Search Results

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    Urination out of litter box

    My sister in law moved in with us about 3 months ago with her domestic long hair.  He's been peeing outside of the litter box and I was wondering if anyone knew what to do to prevent this.  He's about 5-6 years old and I would guess he's fully in tact though she refuses to get him...
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    The Trials and Tribulations of being a cat.

    Hello everyone, My name is Tomnus and my daddy said I could come on here and see if you all had any advice for me but I don't know how much I trust anything he says right now.  Its been a horrible last couple of months...but I don't have time to get into it.  The latest infraction has been the...
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    Not new but gone for a few years

    Hey everyone I'm not new but I've been gone for about 2 years so I thought I would say hi again.  I am newly married(just over 2 months) and have 2 cats and 2 dogs.  Tomnus, my oldest and the one anyone who recognizes me is familiar with is 7 now and still keeps me on my toes.  We got him a...
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    Cats adjusting to a new home

    Hey everyone, My wife and i just moved to a new home in the St. Louis area and our cats have done a complete personality shift.  They are normally easy going and very well adjusted but since they've been in the new house they've been VERY skittish and have spent 90% of the time hiding in the...
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    Is it possible for cats to have dandruff? I was noticing white flakes on the bottom of the furminator yesterday. If it is dandruff are their any good shampoos to use to treat it or should it be left untreated?
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    Out of it

    Has anyone had a period in their life where they just seem really out of it. I'm going through one recently. In the last two days I've left the gate open to my SUV after bringing in the groceries. Didn't even notice until about 24 hours later when I was out mowing the lawn. And then this...
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    Pedi Paws?

    Does anyone use Pedi Paws? Its an electric nail file for cats and I got one because Toms nails have gotten so long that he's starting to try and chew them off when grooming...kind of fun to watch. The problem I'm having is he's petrifide of the noise it makes. He's fine when its off and he'll...
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    Selling a house

    Hey guys, Need vibes for my parents as they are trying to sell our summer home. My dad and his mother are the primary owners of the house and my grandmother is actually on the verge of bankruptcy so she really can't afford to help pay the bills. Since I moved to the Chicago suburbs I don't go...
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    Tom has been shedding A LOT this summer, more than any other summer before. He's also been having A LOT more hairballs and I talked to a vet and he said it was probably due to the amount of hair he's been injecting when he cleans himself. I tried grooming him every day with a normal brush and...
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    Self-inflicted Injuries

    Seeing how there have been many posts about injuries either self inflected or not, I thought I would start a thread were we can tell our most embarassing ones. About 6-8 months ago I was in the hurry to get into the bathroom(really had to go) and I turned the corner into the bathroom to fast...
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    New pictures of Tomnus

    As I promised in my reintro thread here are some pictures of Tom I took this afternoon. As a side note does anyone know how to turn the flash off on a Kodak EasyShare C913 camera? Tom was taking a nap until I snapped this picture...he soon had to jump down and voice his anger at me. "Hey...
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    Not new but been gone

    Hey everyone, I'm not really new but I've been gone for about 2 years. I'm back now and just wanted to say hi to any old friends that still might be around as well as hello to anyone who's new. When I first joined I was living in a small town in Wisconsin but now I'm living in a 3 bedroom...
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    Tomnus is 2 today

    Tomnus is 2 years old today, though I find that hard to believe. He's really calmed down in the last year and he's starting to remind me of a much older cat though he still gets a wild hair up his butt from time to time. I would post some pictures but I can't seem to find my camera. He's...
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    Strange Sleeping Habbits

    Tom has a few strange but cute sleeping habbits. One of his favorate places to sleep when its cold is on top of the blankets and right up against my body between my legs. Makes rolling over interesting, its always a challenge to do so with out flipping/kicking him. He also LOVES to sleep...
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    Vibes needed for Friday

    Hey guys sorry I haven't been around much its been a crazy semester. I am going to be giving a presentation at the Mathematical Association of America-Wisconsin sector meeting in La Cross on Friday and I am REALLY freaking out about it. It has to be a 25 minute presentation and some of my...
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    Traveling Questions

    Me and Tom are going on vacation today after I get back from class and I have a small concern about it. I've had him with me on probably a dozen trips and the first 4-5 I had him in a carrier because I was worried about him getting stuck under a seat or squished by luggage. He was fine...
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    Job Search help

    Does anyone know any good sites where I can find listings for jobs in the midwest for people with a degree in Mathematics. I'm going to be graduating in December and I want to get a head start on the job hunt. I know its kind of a long shot to find something here but I thought I might as well ask.
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    The joys of Senior Sem

    Well after this week I will be 1/4 through the semester and that means I am about 1/4 of the way through my research project/paper. We have our first paper due Friday and I finished the rough draft yesterday. It had to be 3-4 pages on the background, history, and importance of what ever topic...
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    I found a topic

    Those of you who might have read a few of my latest posts know I've been stressing about finding a math research topic that would be interesting. This morning I had an informational meeting about the class going over the expectations of the class and how long the paper/presentation needs to be...
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    And it begins

    Well Tuesday marks the start of another fun filled semester here at college. Tom seems happy that I will be out of the house but I don't think he realizes this semester will be as busy as last semester was. Due to some fun schedualing problems I had to completly remake my...