6 month old kitten viciously attacked family member


TCS Member
Young Cat
Oct 19, 2013
Second Update:
She went to get antibiotics and since his mother was a stray they are having her go through a series of rabies shots. This entire thing has gone way out of proportion. I fully understand that a cat bite can really end up badly, but what they are doing now is blowing my mind.
After this incident I had him neutered and the following day I had to leave to Hawaii for 6 days for my grandmothers funeral. So I left him with my other grandparents who I live with and have been around Skylar this whole time. I called a few days later to check up on him and they told me they had him quarantined. Their Dr suggested to contact our vet to see what they should do and now hes in quarantine for 8 days. So in two days he should be ready to come back home. I called the vet yesterday to see how things were going with him and they said he was doing great. I just cant picture him being okay in a kennel for 8 days.....I'm pretty much freaking out at this point. Everyone is telling me to get rid of him because of this ONE incident. That he has a really bad temper. Which they gave him no chance to prove anything. Am I wrong for not wanting to give up on him? I know cats are so much harder to understand than dogs. Which is what makes this so confusing for me. I feel like this was an isolated incident and is normally a great cat who has gotten along with every person aside this one time that I swear was really not his fault. Though now my aunt is saying that he attacked her without any reason. I know what a painful cry sounds like and that was the sound he was making. 

I'm in real need of help to decide what to do. I can't give up on him...but if there really is no hope and that I'll have to live in fear of him doing this again and if he really is bad tempered idk. In my heart I really do not feel he is a bad kitten and like I have said before he is like my child. I can't picture my life without him in it.
Sky-Sky...may I be frank about this please and say the kitten isn't the problem here. If I was this kitty...I believe I'd be frustrated too. Cats need love, attention and a stable home environment with a sunny window they can call all their own. Sounds like this poor thing has been through the wringer here.

I took in an older kitty who a family gave up on because they said it lived behind their water heater and would never come out, never play and never allow anyone to pet her. They had a very busy family with people coming and going all of the time and some who weren't nice to the kitty because she wasn't friendly.

After only a month after Cleo the kitty moved in with us, she began to come out in the open and lay in the middle of the floor...something she'd never done before. She became calm and friendly and one of the family members who used to own her came over one day and to her surprise she saw Cleo laying in the middle of the room unafraid and allowed her to pet her. She said to me...that's the first time Cleo had ever allowed her to pet her and the reason was because she felt safe with us and she was calm, even amongst the other kitties. This is what a loving stable home atmosphere will do not only for a frightened and previously shy kitty...but people!

Good luck dear...your kitty needs love and affection very badly.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Oct 13, 2013
Please don't give up on him! I'm sure that there was a reason for him attacking like he did.

I'm wondering if when your aunt tried to pull away from him, then pushed him away, he didn't hiss his displeasure and she retaliated by swatting at him.

I know my neighbor's cat will hiss if someone nudges him out of the way and he doesn't want to move, or if they do something he doesn't like. The first time I heard him do that it I was shocked it sounded so vicious, but I now understand it's just his way of saying, "Hey! I don't like you doing that!". Cat, the cat that I took in 2 weeks ago, was really frisky today with the cool weather coming in, he decided to "attack" my hand and arm when I was crouched down by him petting him. He didn't bite hard and really didn't have his claws out much, but I'm sure if I would have jerked away or touched him in any way he would have truly turned a play attack into a real attack. Could something like that be what happened?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 4, 2012
Second Update:

She went to get antibiotics and since his mother was a stray they are having her go through a series of rabies shots. This entire thing has gone way out of proportion. I fully understand that a cat bite can really end up badly, but what they are doing now is blowing my mind.

After this incident I had him neutered and the following day I had to leave to Hawaii for 6 days for my grandmothers funeral. So I left him with my other grandparents who I live with and have been around Skylar this whole time. I called a few days later to check up on him and they told me they had him quarantined. Their Dr suggested to contact our vet to see what they should do and now hes in quarantine for 8 days. So in two days he should be ready to come back home. I called the vet yesterday to see how things were going with him and they said he was doing great. I just cant picture him being okay in a kennel for 8 days.....I'm pretty much freaking out at this point. Everyone is telling me to get rid of him because of this ONE incident. That he has a really bad temper. Which they gave him no chance to prove anything. Am I wrong for not wanting to give up on him? I know cats are so much harder to understand than dogs. Which is what makes this so confusing for me. I feel like this was an isolated incident and is normally a great cat who has gotten along with every person aside this one time that I swear was really not his fault. Though now my aunt is saying that he attacked her without any reason. I know what a painful cry sounds like and that was the sound he was making. 

