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  1. Q

    Cat peeing on everything.

    My sisters cat she a 3 and fixed. We’ve taken her to the vet she has no medical condition and tried changing litter and litter boxes the last year or so she’s been peeing on everything from clothes to plastic bags to whatever isn’t her litter box. my sister has two other cats and all from the...
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    Topk my cat to the vet he doesnt seem any better 🥺

    Well I woke up to my cat acting very restless and crying and shaking his legs. He would lay down get up instantly and walk around and lay down and get up and repeat this like he can't get comfy. I just borrowed money from my bank and took him to a far away emergency vet that was no help at all...
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    My cat is very hot ane restless and crying🥺

    I have a cat he has inflammatory bowel disease which were trying to control with food change from a vet he's been eating it but still occasionally pukes. Today he is exhibiting some different behavior and idk what's wrong and cant take him to vet for another 7 and a half hours and am on a budget...
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    So I Just Took My Cat To The Vet And I’m Worried

    I just got back from the vet and it turns out his gi tract is inflamed and might be inflammatory bowel disease.. he had been puking a lot after he eats, which is why I took him. He’s not severe no bloody stools or loss of appetite but I’m very worried because he said it can be serious sometimes...
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    My Cat Has Been Puking So Much And Making A Sound Like They Do When They Have A Hair Ball Pls Help

    my cat has always had a sensitive tummy but recently for the last week he pukes every time he eats his dry food, but not wet food. He’s puked many times now but he is acting normal otherwise. He does this hacking thing like he has a hair ball every day for the last week and I haven’t seen him...
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    Please I’m So Worried

    hello, I take care of an outside cat who is my neighbors he comes here to eat sometimes, he recently has had a upper respiratory infection he was staying on my porch after a couple days when I realized he was sick I took him to his owner they took him to the vet and let him back out. I have an...
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    Neighbors Outside Cat Sick?

    Hello, I have an outside cat that belongs to my neighbors, he has something wrong with his eye it’s red and watery and seems to be bothering him, and very red the whole eyes red I gave him some eye medicine from the vet and it seems to not be working. He has become skinny but he still eats and...