Search Results

  1. crankydave

    My Cat Is Too Stupid To Eat

    I'm not exaggerating. I'm not joking. You can see his eyes glaze over while he's chewing, and then he stops and wanders off. He then starts yowling in hunger because his wet food has gone dry. Why not give him dry food, you say? Because it doesn't register as food in his broken cat brain. He...
  2. crankydave

    Feral kitten now indoors, but...

    Of the two feral kittens I've been feeding/sheltering, I've made a lot more progress with the smaller of the littermates. She would run inside for food and playtime the instant I opened the patio door, and would purr like a motorboat when I started petting her. (The other one will come in, but...
  3. crankydave

    Won't use shelter

    I bought a K&H heated shelter for a family of ferals now that it's gotten cold, but they don't seem to get what it's for. First, they were stymied by the "walls of hard air" on the outside - ie, the clear flaps on both entrances - and then when they did get inside, the air was still freezing...
  4. crankydave

    Suddenly meek kitten

    Not-so-brief background: I took in a sickly stray kitten and got him healthy and hyper again, but didn't have enough time and energy to engage with him 24 hours a day, so I adopted second kitten of roughly the same age (I waited until he was neutered at around 6 months) so he'd have a play...
  5. crankydave

    Kitten waits to pee until I do

    This one is kind of weird. My kitten sometimes will hold it in and not use the litterbox until I go to the bathroom myself. I had settled in last night when after a while, I started hearing uncomfortable mewps from the cat's hammock next to my bed. I put two and two together and got up and went...