Search Results

  1. nazzurai

    Kitten Personality

    I think it may take time My Cat is 12 years old now and he looks for every opportunity to sit on my lap (I don't mind because that means I don't need to do house chores! Lol) Give it some time and show her love as much as you can I'm sure she'll appreciate it and will deffo return the...
  2. nazzurai

    My Cat Keeps Peeing On My Bed

    I think you should add one more litter box as some Cats like to pee in one and poo in another That might help too
  3. nazzurai

    Cat Pooping Outside Of Box

    This is a hard one because he's actually in the litter box but pooing outside of it.. Hopefully someone else can pitch in because I'm out of ideas! Sorry!
  4. nazzurai

    My Cat Keeps Peeing On My Bed

    I think your Cat now thinks peeing on the bed is okay When you clean up the mess what do you use? Because Cats nose are very strong and because we can't smell the urine they can still do even after cleaning up! How many litter boxes do you have and where are the litter boxes kept?
  5. nazzurai

    Cat Pooping Outside Of Box

    Hmm.. This is a hard one.. Do you think the litter box is too small for him?
  6. nazzurai

    My Kitten Keeps Attacking Me At Night

    She's adorable! Kittens are so full of energy like little babies/toddlers they just want to run around and use that energy up Try playing with her as much as you can during the day to get her tired and hopefully she'll sleep during the night You can read this article for some tips...
  7. nazzurai

    Cat Stopped Loving Me As Much As He Used To

    You might want to get him checked by the Vets just to be sure nothing is wrong with him as Cats are very subtle when it comes to pain Do you play with him often? Do you talk to him? Try showing him extra love and affection and he'll notice that This article comes to mind and I think...
  8. nazzurai

    Signs Of A Healthy Cat

    Thought this article would be very ideal for this forum As Cat parents its important to know if our Cat is healthy, not only that, also to know when they are facing medical issues because Cats are very subtle when it comes to pain Hope this articles helps 9 Signs Of a Healthy Cat -...
  9. nazzurai

    Cat Is Suddenly Scared Of Me

    Totally agree with rubysmama - a visit to the vets should be done just to be on the safe side
  10. nazzurai

    Unsavory Litter Box Habits

    So you have 3 litter boxes for 2 Cats? Try adding one more as the general rule is 2 Litter boxes per Cat. The reason why is because they like to poo in one and pee in another
  11. nazzurai

    Please Help, He Won't Let Me Sleep

    Try playing with him as much as you can during the day They have so much energy which they need to release. If you can keep him active during the day he will sleep at night This article has some great advice about this and would deffo be worth a read How To Stop a Cat From Meowing At...
  12. nazzurai

    New Kitten Trouble Shooting About Pee Carpets?

    I would clean that carpet with enzyme carpet cleaner because if your Kitten smells it he may think that is where to pee.. Generally, Kitten will learn to use the litter box quickly as it is second nature to them.
  13. nazzurai

    Running Off And Opinions On Neutering

    Yeah I guess they want freedom It's risky to let them out this young You can use a leash as mentioned but might be difficult..we tried with mine but he hated it lol
  14. nazzurai

    Pooping Outisde Box

    Deffo agree with the above A Vet visit is needed Hoping everything is okay with him Let us know how he is
  15. nazzurai

    My Cat Is Super Afraid Of Her Carrier

    What if you mark the carrier with her scent? Does she have a blanket she sleeps on? You can try rubbing that on the carrier so it smells like her? Just my 2cents worth lol
  16. nazzurai

    Cat Suddenly Attacks And Bites

    Playing with your hand when he was a kitten was a big mistake as you know He is still a kitten so he has super energy and for him everything that moves is a prey Your ankle is one of them He's a predator so you need to distract him with toys Get a good variety of toys and play with him...
  17. nazzurai

    Cat Obessesed With The Human Toilet?

    He's probably just fascinated about the toilet? Difficult one to be honest
  18. nazzurai

    Total Litter Box Avoidance/running While Pooping

    I hope you get everything sorted All the best
  19. nazzurai


    Thanks for the warm welcome fellow Cat parents :D
  20. nazzurai


    Hey everyone, just joined this forum to connect with all you cat parents out there and add value to this group.