Search Results

  1. Moo2

    Cat Clipper Comb First Timer Advice

    Hi I want to maybe do a light clip for the first time on our long haired cat. Daily brushing and hovering is not enough. Any advice on the min trim with cat shaver/clipper done at home by us? He is a passive cat and easily scared. I think would be better we try rather than a stranger. How often...
  2. Moo2

    Kitty Doesn't Like Us Cooking In The Kitchen

    One of our cats has recently taken against us being in the kitchen. He meows excessively if we spend longer than 10 mins in the kitchen. He doesn't mind so much if one of us sits with him. We can be doing jobs in any other room without giving him attention but he won't tolerate this in the...
  3. Moo2

    Is My Cat A Bengal Tabbie Mix?

    Yeeyee has white around the eyes, black lines up and over the head, three colors- ginger black and brown, black paws and tail tip. She also has black spotting on the tummy. The rescue home thought she may have some bengal in her. Any thoughts appreciated!please see pictures.
  4. Moo2

    Is My Cat A Pure Turkish Van Tortie?

    Hi all. Please see the pictures attached. From what I have read ,he seems to be a tortie Turkish Van that is accepted by some organizations as pure turkish van ( tortie being the black in his coloring and his eyes not being very rounded and being green in colour) . He is a rescue cat and lovely...
  5. Moo2

    Cat Weeing On Bed ,clothes And Furnishings

    Hi all, I have two indoor cats.They get regular time playing with us and each other and have always been indoor cats.we have a good relationship with both and they always come to sit with us. They have often got feliway spray too. They both seem happy and never try and go outside. However ever...