Search Results

  1. Emma2

    Help cat breathe better before vet visit

    Hi everyone, My cat has been sick for a few days, she had an URI and then the vet found a small amount of fluid in her lungs. She was under treatment, and her next vet visit is scheduled for tomorrow. But tonight, her breathing got much worst and i feel like she's suffocating, she keeps changing...
  2. Emma2

    Partial obstruction and constipation

    Hi everyone, A few week ago, i posted about my 5 years old cat who had two enterotomy since January to treat constipation and remove fecal impaction (because enemas and manual extraction were not working). The constipation is probably due to a mass outside her intestin, pressing on it and making...
  3. Emma2

    Liquid diet to avoid constipation

    Hi everyone, My cat had two enterotomy in two months to treat constipation (because enemas and manual extraction were not working). The vet also discovered a mass outside her intestin, pressing on it a little and making hard stool difficult to pass (which is causing constipation according to...
  4. Emma2

    Could it be a tumor on my cat's tail?

    Hi everybody, A lump appeared on my cat's tail (she is almost 4 years old). I took her to the vet, and after he shaved her tail, it turned out the lump is much bigger than i thought. He tried to drain the wound, and a little bit of pus came out. He is not sure what it could be either an old...
  5. Emma2

    Two rabies shots two weeks apart

    Hello everybody, my six months old cat needs to get her rabies shot, the vet told me that she should get two rabies shots, so she got the first one and the second one is in two weeks. However, after returning home and searching online, i couldn't find any information about two doses of rabies...
  6. Emma2

    Need Of Information: Diabetic Cat With Kidney Failure/bladder Obstruction

    Hello, my 14 years old unneutered cat lost a lot of weight and was drinking and peeing a lot this last few days. I took him to the vet today, and after an echography, he told me that he has kidney failure (he didn't make any blood or urine analysis though, he just saw that his kidneys were...
  7. Emma2

    Can A Feral Kitten Get Lost Inside Wild Grass?

    Hello everybody, yesterday some kids brought a kitten (maybe 8 weeks old or less) and left it outside the building, i fed him and placed a box under a tree so he could sleep in it. He cried a lot during the night, and also this morning, i went looking for him but i couldn't find him and i...
  8. Emma2

    Grapefruit Seeds Extract Dosage

    Hello everyone, my cat is currently sick, he's taking antibiotics but he seems very tired, I was looking for natural remedies to help him feel better and I came across Grapefruit seeds extract, the thing is I keep finding different information about the dosage and how to dilute it... So for the...
  9. Emma2

    Cat Has Stuffy Nose And Keeps Sneezing

    Hi everyone, since 2 days my cat keeps having sneezing attacks and his nose is stuffy, he's also drooling because sometimes he breaths with his mouth. He ate a little, he tries to act as usual but he seems tired and the sneezing is bothering him (he sneezes even when sleeping), sometimes after...
  10. Emma2

    Is The Cat Dying Or Just Scared?

    Hello, last night i found a cat hidden in my apartment stairs, he seems lost, he's terrified, he didn't eat anything and it doesn't seem like he peed/pooped either (since yesterday). He keeps staying in the same place with his eyes wide open and his pupils dilated, he only moved once, and i...
  11. Emma2

    How To Help These Stray Kitties

    Hi everybody, i need ideas on how to save some stray kitties. So 1 or 2 weeks ago, i saw kids playing with kitties in the building opposite to mine, they told me that a lady brought a box with 4 kitties inside, saying that her cat gave birth and she can't take care of them. The kitties were...
  12. Emma2

    My Family Is Violent Toward My Cat

    Hello, I have a senior cat that is not neutered (when I rescued him I didn't know that cats should be neutered). this days because a female is in heat outside, he pees everywhere and wants to go out all the time, my dad and my brother don't seem to understand that it's natural for him to do...