Search Results

  1. Lurancy

    How Long Does Pro Pectalin Take To Work?

    My 6 month old kitten suddenly developed a case of the runs on Tuesday the 18th. Leaving a trail type diarrhea and leaving puddles while sleeping. I made a vet appointment for that afternoon. Juan escaped before I got him into the carrier and vanished for parts unknown but I took the stool...
  2. Lurancy

    Kitten Won't Clean His Backside Or Crotch

    My four-month-old soon-to-be-neutered kitten isn't very good at cleaning himself. The adult cats will grab him and wash his butt for him. I tried dabbing near his rectum with butter as described in this this thread for the first time today. He was very thorough and hopefully he'll learn this...
  3. Lurancy

    Safe Way To Remove Goop From Kitten's Nose?

    My 16 week old kitten, Juan, has something sticky and black on the bridge of his nose. It's not blood or old mucus, it looks like he got into something grimy. I used a cotton ball with tepid water- squeezed out, not dripping! It came back with blackish brownish grayish stain like old grease...
  4. Lurancy

    How To Tell If You're Too Close To The Quick On Dog Nails?

    I have a ten-year-old rough collie. I just trimmed the hair off her feet after being lazy and saw that her nails were longer than I thought! I do small trims every couple weeks but am going to bump up to once or twice a week to get the quicks to recede. Some of her nails are black, some white...
  5. Lurancy

    Semi-feral Had Kittens 5 Weeks Ago, No Sign Of Them.

    There's this stray semi-feral barn cat who comes over and she trusts me to pet her-- it took a year. She had kittens on June 22/23, she left overnight and came back skinny. I haven't been able to find them even though I've looked many times in our outbuildings and have tried knocking on other...