Search Results

  1. cataan

    FIV+ cat adoption - advice?

    Does anyone have experience or information regarding adoption of an FIV+ cat to live with cats who do not have the disease? I'm concerned about risking my current cats' health but have never had an FIV+ cat. Thank you!
  2. cataan

    Having A Cat PTS vs Hospice Care

    I would appreciate opinions on, rather than euthanasia, providing buprenex or another opioid and allowing a dying cat to pass away on its own, without pain (or at least much pain). I'm not suggesting overdosing the cat, rather, giving small amounts to ameliorate the pain as the cat becomes...
  3. cataan

    Know when to stop and let your cat go

    While this post does relate to my cat who died on June 7, it's not a crossing the bridge post, it's really for those trying to take care of their cat's health. Please know when to let go and, for your cat's sake and, later, for yours, accept that you've done your best and, sadly, you're not...
  4. cataan

    Would appreciate feedback re: my cat starving himself

    Monday, May 15 I noticed my 17 year old cat didn't eat his wet food (I only provide wet food) and he is a ravenous eater, loves to eat, though he is not overweight, in fact slightly underweight, as I never overfeed my cats. He didn't show any behavior changes other than this. I thought that...
  5. cataan

    How The Vet Killed My Feline Friend Back

    I was going to write this on Back's anniversary, but I have been putting it off because it's a bit painful to do. But here it is. In writing this I am going to skip details and fine points in order to keep it short. I could write 10+ pages but prefer not to do that. The complaint I filed...
  6. cataan

    Upcoming Anniversary Note -- Back Didn't Simply Die; The Vet Killed Him

    In a few weeks I'll post my thoughts on Back's 4th anniversary, but just wanted to get out that, while I've never mentioned this on The Cat Site, I discovered that I was wrong about Back dying on the way to the vet. After going over the medical records and having a phone conversation with the...
  7. cataan

    Third Anniversary

    Three years. I can't believe it's been that long since my precious Back wrapped his tail around my leg as we walked to the kitchen for breakfast. Since he dropped a toy at my feet so we could play fetch. Since that fateful day when I put him in the cat carrier while he was dealing with a...
  8. cataan

    A second year gone

    730 days and counting.  And missing.  And regretting.  Two years ago I accidentally killed my best friend Back.  Given the circumstances everyone says I shouldn't feel responsible, I was only trying to help, but a friend isn't supposed to be responsible for a friend's accidental death.  Posters...
  9. cataan

    On adopting a cat

    Everyone here has gone through the loss of a precious feline friend.  As I read posts I relate with that person, we all share that pain, and I wonder why... We do it because we want to love We do it because we want to care And they are counting on us to be there The happy greetings are met...
  10. cataan

    I and You

    I was the one who would make eye contact with you in the same room and call your name And you were the one who would wag his tail in response I was the one who would call your name from a different room And you were the one who would hurl himself down from the cat tree and come trotting to my...
  11. cataan

    Just checking in

    Each of us here has dealt with the loss of a feline friend and, in that sad way, share a bond.  Those who don't understand cats, who joke that they are "evil" or "sneaky", can't appreciate the connection you can develop with a feline.  Obviously, since the death of my friend Back, other cats...
  12. cataan

    Weight gain but not overfeeding

    One of my cats, who is nearly nine years old, has been gaining weight/size.  I do not overfeed him but he is getting bigger -- last time I took him to the vet he had gained half a pound but the vet was not concerned.  However, he seems even bigger since then (a few months ago).  Has anyone...
  13. cataan

    The first anniversary of Back's death :(

    It has been 365 days – a full year – since the death of my friend Back.  It doesn’t seem like 365 days; it seems like just yesterday that he died.  That’s probably because I’ve thought about him every single day for 365 days.   As many of you know, I blame myself for his cardiac arrest when I...
  14. cataan

    Violent, raging scream

    Not sure if this post goes here, or in behavior, or in crossing the bridge... One of the things that has always stuck in my mind since my cat died almost a year ago was the scream he made when I put him in the carrier while he was in distress from a hairball.  I found out later that he was very...
  15. cataan

    A request

    Hey everyone, If there is someone who could please do me huge favor I would appreciate it:  as many of you know, my cat Back died last year, apparently because his fear of being put into the cat carrier (to go to the vet for bad hairballs) caused him to go into cardiac arrest.  I have pictures...
  16. cataan

    Do you take pictures of your cat after s/he has died?

    In 2010, when Flash was nearing the end (I was waiting for the vet to come over to euthanize him), I took pictures of him laying there looking so tired, so sad, so depressed.  If he was going through this then it was something I wanted to keep with me - it was part of his life and, in a sense...
  17. cataan

    240 days in a row he has been in my thoughts

    My boy Back died exactly 8 months ago, Mothers Day 2014.  Not a single day has gone by since then where I haven't thought of him, been sad, even had tears in my eyes.  He was not the first cat I lost.  The first one was in March 2010, and though it took time, I eventually stopped thinking about...
  18. cataan

    What Backman taught me about living my life

    Weeks ago I posted about the sudden, unexpected death of my cat Backman due to cardiac arrest (not heart disease).  I am by no means over it but I've been reflective and thought I'd post about it. On May 11, 2014 I came back from a bike ride at about 5 p.m. It never would have occurred to me...
  19. cataan

    Update on my cat's death on Mother's Day

    I spoke with the emergency vet who treated my cat.  My cat was alive when I arrived at the vet, though unconscious, non-responsive (i.e. no reflexive responses to stimulus like shining light in his eyes, pulling on his leg, etc.), and his breathing was agonal so he was intubated.  Heart rate 120...
  20. cataan

    7% dehydration?

    I am hoping some people might have knowledge or experience concerning the following situation: October 2013 I took my 7 year old cat in for blood work for a dental cleaning. Normally, the vet takes blood from the leg, but the veins were so inaccessible that he used the jugular vein and said...