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  1. B

    3 Week Old Orphan Kittens

    Hi! I am fostering some 3 week old orphan kittens for a rescue in my area. They are my first fosters so young and I seem to be doing well. The woman who found them looked after them for a week but was not able to continue care. I picked them up yesterday. She was feeding them from a syringe...
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    Feral Kitten Crying In The Cage

    Just brought a feral back from the TNR program and put him in the cage. He is crying and crying. Poor little guy has never been alone, I think. He is climbing the cage and meowing a lot. He's quite upset. I feel bad for the little guy but I am not sure what else I can do. I can't let him...
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    Hi! I am still quite new to TNR so I have only had a handful of cats done. Lsat night I picked up 2 kittens of about 4 months. A girl and a boy. While they both seem pretty nervous, the boy seems rather lethargic compared to the girl. I have seen him eat but he hasn't come out of the...
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    Relocating Kittens

    Hello! I have found 3 kittens that are living in a very bad area. They are all rather ill with what I presume to be an upper respiratory infection. They live is a little backyard of a small apartment building that is more like a garbage heap than a yard. The other day I was feeding them and...
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    Eye Infection In A Feral / Socialization Progress

    Hi! My little feral has an eye infection but there is no way I can safely touch her yet, let alone put drops in her eyes. I read that sometimes an oral antibiotic can help but the vet said eye drops are the best. I get that they're the best but they are hard to administer in most cats and...
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    Week2! Some Progress :-)

    So my little feral has been squatting in our bathroom for 2 weeks now. She has made some progress in socializing. She now "owns" the bathroom and her 3 spots. She feels just a little playful at about sometimes I go in so she can chase the laser pointer or play with a wand toy for...
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    Feral Progress - Oh So Slow!

    Trapped a 1 year old feral last week and had her TNRd. I decided to keep her to see if she could be socialized. Her brother and mother both found homes so I am hoping that this little one can find one too! I can't touch her. Last week even putting your hand in the carrier too long would...
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    Rookie With The Feral - The Saga Begins!

    Hello! So - day 2 with my little 1 year old feral. She was sterilized on Thursday afternoon and came home with me that evening. I was wondering if a pro could have a look at what she is doing...the first two points are concerning me a little and I am not sure if it is normal for her...
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    Feral Cat To Socialize

    Hi! I have FINALLY caught the third of three 1 year old cats that were born around my house (got the mama too!). The mama turned out to be fairly friendly, although very skittish. I found her a home with a woman who was willing to be patient with her. The first brother passed away shortly...
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    This Is Just A Horrible, Horrible Week

    First, my first "TNR" cat passed away. Then crazy neighbour #1 came out to yell at us for trapping the cats and scaring them. Then crazy neighbour #2 came out to ask us 1,000 questions about what we were doing and repeat 1,000 times "but the cats are happy here" no matter how many times we...
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    First Run In With A Nasty Neighbour!

    Well, it finally happened! I help look after a bunch of cats living in an abandoned lot. There are about 7 or 8 regulars, two of which appear to have been TNRd already. We have caught 3 cats so far. Two of which were homed because they were actually quite social! One sadly passed away after...
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    Missing Feral...found :-(

    I posted the other day about a feral cat that I had just had TNRd. He went missing just after I released his. He was found...he passed away during the week. I am crushed. I feel like I did this to him.
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    Feral Went Missing

    Hi, I have been worrying about a cat that I released about a week ago. I was considering keeping him to socialize and then decided to let him go so I could TNR the rest of the colony first. Then I could work on socializing the ones I thought had some potential. I haven't seen him since! I...
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    Trapping The Same Cat A Second Time

    Hi! After you have TNRd a cat, is it likely you will ever be able to trap it again? I want to take in a feral cat from my colony but I will only be able to do so after I TNR the rest of them. I had to let him go for because I don't have enough room or time to socialize him while I am putting...
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    First Time Colony Caretaker

    Hello! I just began trapping cats for the neighbourhood TNR program. There are about 10-12 cats living in an abandoned yard so I figured it was time to get them fixed. There are three 8 month old "kittens" and the rest are older cats. Yesterday I went out and trapped one of the kittens. A...