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  1. F

    Sushi is sick!!!

    Poor thing.... ever since we got her a couple weeks ago she has had this poor pathetic meow that sounds like nails on a chalkboard... like she was loosing her voice..... but nothing else to go along with it.. i wasnt sure if there was anything really wrong because i had never heard a normal...
  2. F

    Just an Update!!!

    Sushi and Raimei have come to some kind of agreement.... in my last thread i explained how Raimei was being really mean to the new kitten as well as giving me attitude. Well Raimei has her own room (our office), thats her safe haven. I Set up her own personal litter box in there and kept Sushi...
  3. F

    Please Help

    Hello, i am new to the forum and im looking to get some answers to a couple problems im having with my cats.... any help is greatly appreciated.... We first got Raimei when she was 9 weeks old. We adopted her from a shelter and was already litter trained. She settled in at home with our dog...