sylvester's daddy
Top Cat
Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
I remember how one time Simon was playing with a toy and Sebastian walked over and stood right next to him, just watching him. Well for some reason Simon didn't want this, so he lowered his head and charged at him using his head like a battering ram, knocking Sebastian over lol! He just got up and walked away, but I will never forget that moment!

Simon also would be alone upstairs on the bed, back when we used to allow them in the bedroom. All the rest would be downstairs but he would be by himself on the bed, he could've cared less about any of them, and when you'd get near him he'd roll around on the bed, let you rub his belly, happy as could be.

I also remember right before we had to put him down, he had a white tape bandage wrapped around his one front leg because they had to draw blood and keep him on an I.V., and he was a few steps down in the living room; I saw him and called him "come on Simon, come on", and he jogged up to see me the best that he could, even in that sad shape he still responded to me. :frown:

Last night I saw Sylvester who looks like those two boys combined, and I said "his eyes just this moment looked like Simon's used to, big, wide and full" Seems like Simon is letting me know he is still here in spirit based on these comments, but I already knew that. :rbheart:

One time Sassy was upstairs with us on the bed, and something spooked her and she ran right across my forehead and scratched me right above my left eye; had that been a few inches lower she might've really injured my eye!

And how when Sassy who ended up not being able to use her hind legs because of a herniated disc that we tried to rehab for her after having surgery-we will never know how that happened to her-was at the end, the day that we were going to put her down as it was obvious she was not getting better and was ready to move on, how Serenity walked over to her, kissed her, and walked into the next room and just started howling, that was so so heartwrenching, but she was saying her goodbyes the only way she knew how.

Don't know why I thought of these bad memories to go along with the good ones, but they happened, and for some reason they popped into my head. Maybe my mind is still trying to process them after all of these years have gone by.....
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  • #7

zed xyzed

TCS Member
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Nov 10, 2015
Toronto Canada
I remember all the mid day weekend naps we had. Midi never missed an opportunity to join me for a nap. Regardless of where he was or what he was doing, when I was napping on the couch he would always join me. I miss my napping buddy so much. Our last nap together



TCS Member
Adult Cat
Oct 12, 2018
I have fond memories of how any time I started my Yahama four wheeler, "Rocky" would come hop on it. I always had to delay my departure as he was an "old gentleman cat" at this time, and had only a slow gear, but he ALWAYS expected to ride with me wherever, and whenever I would go... I found it best to let him ride any time that I did!

Tik cat's mum

TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 20, 2019
I loved my Tik cat's attitude, he really was the boss. When anyone came to the house he would stomp after them like he was keeping a eye on them. He was more dog than cat and had no fear. But every night he would cuddle my hubby like a baby he was my little hairy furry purry. I miss everything about him from him screaming to be fed to him trying to jump in the bath with me. And so much more.


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
So many wonderful cats over the years! But these come to mind:

Sweet Ophelia, my black kitten of my teen years. She adored belly rubs, and would roll onto her back and pull your hand down to her tummy.

My beautiful, beautiful Berry, long-haired dilute calico, and one of the most beautiful cats I've ever know. Laptops were very new back then, and most of us had desktop computers. Berry would jump up in my lap with her front paws on the desk and watch everything I did VERY intently! I installed a screen saver that was a little mouse running around, and she was fascinated with it! Played with that mouse for as long as I would leave it on, and since it was one of those old monitors, one of these:

I could let her have at it without worrying, so long as the keyboard was protected.

And Gray. I've told so many Gray stories here, but one of the sweetest things he did was helping my dog raise her puppies. This was way back before the days when everyone just spayed and neutered automatically, and people still thought that any female animal would be better if allowed to have one or two litters before spaying. ANYHOW, Kim didn't like to leave her pups for any reason. A couple of times a day, she'd give a woof, and Gray would hop in the box with the pups, and stay there, patiently allowing them to crawl all over him, bite his tail, his ears, and even attempt to nurse. The look on his face was priceless, but he was SO patient with those babies!


“What greater gift than the love of a cat.”
Staff Member
Dec 13, 2017
Pacific NW
My beautiful, brilliant first-ever kitty, Sara, who I got from my English professor in college. She was a tall, slender, elegant tortie. As a kitten, she tunneled into loaves of bread, trekked across a pumpkin pie, ate part of the crust on an apple pie, and tore through the apartment with her brother like she was running the Kentucky Derby. As an adult, she loved to play fetch, could open doors and cabinets, loved car rides, would purr for the vet, and converted my cat-averse mother into a rabid cat lover. She’s been gone for 30 years, and I miss her still. Always in my :redheartpump:.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 20, 2019
I love this thread!

So hard to choose because there are so many memories... So I'll do multiple if that's okay.
I remember how every day she would sleep in a tree, and whenever you went outside you would see the tree shake as she came down to greet you.

