Search Results

  1. Evie's Mommy

    Need Advice With Allergies And Lid Food

    So long story short, my cat has EGC (swollen bottom lip and lesions along the bottom lip line) He received the depo medrol shot on September 9th. The shot took the swelling and lesions away, but they came back maybe a week after, not as bad as before the shot, and they went away on their own...
  2. Evie's Mommy

    Is This Healing Well?

    My calico was spayed two days ago, on August 30th. She threw up early this morning, all over her cone and her face. I took the cone off to clean it, as I was coming back to put it on her, she was licking the incision. It looks like a bump has formed. Does this look concerning? She also has dry...
  3. Evie's Mommy


    My cats love them, so I bought the larger bag for dogs since it was cheaper. They have a hard time with the larger chunks so I tear them up but I noticed they're super greasy and oily. One piece even dripped oil. Are they supposed to be like that? Or did I get a dud bag. I don't remember if the...
  4. Evie's Mommy

    Kitten Viciously Attacks Me...

    I'm at my wits end with my kitten. We got her when she was 6 weeks old, she is now 4 months old and a terror. But here is the thing, she only attacks me! Never attacks my boyfriend, is sweet as pie to him. I'm the one that takes care of her, feeds her, scoops her litter, gives her medicine...
  5. Evie's Mommy

    Wetting Dry Cat Food

    On the Petsmart website, under the Blue Buffalo cat food, they suggest to add water to dry food to "fully release flavor and aroma". Now, could this be a substitute for canned wet food? Since moisture is being added?
  6. Evie's Mommy

    What Do You Think Of This Food?

    I've been researching cat food ingredients lately and I've come across Wal-Mart's special kitty ultra gourmet food. Its grain free, has no by-products, and also no carrageenan. Ingredients: Tuna, water sufficient for processing, shrimp, natural flavours, modified tapioca starch, sunflower oil...