I'm in real need of help to decide what to do. I can't give up on him...but if there really is no hope and that I'll have to live in fear of him doing this again and if he really is bad tempered idk. In my heart I really do not feel he is a bad kitten and like I have said before he is like my child. I can't picture my life without him in it.
I do think they are over reacting, and I also think your Aunt antagonized him in some way. Don't give up on him. The kitten stage passes and as he gets older, on top of being neutered, he'll calm down a lot. Many, many people just do not have good opinions regarding cats in general and consider them disposable pets, hence why cats get abandoned, dumped, ect. He's your boy, you know him, go with your instinct and heart and know he was just going by his own instincts when the incident occurred. There really are no BAD cats, just misunderstood cats. They do things for a reason. Either they're sick, abused, or improperly socialized. All of which is NOT the case with your boy.
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  • #24


TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 10, 2013
Sky-Sky...may I be frank about this please and say the kitten isn't the problem here. If I was this kitty...I believe I'd be frustrated too. Cats need love, attention and a stable home environment with a sunny window they can call all their own. Sounds like this poor thing has been through the wringer here.

I took in an older kitty who a family gave up on because they said it lived behind their water heater and would never come out, never play and never allow anyone to pet her. They had a very busy family with people coming and going all of the time and some who weren't nice to the kitty because she wasn't friendly.

After only a month after Cleo the kitty moved in with us, she began to come out in the open and lay in the middle of the floor...something she'd never done before. She became calm and friendly and one of the family members who used to own her came over one day and to her surprise she saw Cleo laying in the middle of the room unafraid and allowed her to pet her. She said to me...that's the first time Cleo had ever allowed her to pet her and the reason was because she felt safe with us and she was calm, even amongst the other kitties. This is what a loving stable home atmosphere will do not only for a frightened and previously shy kitty...but people!

Good luck dear...your kitty needs love and affection very badly.
Well I would have to disagree on this. He had plenty of love and much much attention from me and my family. In the process of building an outdoor enclosure for him since hes always staring out the window. I hand raised him since he was 2 weeks old.  I have nothing but love for him and will be giving him some much needed attention since hes been in quarantine for 8 days. So I'm not sure if I'm reading into what you're saying incorrectly. There is stability just a new face that either stepped on him or some other reason that caused this incident. But thank you for the response :) 
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  • #25


TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 10, 2013
I do think they are over reacting, and I also think your Aunt antagonized him in some way. Don't give up on him. The kitten stage passes and as he gets older, on top of being neutered, he'll calm down a lot. Many, many people just do not have good opinions regarding cats in general and consider them disposable pets, hence why cats get abandoned, dumped, ect. He's your boy, you know him, go with your instinct and heart and know he was just going by his own instincts when the incident occurred. There really are no BAD cats, just misunderstood cats. They do things for a reason. Either they're sick, abused, or improperly socialized. All of which is NOT the case with your boy.
I put my foot down with this today. Brought it up that when this first happened that my aunt had agreed with me that this was an isolated incident and how her story had changed. I'm hearing from other family members that she was calling Skylar a demon cat. 
 My frustration with this whole thing is that she spent not even 20 minutes with him. So I will just take it as her being traumatized. The way I see it. Since I am a frequent animal rescuer, that with any animal "domesticated" or not you put yourself at risk with getting bitten. Even if you have had your pet for however long. We all have bad days and so do your pets. You constantly see people being mauled by dogs on the news. (Don't get me wrong I absolutely love dogs. Have always been a dog person and only recently turned into a cat lover.) But I have never seen anything on the news before about a person being viciously attacked by a cat before,lol. So I guess now that I have my mind set on what to do its easier for me to put things into perspective. I will be calling my vet tomorrow and hopefully I can get this little boy back home. 


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Sep 26, 2013
Los Angeles
I wouldn't doubt that your kitten bit because she was scared and felt like she was under attack, especially since she was already in a highly aroused play/attack mode.

When my kitten is running around nuts at his peak, anything he is not expecting scares him. Like if I suddenly come around the corner, he'll puff up and hiss. Of course once the moment passes and he sees it's me, he's fine.

If she was playing with her feet and play biting and your aunt didn't like it and suddenly kicked or tossed her a little with her foot, especially if your kitten happened to end up facing away from her or against a wall which would make her feel especially vulnerable and then your aunt stepped over or close to her to get by... it seems very obvious why she would feel threatened enough to bite! Especially since she didn't know her well.

