Search Results

  1. Irisinatl

    Pure Cravings Cat Food

    Per usual, I’m searching the internet for healthy and nutritious foods for Hank & Dean. I found this new food, at least to me, interesting. Has anyone heard of this or tried it? Pure Cravings Pure Cravings - The only 100% mercury tested fish for cats
  2. Irisinatl

    Frustrated. Food Trial Not Going Well

    I adopted two brothers about 3 years ago - Hank and Dean. Dean is seeming to be my problem child. I’m going to give a brief history on Dean. Dean had loose stools (occasionally with red blood) for a year and half. We tried all kinds of food. I finally got him poops completely perfect...
  3. Irisinatl

    Low White Blood Count/low Platelets

    OMG, we’re at it again. After Hank had the panleukopenia scare right after we adopted he and his brother, everyone was doing great! Growing like weeds. Fast forward to 2 weeks ago. The boys both had their final FVRCP/Rabies vaccines. We were doing great until..... Wednesday - Dean has...
  4. Irisinatl

    How Much To Feed

    Hey there experts on kittens! Hank and Dean are doing well. They are now 4.5 months old but they are huge! They weigh 6.5# each! When I was at the vet yesterday for their rabies vaccine she said she thought they might be weighing too much but of course you can't put a kitten on a diet. They...
  5. Irisinatl

    Back To Basics

    i have had several threads in this site regarding Hank & Dean. They are now 16 weeks old and we’ve had so much fun with health issues. Not! Hank was suspected to have panleuk but didn’t. Thank goodness but then we had non stop loose and/or bloody stools. Went to a new vet on Monday and she...
  6. Irisinatl

    Kitten Food - Why Is This So Challenging

    My two boys - aged 3.5 months have had off and on diarrhea since we adopted them. Hank was super sick but has since recovered. He had normal stools until this week and back to soft stools light brown. Dean hasn't had normal stools hardly at all but for a couple of days this past week. We've...
  7. Irisinatl

    Rough Start - Need Nutrition Recommendations

    Hank and Dean are finally home and much healthier. I wrote two weeks ago because Hank was vomiting with diarrhea. After a Panleukopenia scare - hospitalization/IV’s/antibiotics and going down to 1.9#, he’s home, playful as all get out and up to 2.56#. Then Dean started having diarrhea too...
  8. Irisinatl

    Kittens Vomiting Food

    Our new 9 week old kittens came home today. They were neutered yesterday. They did okay but we tried to keep it low key. They ate well but 6 hours after eating, both threw up some food. It’s time for dinner. They are urinating but have not had bowel movements. What do I do? #newkittenmom
  9. Irisinatl

    New Kitten Mom (about To Be)

    Hi all- New here. I’m adopting 2 new kittens from a local rescue. I met them over two weeks ago and have had one additional play date. They should be coming home next week after they are neutered. I’ve been a canine mom for my entire life and have recently lost both of them due to old age...