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    Forum Attachments

  7. adymarie

    Child care costs

    Can you move to Toronto so I can hire you....please!
  8. adymarie

    Do You Have Nicknames For Your Cats?

    The weird thing is when we adopted him his name was Pretzel and his sisters were Pita and Crumpet.... he really suits PITA...he just scratched up my new leather jacket by trying to climb it!
  9. adymarie

    Child care costs

    I was just wondering what those of us with kids spend in child care cost. Or if you do child care what do you charge? In Toronto it is pretty expensive, especially if you earn too much to get a subsidy. 2 years ago, when the boys were both in a registered home day care all day I spent...
  10. adymarie

    Is there anything....

    My own car. I got a car summer of 09 because I had to not because I wanted to. My older boy was due to start school and he and D had to be in different day cares. The new day care didn't open until 7 and my DH starts at 7. So he took the little guy to his home daycare for 6:30, and I took...
  11. adymarie

    Question of the Day Monday 21st

    Can't stand winter. I would love spring and fall except for the allergies. So I guess summer. I love the heat. The kids are happy - they get to play outside a lot more. Life just seems better in the summer.
  12. adymarie

    2 interviews

    fingers crossed that you get the job you want! They will be lucky to have you!
  13. adymarie

    Daily Thread Tues March 22nd

    Morning! Nice out today but snow forcast for tomorrow. I am really ready for summer - we can skip spring allergies and just head right to the warmth. I am hitting the 3 week mark of a foul headache. I have a neurological condition that can cause severe headaches. I am struggling to stay...
  14. adymarie

    Game: Getting To Know You - Part 2

    Nope - I like nature, but I prefer the cottage with a full bathroom and electricity.
  15. adymarie

    I thought winter was over!

    Snow in the Toronto forcast for
  16. adymarie

    Question of the day: Tues. March 22

    Well, since I work for Canada's Employment Insurance in Service Canada, I have to say yes....but that is no longer part of my job.
  17. adymarie

    Game: Getting To Know You - Part 2

    I like Six Flags. Do you bit your nails?
  18. adymarie

    I've got lyme disease

    I am so glad your treatment seems to be working! continued for a speedy recovery!
  19. adymarie

    Is this a good deal on a swing/playset?

    I agree - off $150...they should bite if they are replacing it. We live very close to a great park so we haven't bought our guys a set.
  20. adymarie

    Vibes for my Dad

    I am so glad he is doing better. You must feel reasured that they live in such a wonderful place! Continded flying his way!