Many kind people who love animals still don't get them or why you shouldn't act certain ways with them. They attribute human motivations to them. That's how your poor kitty who was defending herself got to be "the demon cat." My kitten is my precious baby for sure! But I still know he is a cat, a defensive predator! They have fangs for a reason.

Please don't give up on your baby! I think you are right!


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Oct 5, 2012
Hmmmm, my two cents and I apologize if I offend, but I strongly believe you aunt isn't telling the truth and is covering herself by demonizing your cat.  Makes me mad
  I think some folks have a hard time admitting fault or making a mistake.    In the interest of family peace it's probably best to let it go, but answer things in a way that calms everyone's fears.     I assume Skylar is rabies vaccinated right?    Since he's been quarantined as well all fears that he ever had rabies or ever could have rabies should now be answered j- always keep proof of current vaccination.    Worst case scenario if he bites again is someone just takes antibiotics.    And odds are this was an isolated incident.   I feel so bad for the poor kitty having gotten such a bad rap now. 
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TCS Member
May 5, 2012
Waldron, Arkansas
I put my foot down with this today. Brought it up that when this first happened that my aunt had agreed with me that this was an isolated incident and how her story had changed. I'm hearing from other family members that she was calling Skylar a demon cat. 
 My frustration with this whole thing is that she spent not even 20 minutes with him. So I will just take it as her being traumatized. The way I see it. Since I am a frequent animal rescuer, that with any animal "domesticated" or not you put yourself at risk with getting bitten. Even if you have had your pet for however long. We all have bad days and so do your pets. You constantly see people being mauled by dogs on the news. (Don't get me wrong I absolutely love dogs. Have always been a dog person and only recently turned into a cat lover.) But I have never seen anything on the news before about a person being viciously attacked by a cat before,lol. So I guess now that I have my mind set on what to do its easier for me to put things into perspective. I will be calling my vet tomorrow and hopefully I can get this little boy back home. 
Don't let the opinions of others sway your decisions. You know what happened and I see some others on here that are giving Skylar a bad rap. I fully believe that it was an isolated incident, and your aunt's doctors are pursuing their own agenda by making her get the (expensive, painful) rabies series.

Remember that most of us in this thread are supportive of you and Skylar.
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  • #30


TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 10, 2013
SOOOOOO annoyed beyond words!!!!!
 When Skylar was first brought to the Vet for quarantine I immediately called as soon as I was told what was going on. They told me 8 days of quarantine.....I just got off the phone with them and now its 10 days. Actually "they will contact you when hes ready for pick up". I do not like this answer at all.  I get its for the best since his mom was stray, but my goodness. 

I'm hoping he wont be crazy now after being confined to a kennel for 10 days and doesn't have a drastic personality change. I guess we'll see in 2 days.

@Bastfriend  I completely agree!! Which is why it was so hard for me to ask questions without being too accusing because that's all I wanted to do. Though you are right for the sake of maintaining peace in the family I asked enough questions to base my own opinion and left it at that. Hopefully after these 2 days things will be fine and I'll have my little boy back. Such a stressful month.

sarah ann

TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Mar 6, 2013
Who's going to pay for his quarentine? You may get slapped with a huge bill when you get back?

Sounds like your family has totally freaked out. He could just go outside in his "outdoor" cage for 10 days, instead of the vets.


TCS Member
May 21, 2013
Amsterdam, Noord Holland
If animals are not up on their rabies vaccinations and have bitten someone, they are and should be quarantined.  I am always in the minority on this board when I say this since people are (understandably) emotionally distraught when it is their pet and when they hear that person's story about what led to quarantine, but the fact is that the quarantine is for everyone's protection, including the cat's protection and the owner's protection (legal and otherwise). To avoid a quarantine situation, all you have to do is keep your pet up on its rabies vaccinations (unless they have committed an act of EXTREME aggression in some states- I have only ever heard of dogs being quarantined due to aggression alone).

Now, if he is quarantined for some other reason, I agree this is ridiculous, but if it's because he's not up on his rabies shots, then this is standard procedure and there is a very good public health policy reason for it.

In terms of your situation in general, OP, I agree with everyone else.  Keep fighting for your kitty.
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  • #33


TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 10, 2013
If animals are not up on their rabies vaccinations and have bitten someone, they are and should be quarantined.  I am always in the minority on this board when I say this since people are (understandably) emotionally distraught when it is their pet and when they hear that person's story about what led to quarantine, but the fact is that the quarantine is for everyone's protection, including the cat's protection and the owner's protection (legal and otherwise). To avoid a quarantine situation, all you have to do is keep your pet up on its rabies vaccinations (unless they have committed an act of EXTREME aggression in some states- I have only ever heard of dogs being quarantined due to aggression alone).

