Search Results

  1. xenot

    Cat has fever, not eating, drinking and throwing up

    Is your cat an outdoor cat, and is he a hunter?  My cat went through EXACTLY the same thing twice.  The first time it happened, his system was so poisoned, he almost died.  He had to stay overnight at the vets, receiving an IV drip for hydration, and all of the meds you mentioned.  $750 later...
  2. xenot

    My boyfriend constantly teases my cat...Should I get rid of the bf?

    I'm shocked at the permissive attitude some people have of abusive behavior towards living creatures.  I'm going to get right to the point.  As a student of forensics and criminal behavior, I can tell you that cruelty to animals is behavior indicative of psychopathy.  A pet is a lot like a...
  3. EvilEye.jpg


  4. 2006_0126Image0001.jpg


  5. WheresWaldo.jpg


  6. xenot

    No progress on weight loss... :(

    Weird!  I just read about this.  If you cat is overweight (which mine currently is, but not quite as big as yours), the vet recommended NO HARD FOOD.  Apparently, it's more fattening.  You definitely don't want to set out a continuous dry food feeder where the big boy can just casually walk up...
  7. xenot

    Need some help with a new kitten

    The only time I've heard of that kind of behavior from a cat was when my older sister got a kitten from a private owner.  The kitten was neurotic.  It screamed day and night and even hissed if you came near it at times.  It's ears were almost always in the downward angry and/or anxious position...
  8. xenot

    Kinda Worried

    Sliding-scale fee vets, like Value Pet Clinic are awesome!  They'll even teach you how to administer shots, drugs, and IVs.  I do it all of the time because I'm a struggling student.  In the meantime, if the lump is "round," that is actually a good sign when it comes to cysts vs. tumors.  If...
  9. xenot

    Cat urinates all over the house

    I've always been told to let each cat have their own litter box.  Again, this is a territorial issue.  Peeing and marking are pretty much one and the same thing as far as a cat is concerned.  Also, my cat pretty consistently pees and poops in particular regions of the cat box.  I bet your female...
  10. xenot

    Urinating in corner of room

    This exact problem was addressed on the Animal Planet TV Show "My Cat from Hell."  The host did exactly what the last reply said, which was to place a litter box in vulnerable places where the cat tends to "mark."  That is what is actually happening.  If the kitten is the same sex as the guilty...
  11. xenot

    Extra large cat harness?

    After reading your post and replying, I decided to create my own cat harness.  I discovered one called the "Kitty Holster" but I thought none of the styles suited my cat's personality.  Additionally, I didn't want to wait for the shipment!  So, I am an artist and costumer and had some leftover...
  12. Extra large cat harness?

    Extra large cat harness?

  13. Meowximus.jpg


  14. FullHarnessPattern.jpg


  15. xenot

    Hey fellow cat overs!

    Yes ... he's definitely considered a senior at 11-years-old as of late September.  But, I think he will live a very long time because he is supremely adored!  Thanks for the post!
  16. Spanky ... 17.8 lbs. of awesome!

    Spanky ... 17.8 lbs. of awesome!

  17. Lionboy.jpg


  18. Relax.jpg


  19. xenot

    Hey fellow cat overs!

    Hey thanks!  I put a lot of energy into this big guy.  I'm between quarters in school right now so I have a little extra time on my hands.  So, that means new cat projects!