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    Male cat attacking female cat

    I'm not sure how to format posts like this! Hello, I need help. I have two cats, both mature (13+). The female is younger than the male by about 4 years, but they have lived together for 10. We moved to a new house last year, as I think my other post was about, but they've since gotten used to...
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    Cat pees on things outside litterbox- but it's only my stuff

    Hi! I'm back from this(Cat pees on things outside litterbox- but it's only my stuff) thread. She's completely healthy! With that said, I have realized literally just now as she did it again, just now, she only does this when I'm watching her. This was the first time since I made that post, which...
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    Cat pees on things outside litterbox- but it's only my stuff

    I will try to get her to the vet! Thank you (and previous commenter) for being so blunt. I worry about her a lot. I have trouble picking up human cues, so cat cues are totally lost on me... So I'll try out all the things in this article alongside the vet checkup and see what works.
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    Cat pees on things outside litterbox- but it's only my stuff

    Hello fellow cat owners! Some background: We got this cat like 7 years ago at 2 yrs old while we lived in one house. We had her in that house for ~6 years and all was well and good - except within the 7th year or so something set her off and she started pissing on most anything fabric I left on...