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  1. littlecatt

    Missing cat, devastated.

    Oh my god he's home! I am so so grateful, and I'm SO glad we put an AirTag on his collar! Our cats look so silly with those massive devices on them (we always call them "Apple Ambassadors" now lol), but we were able to see when he left his hiding spot and started wandering back up the street...
  2. littlecatt

    Missing cat, devastated.

    Wasn't able to find one of our cats this morning and checked his AirTag to see that it was pinging at a house a street over. Searched the entire yard but the AirTag wouldn't connect even though it said it was nearby... we left a note on their door, I guess I'm just hoping they took him inside...
  3. littlecatt

    Moving to a new place and combining cats and dogs

    What a great idea -- it's not a new build and since there's already a cat door installed I assume cats have lived there before. I'll bring a blacklight with me before the cats move in to make sure there's no previous urine spots! I think we'll try mailing out one of the dog's blankets before...
  4. littlecatt

    Moving to a new place and combining cats and dogs

    Hi all, My girlfriend and I are finally moving in together and combining our fur families. I have three cats (age 7, 4, and 2) and she has one dog (~20 pounds, cockapoo, 1.5 years). My cats have never been around dogs and her dog has only met cats once when we visited a friend's place, and she...
  5. littlecatt

    Cat spontaneously expressing anal glands

    Wow thank you so much for linking me, I'm going through these threads and had no idea other people's cats did this! I'll bring it up to the vet, it is always when we're cuddling so I'm guessing it's because he's happy, but I want to make sure it's not an issue and his glands don't need to be...
  6. littlecatt

    Cat spontaneously expressing anal glands

    Hi all! I was hoping you could give me some perspective on an issue my 1.5 y/o male cat is having. He went to the vet about a month ago for a routine checkup but I completely forgot to mention this because it's so infrequent. Once in a blue moon, we'll just be snuggling and hanging out, and when...
  7. littlecatt


    It can be really hard to tell, but around an apartment complex it's really plausible — at my old complex I could hear the female cats in heat outside and it would really spook my poor boy! But at my new place I had no idea they were out there until I started seeing pawprints across my porch when...
  8. littlecatt


    Oh poor girl! Something seems to be giving her a scare still. The biggest thing I can think of is do you know if you have outdoor/feral cats in your area? If there are strange cats roaming outside your home at night and she can see or smell them, it might be putting her on edge.
  9. littlecatt

    Poop Smears on the Floor???

    Butt scooting can be a symptom of a lot of things. Does Cookie have short fur? My long-haired cat once got a whole nugget stuck in her butt fur and scooted all over my rugs while I was at work oof. The most benign reason is that it's possible she just had a dingleberry she needed to get off. Is...
  10. littlecatt

    Confusing "scared" cat acting assertive?

    Just popping in to give my two cents, sounds like you've got a NC who's decided she's the boss of the house! Definitely not a bad thing, I think most cat groups have their own pecking order: who's allowed to groom who, who can call off playing by hissing if they're not in the mood, etc. When you...
  11. littlecatt

    New kitten panic attacks

    Oh my gosh she's beautiful, I love blotched tabbies, they remind me of cinnamon rolls! :redheartpump: Did you name her Sky? It's such a pretty name! She'll definitely settle in too, she's young and loves to play with you so of course she misses you when you leave! You could also look into...
  12. littlecatt

    Aggression in newly adopted cat

    Oh what a poor girl, it's so stressful for a cat to go from having a long time loving home to the shelter. That makes a lot of sense that she was declawed. Declawed cats are more prone to biting because their first mode of defense, their claws, have been taken from them so they have to resort to...
  13. littlecatt

    New kitten panic attacks

    That's completely normal, both of you are still adjusting! I was so worried my anxiety would keep me from bonding with my first cat (my icon hehe) but I just needed time to get over that "first time pet owner" stress! I hope the camera helps. :redheartpump: You should post a picture of your...
  14. littlecatt

    New kitten panic attacks

    Fellow PhD student! I hope you don't mind me being a little amused at your post because this is EXACTLY how I felt when I adopted my first cat! Stress and anxiety is completely normal when you're a doctorate student, it's easy to project it all over the place. It sounds like you're doing...
  15. littlecatt

    Aggression in newly adopted cat

    Could you describe what precedes and follows the biting more? Before she bites, are you petting her, or is she just sitting there? Afterwards does she resume laying there or does she jump up and run off? Either way, I'd recommend picking her up and putting her down after she's been on your lap...
  16. littlecatt

    Resident potentially bullying kitten?

    Congrats on your new kitten adoption! You should absolutely post pictures of your group, they have such darling names! :heartshape: From what you describe, this sounds like you've got a dominant resident cat who wants to make sure this new kitten doesn't step out of line, but it's not anything...
  17. littlecatt

    Kitten Introduction to a Sassy Adult Cat - Help!

    You have such gorgeous cats! Just popping in to say I introduced a new kitten to my VERY grumpy and territorial resident six months ago so just know you're not alone. It's stressful to watch your beloved cat be so angry and aggressive, so remember to take care of yourself too and not internalize...
  18. littlecatt

    Kitten persistently biting face

    Cracking up at both of your expressions, what a perfect picture! :lol: I'll give the lemon juice or something citrusy a try! Someone should market a face mask and cat-nibble-deterrent in one.
  19. littlecatt

    Kitten persistently biting face

    Thank you so much for the reply! Aw I feel so bad knowing it's love bites, I wish I could tell him that human face skin is very sensitive! I'll work on being consistent. So it's not just a kitten behavior and something he'll continue to do as an adult? Oh and thank you! :) He's my first tabby...
  20. littlecatt

    Kitten persistently biting face

    Hi guys! I have three cats, Finn (5 years), Anya (3 years), and Jonathan (almost 9 months) and they all get along great, I feel very lucky. So this isn't a huge issue but I'm just more curious about it because it's SO persistent! Ever since I got Jonathan at 4 months, he's loved sitting up on my...