Now, if he is quarantined for some other reason, I agree this is ridiculous, but if it's because he's not up on his rabies shots, then this is standard procedure and there is a very good public health policy reason for it.

In terms of your situation in general, OP, I agree with everyone else.  Keep fighting for your kitty.
He is up to date with everything. Of course its to benefit everyone to be sure he is fit and healthy. I can still be sad that he is in there. What confused me though is that he was up to date with everything. So it made me feel like he could still get rabies even after his shots? I've done so much research, but I think enough time has passed I can stop asking questions and just be patient til I can bring him home. 


TCS Member
Oct 21, 2013
That's such crap about the quarantine, I am sorry. My cat bit a vet tech last year (and my cat was also up-to-date on all his shots), and luckily I was able to quarantine him at home for the 10-day period. (Not like he was going to go anywhere, anyway...he's an inside cat.) My vet said that local law enforcement was just trying to set an example, and of course it was ridiculous. A local animal control officer came by one day during the week to check on him (seriously??), but I was at work. When I called the officer back she was really nice about it, so I guess she thought it was kinda silly too. 


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
I've had 2 animals under home quarantine before.  One cat who was behind on her rabies shot. I woke up one morning to find a wound on her neck from a cat fight.  We were able to have blood work done on her to determine if she still had the antibodies in her or not.  She did and was able to come off quarantine after just a couple days.  

The next time it was my dog; who bit my step-dad out of fear, a redirected aggression type situation.  I do believe she was up to date; but I guess because she bit a person they had to do a home quarantine.  Both of these incidents were more than 10 years ago.  Local laws may be different between where any of us are too.  

I hope things settle down for all of you soon.  


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Oct 5, 2012
I'm confused since Skylar is up to date on his shots, why the panic and quarantine?    And isn't there a blood test they can do to verify he doesn't have rabies?   Hang in there Jseltzer, I hope you get your buddy home soon.  


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jan 30, 2013
This is so stupid if all the Times i was bit or scratched out of fear or play then they would always be quarantinedCause buddy is7 mnths and is a very playful kitty and curise about the vacuum. I thought he would be much calmer in the bedroom when the vacuum was running and he was so concentrated on the vacuum i scared him and he sunk his claws into me but i will admit it was my fault and i learned to get his attention first then pick him up. But your aunt is way out of line and so was your family and vet for putting him in qquarentine. I wish my cats easnt scared of the kids but that is cquse they aint used to them i am glad he is really well socialized and is up to date on all his shots. Hope he comes home soon.


TCS Member
Oct 22, 2013
I'm confused since Skylar is up to date on his shots, why the panic and quarantine?    And isn't there a blood test they can do to verify he doesn't have rabies?   Hang in there Jseltzer, I hope you get your buddy home soon.
Unfortunately, there is no blood test for rabies. The only biological test for rabies is to examine a certain part of the brain during necropsy. Rabies is diagnosed clinically on the basis of symptoms such as incoordination, foaming at the mouth, aggression, etc.

No vaccine is 100%. It is possible for an animal (or person) to get rabies after being up to date on vaccinations. But I think they can do a test to see if the vaccine is still protecting them. (My Dad worked in a vet college, even though he's not a vet he was required to get rabies vaccinations just in case.)


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Sep 25, 2013
Illinois, USA
Could she have stepped on him or something of that sort? Maybe told him to get out of the way with a hard nudge? Those would make some cats snap. I agree with Bastfriend (of all due respect, of course.)

I can't stand it when people call cats demons, especially my own. It drives me insane. I can understand how you would be upset. And being quarantine for 10 days would be very angering!

I wish the best for your cat! :vibes:
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  • #40


TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 10, 2013

After all this waiting he's finally back home!! He seems a little skittish and lost some weight but he fell asleep with me. They never called me to get him I ended up calling 20 minutes before they closed and asked what was going on. At first she said oh yes he's fine. So I said that's not really what I'm calling about. You were supposed to call me when he was ready to be picked up. I waited for her to figure out what was going on. She came back and said you canpick him up at any time. -.- I was not happy since it was already not enough time to get to their hospital I had some choice words. I couldn't sleep at all they opened at 6 am I left my house at 5 to get him. Everything checked out to be fine. The staff loved him. He really took to one of the girls. Which made me really happy to hear.

Thank you guys for all the support. Let's just hope for better days to come. One stressful year.