Search Results for Query: toxoplasmosis

  1. P

    Any advice for neurological disorder

    ...research and thought maybe it was an ear infection or vestibular disease of the ear. I took punky to the vet today and the vet suspects toxoplasmosis or a seizure disorder. Punky was prescribed 4 weeks of antibiotics and a follow up appointment in 2 weeks. Vet said there's no way to have a...
  2. PushPurrCatPaws

    With The Last Letter, Make A New 4- Or 5-syllable Word

    Using the last letter of the previous word, post a new 4-syllable OR a 5-syllable word only. (They have to be words, not phrases. - English language only -) ~~~~~~~~~~~ Examples: -- Meridian -- Nanoparticle -- Earthshattering -- Gymnasium et cetera. ================= First word...
  3. Meowmee

    Zena now possibly toxo pneumonia again!

    ...and I told him just use a tiny dose. Another tech comes back in with the paper work and estimate. I had asked the dvm to test him for toxoplasmosis and they forgot to add that on. So she comes back with another one. It’s going to be $498 to do a PCR for Toxoplasma which I thought it was...
  4. H

    Need help please - Seizures

    My cat (2yo neutered DSH male) had been vomiting more than usual for a couple months. The vet suspected he might have developed an allergy/intolerance and suggested to change his food to a novel protein diet, which I didn't do at the time. Instead, I changed his dry food to a limited ingredient...
  5. MyBabyJensenJared

    What's fair?

    Let me preface my post by saying that I'm asking on here because I'm hoping that being cat owners more people will understand a situation that I'm . going to describe I'm not bashing anyone or any animals I'm just going to tell the absolute truth and I need advice please.... In a nutshell a...
  6. D

    Cat has seizures, weight loss, chewing loud

    ...pressed against the edge of a table. We were put on Fenobarbital. We had a check up at a different clinic and they wanted to test for toxoplasmosis due to the variety of symptoms. While waiting for results he started vomiting liquid every morning, and he also chews soft food loudly and is...
  7. Antonio65

    Weird(?) things that I've been told

    ...her Dr. F. One of the cats that were referred to Dr. F. unfortunately couldn't begin the therapy because another underlying disease, Toxoplasmosis, was diagnosed and this vet said that it wasn't possible to treat a FIP cat that has another health condition. This cat died a couple of days...
  8. Stxrcane

    What is your experience with toxoplasmosis?

    Quick history. This is Arden, a former bottle baby that I picked up from an hour away at just 2 weeks old when his siblings suddenly and mysteriously died. I've raised him since then and he hit all of his milestones just fine as a baby, but as he got older he's always acted like an orphan and...
  9. Chris Redfield

    My cat is having progressive tremors and any advice is more than welcome

    ...time when he doesn't have them is when he's in deep sleep (REM phase it seems). Our new veterinarian told us we should test him for toxoplasmosis and if he's negative,we should do MRI test. We took blood sample and we currently waiting for results that should arrive in week and a half...
  10. L

    Cat Shaking Like He Has Chills

    I have had so much cat drama lately. This is what I am dealing with now. I have a cat Oliver who had a weird medical history of a rare bacterial infection in his spleen. He was on long term antibiotics did well and has been good for a little over 2 years now. Antibiotics stopped over 2 years...
  11. Meowmee

    Merlin's death from pneumonia or something else

    My thread on Merlin and pneumonia in the cat health forum is here. I will continue updates here on what is going on. I am doing a necropsy on him at Cornell and will be making complaints most likely against both hospitals and at least one dvm after that. I will also update on any health aspects...
  12. H

    Cat has been losing weight but vet can't find anything

    75 days ago I took my 11 year old cat to the vet because I saw that she was losing weight and she can't/won't eat any solid foods. She will only eat recently opened wet food. She struggles to eat like something is bothering her mouth. She won't groom herself. They took x-rays and blood work and...
  13. willowlock

    Manx Syndrome??

    I have a 12 week old kitten named Bunny. She was found out in the middle of nowhere with no tail, and was otherwise healthy until about 2 weeks ago when she got a prolapsed anus. We took her into the vet and they placed a purse string suture. 3 days later she couldn’t defecate so we had to take...
  14. Erinlinkcappy

    Raw Mince And Toxoplasmosis

    So a few months ago my Cat ( Link) was very sick with toxoplasmosis. He recovered but it was recommended he not eat raw mince again because of the risk of infection. Previously we had been giving him a lot of raw mince. Link loves raw mince and goes mad when we are cooking it to make spaghetti...
  15. N

    my 7mo cat has a sore on his mouth?

    ...him to a vet or is it something that can be brought up when he goes to get altered in a few weeks? he is my BABY. i lost a kitty to toxoplasmosis a few years ago, and i was so hurt that i couldn't bring myself get a new cat for a very long time. i don't want him to be really sick and i'm...
  16. stephanie junca

    Hyperesthesia Kitty

    Hi there, First of all, I feel like I always come back here when I am struggling with one of my kitties and people are so nice and thoughtful here that I just want to say thank you in advance. We adopted Lugosi in July of 2022 knowing he had some behavioral issues. He would overgroom himself...
  17. Tiny Ball of Fuzz

    Sick Kitten with History of Anemia

    I foster kittens for a local cat rescue, and I'm concerned about one of my current fosters. I got her quite a while ago, and a few weeks ago, she became very sick. Her rectum prolapsed, and that drove me to ask about her overall health and lethargy. She was taken to a vet's and stayed the night...
  18. C

    Do not feed raw: feline toxoplasmosis

    Toxoplasmosis in Cats I fed my baby raw her entire life because I've read and heard benefits of raw diet. Please read about feline toxoplasmosis. I wish I had known about it before I put her on raw diet. It all started with problems with lung then she started vomiting and refused to eat. 3...
  19. N

    Just curious on other peoples’ experience with young cats that have seizures?

    My shelter is aware and the vet returns tomorrow so we’ll figure out a game plan for treatment at that point but I’m interested in hearing about other peoples’ experiences with kittens that have seizures! I took in a special needs foster kitten. He came to the shelter with his mama and seven...
  20. CatladyJan

    Sick Cat Hiding Under Bathtub

    I have a sick cat that is hiding underneath my bathtub. I need to get her out. I need suggestion for long flexible items such as a toilet snake to get her out. please share ideas. Thank you.