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  1. V

    Help, Cat Ate Flower?

    So far she's normal, but I do know sometimes it can take days for certain toxins to kick in so to speak. I'm going to be keeping a close eye on her. I'm assuming activated charcoal wouldn't help at this point?
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    Help, Cat Ate Flower?

    I live in Louisiana. I had picked these flowers within the past few days from a shrub and as I said left them in my mom's room for her. She claimed my cat ate them but said it "happened quickly, and the flowers were wilted and sounded crunchy". They would not take me to a vet and kept saying...
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    Help, Cat Ate Flower?

    Stupid question but I picked one of these flowers the other day for my mom and apparently my cat went into her room and ate it 20 mins ago ish. Please help, is it toxic? They're growing all over a shrub/bush
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    Unhealthy Kitten

    Sadly a few minutes ago she passed away :( I feel horrible knowing she might have been suffering most of the day while I was out getting supplies.. she seemed okay when I left this morning. Maybe I should have just went ahead and dewormed her for the tapeworms..? I can see her stomach moving...
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    Unhealthy Kitten

    I got home from a long day of being busy and found her limp under my bed. She's gasping now, and occasionally had a long, loud meow. She isn't that responsive either... I don't think she will make it. I was going to take her to the vet tomorrow since it's relatively cheap vet and I'm tight on...
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    Cat Giving Birth Please Read

    Luckily she was all done after having that last stillborn I had mentioned. I had went back to the vet and confirmed it to be sure :)
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    Cat Giving Birth Please Read

    Definitely. It's relatively cheap here too so it isn't an issue at all :)
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    Unhealthy Kitten

    I can and likely will. I was thinking about just taking her to the vet instead. With how skinny she is, I'm not that comfortable personally giving her any more medicine even though it may be fine to
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    Cat Giving Birth Please Read

    Update: My tabby cat's two kittens are fat and healthy now, using the litter box and eating food . As for my siamese mix, she had her 6 kittens a bit ago without incident and they're also really chubby and adorable. I'm glad I didn't terminate her pregnancy. I'm going to have my tabby fixed soon...
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    Unhealthy Kitten

    The person I got her from said she's around 5 weeks old and apparently has been bottle fed since 2 weeks old. I dewormed her about 3 days ago (for roundworms) but now there are visible worms in her stool, sometimes just rice-like segments. I am 99% sure they are tapeworms though, because one...
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    Cat Giving Birth Please Read

    I think her belly feels more firm and rounded than it used to be and her nipples are pretty visible sometimes when she's lying down. They used to look like little grains of sand they were so tiny, but now they're like small pieces of rice in size. She doesn't look huge yet. I just checked the...
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    Cat Giving Birth Please Read

    after her meowing, growling and rolling around fit ended she laid back down and is letting the kittens nurse again I can't wait until this is over so I can get her fixed. This will never happen again. What's worse is that I have a small Siamese mix cat that my sister let outside a month back...
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    Cat Giving Birth Please Read

    Yeah, the kitten started nursing. Just now however my cat started meowing, growling, and rolling around as if she's in pain for a few minutes - and I know the vet had said she had 4 left in her. I just know it. And then she started having some fluid from her vagina and was licking it away. She...
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    Cat Giving Birth Please Read

    I'm going to the store right now to pick up some KMR just in case it is needed. I haven't seen the torbie kitten suckling from mama yet so I want to administer it myself if it ends up being needed. If she does have another inside of her but isn't pushing yet, it is not a cause for concern...
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    Cat Giving Birth Please Read

    Update: So I had taken her to the vet, who gave her a shot of oxytocin and kept her there to see if she'd deliver them. While there, she managed to give birth to a kitten but it was stillborn (as I'd expected it'd be) and then she had a live orange one. They told me to pick her up (her x rays...
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    Cat Giving Birth Please Read

    I'll probably be able to take her to a vet some time soon I hope. I'm not sure if something is wrong or not. She was pushing occasionally and then resting a lot, but a few minutes ago she started pushing repeatedly and still no sign of a kitten. Now she is resting again. At one point during...
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    Cat Giving Birth Please Read

    and a little bit concerned. She has been pushing for abt 30 minutes if not more, with rests in between. What is sticking out of her? Looks like two sacs? Sorry for short post but I want to make it quickly.
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    Discharge... Is It Pyometra?

    She's behaving as she does normally. They didn't palpate her or anything. Literally looked at her for 5 minutes and said the best option was to wait. I was hoping they'd actually check for kittens / heartbeats. I am tempted to take her elsewhere for another opinion.
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    Discharge... Is It Pyometra?

    I went to the vet (got a little busy and forgot to post). The vet weighed her, took her temp and said her temp was fine. She didn't have any discharge at the time (although I showed him a photo), and he told me to "let the pregnancy run its course" and said something about some discharge being...