Search Results for Query: cats suddenly fighting

  1. Erisha

    Cats fighting suddenly and all aggresive

    Hi everyone I need to understand something that's been going on with my cats. My older female cat bullo would be sleeping grooming or doing anything else and then suddenly would run at maximum speed at one of my younger male cats scooby ( who may be in a different room altogether!) and then...
  2. CJW

    My 4 yr old cats who have lived happily together, suddenly are fighting. One in particular is doing the hissing and growling. Any suggestions?

    My 4 yr old cats who have lived happily together, suddenly are fighting. One in particular is doing the hissing and growling. Any suggestions?
  3. B

    Two Cats Suddenly Fighting with a Third Making It Worse

    I just want to start by saying that I've read a lot on how to properly introduce cats and am working on that to get the two to stop hissing at each other on sight. I'm posting this because a lot of the things about it don't say anything on what to do with a third cat. So I have three cats that...
  4. B

    My cats suddenly hate each other?

    So we adopted my cats Clem and Craven last May from the same cat cafe. They immediately got along and for the last year and a half they’ve been best friends, sleeping next to each other, grooming each other and play fighting as normal. Last night my husband and I both woke up to our cats...
  5. iPappy

    Willy might have cancer / high-grade lymphoma Treatment thread

    I can't get over the change in the photos. I'm floored by it and am so happy he's responding so well!!!! On the dental thing: this has just been my personal experience with my dogs, cats, and 26 years of client dogs and cats. But I have noticed, especially recently as I'm paying closer...
  6. Jj1008

    Aggressive mom cat and scared kittens

    We’ve got three adult cats (2 neutered male and 1 female), the female gave birth to a litter of 5 kittens before Christmas and all of them have been getting along just fine. The adult male cats would lick the kittens, sometimes play - if it gets a bit rough, the mom intervenes and back to peace...
  7. Biomehanika

    Meet my handsome new man

    Thank you @fionasmom!! He does look good despite all he’s been through, I have such a hard time imagining him living in that place with all those other cats and possibly fighting other Toms over females :sniffle: I was actually sooo apprehensive and conflicted about doing this because I had...
  8. Valerian

    I'm probably going to have to rehome my Zacky...😭😭

    Thank you both @Furballsmom and @Alldara for your thoughts! I might have over-frraked out yesterday..and felt a bit silly after posting since they both looked normal afterwards. It's just that at times, someone does something that looks like it could escalate into something else and I worry. I...
  9. Kwik

    Cats fighting suddenly and all aggresive

    No,but it's not that it's abnormal behavior either,'s a clear indication that something is triggering your cat to not behave as she normallly a sudden change I'm behavior is a normal reaction for a cat when 'something has changed..... @FeebysOwner has mentioned that we often...
  10. iPappy

    Feeling stuck with cat introductions

    I agree. My two cats are 15 and have been together since birth and the second video especially is almost identical to what they do on random occasions.
  11. amethyst

    Cat neutered but no change in behaviour

    How long ago did you get him neutered? Has it already been a few months? If not then it's completely normal for him to still act like an intact male until his hormone levels go down, which can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months (especially if he is an adult). Neutering just prevents...
  12. kamijo

    Mysterious illness

    Main note for everyone before they read this and give out ideas these cats have been to a vet who is dumbfounded by what happened and couldn't help save them. These past few months have two sudden cat deaths which fast acting unknown illnesses and this morning I have been fighting to save my...
  13. S

    Cats accepting a newbie

    It would be appropriate if you were to think of her perspective and situation. With this comment in my last post, it's clear that is exactly what we are doing "We laughed that the apartment she grew up in was about the size of our kitchen and dining room. Suddenly she adds to that space a...
  14. leifybridge

    Cats suddenly smacking each other and hissing?

    Piper and Poppy got along fine after their introduction for about two months, they hung out together, played, ate next to each other, slept in the bed with us, etc. Then one night while we were asleep I heard Poppy yell, the type of yell I’ve only heard once when she accidentally got her tail...
  15. Alldara

    Feeling stuck with cat introductions

    I'm not disagreeing that those aren't things you want to break up at the beginning and early stages when the cats aren't as comfortable with one another. However, signs of play for cats are also those exact same list, with subtle differences. Chasing and wrestling are normal parts of a cat's...
  16. C

    My cat is suddenly attacking his sister

    I have 5 cats and the two oldest are siblings and 2 years old. The female is spayed and the male just got neutered a few weeks ago. Anyways, they got along great for their entire life so far. The girl is a bit skittish but never had issues with the male and she is not aggressive at all. She...
  17. CatsFurever

    cat keeps fighting?

    i have 3 cats. one female and two males. female cat (elsa) is 4 years old and the male cats are (rio) 3 years old and (puma) almost 2 years old. all of them are fixed. it's been few months, puma started fighting with elsa, i don't see any reason for him to fight with her. she doesn't even do...
  18. Ibleo

    My cat gets scared if I follow him outside

    @game misconduct ahahah that also might be a very good reason, considering I'm not a featherweight human either! But I think one of the reasons he loves to stay with us is exactly food, and so the need for hunting might be long gone. He's also a grumpy old cat, probably sleeps 23 hours a day...
  19. KittyCat_chitchat


    Hello and welcome to the forum! Before we get started, thank you so much for rescuing. Firstly, please don't panic! Your new cat has only been home twenty-four hours, so he will still be settling in. Moving into a new environment is stressful for any cat. He will be uncertain and...
  20. tyleete

    High Protein Food Research

    Hi there! Very nice and comprehensive research! And all your sources posted even. I'd like to comment on a few things. First off, people need to know that when the companies throw around the term 'protein', there are actually 2 types of protein in the food. You have meat protein and...