Search Results

  1. Reckia

    New Stud Pants for Sprayer

    Here are the new pants that my spraying cat now wears. They are more comfortable than the "thong" style and I had problems with him pulling out the pad with them. Plus they are MUCH cheaper! I bought them at Dog Clothes Deals at - Low Prices & Fast Shipping and the style...
  2. Reckia

    Psyllium And Diarrhea

    Our orange boy (14+ yrs) had been doing fantastic on canned food and pumpkin. Then he threw up a lot. Don't really know why. Got that taken care of. Now he won't eat the food with pumpkin in it and he is back to diarrhea. The vet suggested some dry food with psyllium in it but he wouldn't...
  3. Reckia

    Adding Peas And Ibs

    My orange boy, who is at least 14 yrs, has chronic diarrhea with his IBS. He has been treated by the vet for over 9 yrs. He has gone from 14 lbs down to 8 1/2 lbs. The only food that makes his pooh near normal are the Royal Canin Duck or Turkey. Of course, he won't eat them any more or other...
  4. Reckia

    Stud Pants Work (with Pictures)

    Posted earlier about new orange boy who does a LOT of spraying (he showed up on doorstep already fixed - must have been dumped because of spraying problem) and had him in Pampers. Bought the stud pants from Castle Paws Design that fit MUCH better and use maxi pads (which are much cheaper than...
  5. Reckia

    Obi In Diaper

  6. Reckia

    Youtube Making Cat Diaper

    Some of you wanted a link to the video I watched on how to make and put on a cat diaper. This is one of the videos I watched to get my orange boy diapered. There are many Youtubes showing how to make and diaper a cat. I have ordered the "stud pants" and here is the video for that: Will...
  7. Reckia

    Update - Pampers Working!

    Background story - an orange cat walked in our door Christmas Eve. He seems to be about 4 yrs old and was already fixed. VERY friendly (stays on my lap for hours) and got along with our other 5 cats. Then we found out that he sprays - a LOT. Tried the Calm food, limiting his time with the...
  8. Reckia

    Cat Diapers?

    Has anyone tried cat diapers on their cats? I have a 20 yr old female who might need something in the near future as well as a male who tends to spray in the spring.
  9. Reckia

    Help For Spraying Cat.

    I think I've done all I can, but want to know if there are any other suggestions. An outdoor orange cat walked in on Christmas Eve when hubby was putting out trash. We separated him from our other 5 until vet visit. He was already fixed. For 3 months, we have slowly been getting all of our...