Search Results

  1. Larkspur

    Does my deaf cat need a buddy?

    So my dear deaf Lucy was having some behavioral issues a while back. I've separated from my husband and it's actually gotten better (no more peeing outside the box or hiding under the bed). But she still has an enormous amount of energy for a three year old. I spent 3 hours today playing. She...
  2. Larkspur

    Cat Who Doesn't!

    Our cat doesn't use a scratching post, tree etc. She doesn't scratch the furniture, she sometimes scratches the rug and her sleeping places but that's just marking for 2 seconds. Fine enough, but her claws get super long and need to be trimmed 2x's a week since they get caught on things, break...
  3. Larkspur

    How High Is Too High For Jumping Down?

    We have a loft and it's a fantastic playground for Lucy but after an incident last week I'm a little worried about heights. I wasn't there but my husband said she got up to a shelf and jumped or fell down. He swears she nearly broke a leg. I thought being a cat, she'll be fine, he's being...
  4. Larkspur

    Is A Rice Allergy Possible?

    So poor Lucy has a food allergy. She had a bad ear infection in one ear. When I'd introduced a new food, there was an immediate reaction of vomiting, and a few hours of very loose stools as well as itching and head shaking. I thought food allergy and the vet agrees with me. I picked up a grain...
  5. Larkspur

    Greetings From Germany

    My husband and I adopted Lucy in March. She's a deaf Russian White who turns 1 year in May. She is really bright cat who loves to play fetch, play in the water and cuddle. She has picked up sign language very quickly and besides fetch she has learned to sit, stay, heal, come and down. She also...