Search Results

  1. petcrazy76

    Touching Paws

    I'm posting this in behavior and not grooming because I don't need help with the actual cutting of his claws. Most threads I've read end up as advice on how to trim the claws. Small background so you understand my issue. I adopted an older cat. He's 10 and his previous owner had dementia...
  2. petcrazy76

    Can't Pick Up Cat

    About 2-3 weeks ago we got a new cat. His name is Peeves and he's 9 years old. Incredibly loving and affectionate. Loves to be petted but is not a snuggler. He is also the 1st cat I've had with front claws. So while I'm experienced with cats, Im not with claw trimming. In almost 3 weeks I've...
  3. petcrazy76

    Kidney failure- how bad is he suffering

    My 14 (closer to 15) year old cat was diagnosed with a spine injury in January. It was making it hard to squat down to pee. He got some meds for the pain and was told he needs to lose weight. There is no way to fix it. He dropped from 17# to 13# in about 2 months. We took Peanut back in and...
  4. petcrazy76

    My fish is alive!

    On December 3rd one of my fish disappeared. He's an Orange Von Rio Tetra, about 2 inches long. I searched the whole tank. Emptied all the decorations and searched the floor around the tank. Nothing. Last night I moved this hollow rock decoration we have and saw a tail stick out. Took me awhile...
  5. petcrazy76

    I'm going to miss out on attention day. :(

    Peanut is very much a loner. He only wants attention when he asks for it and then not too much. (Unless you have ice cream) Once every few months he has a day where he wants to be smothered with love all day long. Then he's good for a few months. Today is attention day and I'm too busy. :(...
  6. petcrazy76

    Leg injury

    Peanut just jumped off the top of his cat tower straight to the floor. The tower is about 5 ft tall. He injured his leg doing so. He started limping right away and when he sat he holds his right front paw in the air. He is laying on our couch in the basement. I know he's uncomfortable, but...
  7. petcrazy76

    if our cats could text

    The local animal shelter posted t his on Facebook today. Had to share.
  8. petcrazy76

    Peanut learning a new game

    My husband and daughter were playing the Candy Land DVD game. You move around the squares instead of moving pieces on the board. Peanut decided to join in and would move around the squares with them. He even won a few games! Here he is with his gingerbread tokens after he scored a few points...
  9. petcrazy76

    Scaredy cat

    A little over a month ago I tried a calming collar on Angel. I didn't put it on tight enough and it got stuck in her mouth. My DH had to hunt her down to remove the collar and she was not herself for about 2 days. Ever since she has been scared of my DH when he is standing. She used to hiss...
  10. petcrazy76

    Rodents tearing up the yard

    We have a bad problem with various rodents in our yard and garage. Our neighbor takes her cat out on a leash. I don't want my yard torn up, but I don't want to accidentally poison her cat either. Anyone have any ideas on a way to get rid of rodents that won't hurt her kitty if she catches one?
  11. petcrazy76

    Trying to save a puking cat

    My mom has a cat who throws up almost everytime she eats. It is right after she eats and it is obviously food chunks. The vet has not found anything wrong with her, but my mom will not pay for expensive tests. A few months ago Pooh (her cat) got dehydrated from puking so much and had to be...
  12. petcrazy76

    Garage visitor

    A fluffy grey cat has been visiting our garage at night. We have only seen it from our cars so it runs every time. Every other cat visitors we've had in the past were neighbors cats and we knew where they came from and that they always went home. I'm not sure what to do, if anything...
  13. petcrazy76


    I posted on the babble thread that the suitcase my son is taking to camp was covered in hairballs. Just a moment ago it dawned on me that we used that suitcase the last week of August and it was clean. Plus there have been hairballs other places. Its just a lot of hair for one cat. More than...
  14. petcrazy76

    Peanut got too brave...

    I know I have another thread on my cats fighting but things have changed a bit. Earlier this week we had the incident where I put on Angel's collar too loose and it got stuck in her mouth for several hours. I felt horrible about the incident but was happy that Peanut used her recovery days as...
  15. petcrazy76

    Stuck collar

    Today I decided to try a Sentry calming collar on my cat Angel. She seems to be calmer and she uses the litterbox when she is in our room with the door closed and we have a plugin in there. With our open rooms and high ceilings I don't think we can afford enough plugins for the rest of the...
  16. petcrazy76

    Do you think Peanut is lonely?

    For about 10 months my younger cat Angel has banned Peanut from the bedroom. Peanut (who turned 13 yesterday - happy birthday) has been fine with that for the last 6 months. The only time he goes in there is when we're playing and I forget and run in there.Even when Angel is too aggressive...
  17. petcrazy76

    My babies are together!

    Some of you already know I've been having problems with my cats. The biggest problem is that Angel (my black & white cutie) has been attacking Peanut (my handsome orange & white guy). He was banned from the livingroom recently and then I bought a cat tree last weekend. They took turns on the...
  18. petcrazy76

    What kid doesn't want presents?

    My daughter is turning 9 next week and has decided that she has enough stuff. (What! She's a kid! What kid doesn't want stuff?) She'd rather do stuff. So now I have to start thinking. I won't see her on her birthday because of my work hours, so I was going to clean her room for her while...
  19. petcrazy76

    Our new cat tree.

    We got a cat tree this weekend. The hope is that Angel will use it to survey her domain and leave Peanut alone. This is Angel on the tree... And Peanut. It has nice big shelves which is why we picked it. Funny thing is neither will go on the top shelf and neither will go in the tube below...
  20. petcrazy76

    Pet door

    I wasn't sure where to post this. I am considering the idea of installing an electronic pet door to the basement. My aggressive cat Angel only goes down there when she is angry with Peanut. The basement is Peanut's main area, and would give him a safe place. This is in addition to trying to...