I remember how she would eat the tiniest, dantiest bit of food every day, because she was a petite little girl.

I remember finding her under the house with her litter of kittens and how she scratched me that day, but soon came to be a sweet girl who loved us and was friendly with everyone.

I remember how she picked certain people she liked and would fall asleep on their laps.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 20, 2019
A couple of times a day, she'd give a woof, and Gray would hop in the box with the pups, and stay there, patiently allowing them to crawl all over him, bite his tail, his ears, and even attempt to nurse. The look on his face was priceless, but he was SO patient with those babies!
That is the sweetest thing ever!!! :catrub::lovecat2:
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  • #16

zed xyzed

TCS Member
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Top Cat
Nov 10, 2015
Toronto Canada
Midi was such a smart boy, like all cats he had many names. Some of his were Midi, Mid, Midnight, Dude, Buddy, Bro. He knew everyone of them and always acknowledged me telling me that he knew I was talking to him.
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  • #17

zed xyzed

TCS Member
Thread starter
Top Cat
Nov 10, 2015
Toronto Canada
I love this thread!

So hard to choose because there are so many memories... So I'll do multiple if that's okay.
I remember how every day she would sleep in a tree, and whenever you went outside you would see the tree shake as she came down to greet you.

I remember how she would eat the tiniest, dantiest bit of food every day, because she was a petite little girl.

I remember finding her under the house with her litter of kittens and how she scratched me that day, but soon came to be a sweet girl who loved us and was friendly with everyone.

I remember how she picked certain people she liked and would fall asleep on their laps.
please feel to post as often as you like. If something new comes to you we would love to hear about it. This is a place to celebrate and remember our dear friends


Sylvester's daddy
Top Cat
Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
Here's something that I just thought of that will make you all smile; we had to put our dog Rusty, a cockapoo, down in 1995. We knew that this one would take time to get over, we couldn't get another animal right away and Deb and I were in agreement with that. 6 weeks later I was out cutting wood for firewood, and driving home I realized that it was probably time to think about getting something. When I got home, Deb was standing by his grave, we buried him in the backyard, crying, so I said to her "I think it's time that we start thinking about getting some kind of animal around here" and as soon as I said that, as if on cue, behind her this little black and grey cat appeared! I just was staring over her shoulder and smiled, and she said "what are you looking at?", and turned to see this little cat that had a hole in one eye, most likely from being shot with a bb gun by some idiot, and we started to talk to it and she stayed around, even was in the garage with me when I was unloading the wood, and I said to her "do you want to stay around here? If so, we'll call you Smoke, since you are black and grey and with the wood here". A few minutes later Deb was feeding her and I asked what she had and she said "cat food" to which I said "where did you get cat food, we had a dog all these years?", and she said that when she took Rusty to her mother's house he would eat the dry cat food so as a joke one time she gave her a box, so she had that lol! We already had plans to meet someone for dinner, you know back in the days when you could SAFELY meet people to eat dinner? So we didn't see her after that although we looked for her, and I said to Deb "I guess she was just passing through" and we both were a little sad. But within a few days after that I was at her parents house cutting their lawn and cleaning up the leaves and Deb called to say that she was back, she was up in a Pine tree and Deb asked her "where were you?", and of course she got no answer lol! But she hung around, and one cold night we were outside trying to catch her, and we noticed that she had a little cough, so I said "that's it, I've had it" and dove behind a wood plie and emerged with her in my arms! I took her down to the local vet and said "she might be wild, we don't know anything about her" but she was so content and purring, anything but wild. I took her home, and I went to Phar-Mor where I worked in the early 1990's and bought a litter box and food and toys and all that stuff and Deb gave her a bath, and took her upstairs and we went to bed, and that whole night Smoke just laid there sleeping away with Deb watching her, she was so relaxed and knew that she FINALLY had a real home, and she was a wonderful cat. She used to love to play with packing peanuts when we would get a box delivered, she loved them! We had her for a few years then she had a sudden heart attack, we rushed her to the vet but it was too late, and the vet said that she must not have had a strong immune system being a stray if she was but also said "even if I was in the room with her with medicine I couldn't have saved her", so that was very heart breaking, but she is fine now and when we meet again it will be wonderful! :rbheart:

But Smoke started this whole thing about us getting cats, had she not come along Deb said she was going to get me a Guinea Pig for my birthday but Smoke came around in the nick of time!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 7, 2018
Krista learned that I moved her favorite toys from the bins to the closet. I don’t even remember why I moved them. Even at 15 years young with IBD and tooth issues, she wanted to play. Usually she only lasted for a minute these days because of arthritis. But she still would walk into the home office and sit at the closet door. This was her way of asking me to get a wand from the closet and play with her for that minute.
Even to her final days (when lymphoma had taken 2/3 her former weight 😿), a laser pointer would flatten her and get a pounce or two. 😻